GEO__GP3_ Dec 16_Saltwater Systems Flashcards
Continental deflection
When surface currents hit the continents they change direction
benthic; pelagic
The ocean can be separated into two environments, the ______ environment and the ______ environment.
Very large waves that form from a sudden large release of energy in the ocean
neap tides
These occur when the sun and moon form a 90 degree angle with the Earth. During this event, the tidal range is smallest.
The vertical difference between sea surface height during high and low tide
tidal range
Where the ground is steeply sloped going into the deep ocean.
continental slope
_____ is the height of the wave. The stronger the ocean wave the higher this is.
continental rise
located at the base of the continental slope where sediment builds.
Air or water moving in a direction
Where tow tectonic plates meet and pull apart from each other a ______ ____ is formed. Here magma creates sea floor.
abyssal plain
At the bottom of the ocean is the _____ ____, a large flat area covered with sediment.
tidal range
The vertical difference between sea surface height during high and low tide
nerritic zone
the water over the continetnal shelf and contains most marine life. Here the environment is warm and sunlit.
benthic environment; benthos, benthic
The _______ ______ includes the ocean floor and all the organisms that live on or in it. These organisms are called _____ or _____ organisms.
Stream-like movements of water far beneath the surface
deep currents
The amount of salt dissolved in water
all the water in the ocean not over a continental shelf. The water here is colder and darker.
oceanic zone
The ocean can be separated into two environments, the ______ environment and the ______ environment.
benthic; pelagic
When cold nutrient-rich water rises to the surface and replaces warm surface water
The _______ ______ includes the ocean floor and all the organisms that live on or in it. These organisms are called _____ or _____ organisms.
benthic environment; benthos, benthic
oceanic zone
all the water in the ocean not over a continental shelf. The water here is colder and darker.
intertidal zone
The _____ ______ is located between the limits of the high and low tide. Organisms that live here must be able to withstand changes in water cover, temperature, salinity and wave energy.
the water over the continetnal shelf and contains most marine life. Here the environment is warm and sunlit.
nerritic zone
ocean wave
An _______ ______ is the movement of energy through water. Most are caused by wind
Very large waves that form from a sudden large release of energy in the ocean
Surface currents
Stream like movements of water that occur at or near the surface of the ocean
When cold nutrient-rich water rises to the surface and replaces warm surface water
ocean trenches
Form where one plate is subducting beneath another plate.
The region beneath the water where the temperature drops
These occur when the sun and moon are aligned. During this event, the coastline experiences the maximum tidal range.
spring tides
located at the base of the continental slope where sediment builds.
continental rise
Begins at the shoreline and ends where the slope of the ground increases.
continental shelf
animal like plankton
At the bottom of the ocean is the _____ ____, a large flat area covered with sediment.
abyssal plain
animal like plankton
El Nino affects the climate of many parts of the world. It can cause ______, _______ and reduce the productivity of __________.
flooding; droughts; fisheries
The benthic environment is divided into 5 zones: the ____ zone, the ________ zone, the ________ zone, the ______ zone, and the _______ zone.
intertidal; sublittoral; bathyal; abyssal; hadal
These occur when the sun and moon form a 90 degree angle with the Earth. During this event, the tidal range is smallest.
neap tides
Some shorelines experience two almost equal high tides and low tides each day called ______ ______.
semi-diurnal tide
Where tow tectonic plates meet and pull apart from each other a ______ ____ is formed. Here magma creates sea floor.
continental slope
Where the ground is steeply sloped going into the deep ocean.
El Nino
Every 2-12 years the trade winds weaken and reduce the amount of upwelling that occurs along the Western coast of South America. The normally cold and nutritious water is replaced with warm surface water. This phenomena is called _________.
plantlike plankton and photosynthesize.
The curving of moving objects from a straight path due to the rotation of the earth
The Coriolis Effect
Air or water moving in a direction
Some shorelines experience only one high and one low tide each day called _______ _______.
diurnal tide
winds that blow across the entire Earth
global winds
deep currents
Stream-like movements of water far beneath the surface
intertidal; sublittoral; bathyal; abyssal; hadal
The benthic environment is divided into 5 zones: the ____ zone, the ________ zone, the ________ zone, the ______ zone, and the _______ zone.
When surface currents hit the continents they change direction
Continental deflection
Some shorelines experience two uneven high tides and low tides each day called _______ ______
mixed tide
The region beneath the water where the temperature drops
semi-diurnal tide
Some shorelines experience two almost equal high tides and low tides each day called ______ ______.
Organisms that cannon swim against the currents; so they float in the water column.
The ________ _______ is located between low tide and the end of the continental shelf. This zone is full of sunlight and contains relatively warm water.
sublittoral zone
Form where one plate is subducting beneath another plate.
ocean trenches
Stream like movements of water that occur at or near the surface of the ocean
Surface currents
Every 2-12 years the trade winds weaken and reduce the amount of upwelling that occurs along the Western coast of South America. The normally cold and nutritious water is replaced with warm surface water. This phenomena is called _________.
El Nino
The mass movement of the ocean water due to the gravitational forces of the moon and sun. Each day they change the sea surface height all over the world.
The Coriolis Effect
The curving of moving objects from a straight path due to the rotation of the earth
Underwater volcanoes form __________ which become volcanic islands if they grow above the surface of the water.
Organisms that cannon swim against the currents; so they float in the water column.
freely swimming ocean organisms
An _______ ______ is the movement of energy through water. Most are caused by wind
ocean wave
flooding; droughts; fisheries
El Nino affects the climate of many parts of the world. It can cause ______, _______ and reduce the productivity of __________.
global winds
winds that blow across the entire Earth
continental shelf
Begins at the shoreline and ends where the slope of the ground increases.
freely swimming ocean organisms
pelagic environment
The second ocean environment is the _______ ____. It consists of all the water in the ocean and the organisms that live above the ocean floor.
mixed tide
Some shorelines experience two uneven high tides and low tides each day called _______ ______
spring tides
These occur when the sun and moon are aligned. During this event, the coastline experiences the maximum tidal range.
The _____ ______ is located between the limits of the high and low tide. Organisms that live here must be able to withstand changes in water cover, temperature, salinity and wave energy.
intertidal zone
sublittoral zone
The ________ _______ is located between low tide and the end of the continental shelf. This zone is full of sunlight and contains relatively warm water.
_____ is the height of the wave. The stronger the ocean wave the higher this is.
diurnal tide
Some shorelines experience only one high and one low tide each day called _______ _______.
The amount of salt dissolved in water
The second ocean environment is the _______ ____. It consists of all the water in the ocean and the organisms that live above the ocean floor.
pelagic environment
Underwater volcanoes form __________ which become volcanic islands if they grow above the surface of the water.
The mass movement of the ocean water due to the gravitational forces of the moon and sun. Each day they change the sea surface height all over the world.
plantlike plankton and photosynthesize.