GEO_Vocab_GP4_Biomes Flashcards
Dry climates which receive less than 25cm of rain per year.
Temperate deserts
Deserts which tend to be cold with freezing temperatures at night
Forests which expereince drought part of the year
Tropical dry forests
a dry environment with long cold winters and short cool summers. The top layer of soil freezes during the winter and thaws during the summer and beneath this layer is constantly frozen permafrost.
Tropical Forests
Warm year round and the only seasons they experience are wet and dry seasons.
Temperate Grasslands
Warm summers and cold winters - with too little rain for tress
a large region characterized by a specific type of climate and the plants and animals that live there
a dry environment with long cold winters and short cool summers. The top layer of soil freezes during the winter and thaws during the summer and beneath this layer is constantly frozen permafrost.
Warm year round and the only seasons they experience are wet and dry seasons.
Tropical Forests
Warm temperature year round with a short rainy season
Tropical Grasslands
Deserts which tend to be cold with freezing temperatures at night
Temperate deserts
Warm summers and cold winters - with too little rain for tress
Temperate Grasslands
taiga (Boreal Forest)
are found just south of the tundra. This area experiences long cold winters an short warm summers. Conifer forests and little else grow here.
temperate forests
experience four seasons with warm summers, and cold winters, and high precipitation. Some are deciduous while others are coniferous.
Seasonally or permanently saturated with water - some of these are freshwater, some are saltwater
Tropical Deserts
Deserts which tend tostay above freezing while experiencing a large daily temperature range
Tropical Grasslands
Warm temperature year round with a short rainy season
are found just south of the tundra. This area experiences long cold winters an short warm summers. Conifer forests and little else grow here.
taiga (Boreal Forest)
Forests which are wet year-round
Tropical rain forests
cool wet winters and hot dry summers. Plants are mainly drought resistant evergreen shrubs.
Mediterranean climates (Chaparral)
Tropical rain forests
Forests which are wet year-round
a large region characterized by a specific type of climate and the plants and animals that live there
experience four seasons with warm summers, and cold winters, and high precipitation. Some are deciduous while others are coniferous.
temperate forests
Dry climates which receive less than 25cm of rain per year.
Seasonally or permanently saturated with water - some of these are freshwater, some are saltwater
Tropical dry forests
Forests which expereince drought part of the year
Deserts which tend tostay above freezing while experiencing a large daily temperature range
Tropical Deserts
Mediterranean climates (Chaparral)
cool wet winters and hot dry summers. Plants are mainly drought resistant evergreen shrubs.
Prairies, steppes, veldt, pampas and savannas
Other terms for Grasslands
Other terms for Grasslands
Prairies, steppes, veldt, pampas and savannas