GEO_Vocab_GP4_Atmosphere and Climate Flashcards
Transfer of thermal energy by the circulation of a fluid (air or liquid)
Greenhouse Effect
This occurs when the gases in the Earth’s atmosphere trap thermal energy and keep the planet warm.
average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time. Primarily determined by temperature and precipitation
Mediterranean climates (Chaparral)
cool wet winters and hot dry summers. Plants are mainly drought resistant evergreen shrubs.
a stratus cloud that is formed when water vapor condenses near the ground
the boundary formed when two air masses with different characteristics collide
a large region characterized by a specific type of climate and the plants and animals that live there
wind created by
differences in air pressure; the greater the air pressure difference the stronger the wind.
cool wet winters and hot dry summers. Plants are mainly drought resistant evergreen shrubs.
Mediterranean climates (Chaparral)
The layer closest to the earth’s surface from 0-16km in altitude. It contains about 90% of the atmosphere’s air. CO2, water vapor, clouds, air pollution and weather all reside in this layer.
The layer that is 16-50 km in altitude and is very thin except for the upper portion which contains a large amount of ozone.
Transfer of energy from one thing to another by direct contact.
weather which causes property damage or harm to people.
severe weather
a wind reversal which causes changes in air pressure and precipitation in a particular area.
Transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves.
a stratus cloud that is formed when water vapor condenses near the ground
prefix for clouds that form at low altitudes
the most common form of solid precipitation; it is made up of ice crystals when water freezes very quickly.
Tropical rain forests
Forests which are wet year-round
occurs when cold air displaces warm air, pushing it up and often creating thunderstorms , rain or snow, followed by cold weather
cold front
global winds
move across the entire Earth in specific directions.
prefix for clouds that form at high altitudes
Convection current
A circular movement of air caused by the continual process of rising and falling air.
Transfer of thermal energy by the circulation of a fluid (air or liquid)
Dry climates which receive less than 25cm of rain per year.
air mass
a large body of air with a similar temperature and humidity throughout; characteristics depend on where they form
sound waves caused when lightning strikes releasing energy which causes air to expand rapidly moving faster that the speed of sound
A circular movement of air caused by the continual process of rising and falling air.
Convection current
This occurs when the gases in the Earth’s atmosphere trap thermal energy and keep the planet warm.
Greenhouse Effect
prefix for clouds that form at middle altitudes
occurs when cold and warm air meet and stay fairly still. Weather can be similar to that of a warm front
stationary front
Forests which are wet year-round
Tropical rain forests
Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane
greenhouse gases
taiga (Boreal Forest)
are found just south of the tundra. This area experiences long cold winters an short warm summers. Conifer forests and little else grow here.
A mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth
Seasonally or permanently saturated with water - some of these are freshwater, some are saltwater
lumps of ice which form in layers high up in the air; the ice will fall towards the ground until an updraft brings it higher where it will freeze, then fall again and repeat the process many times
Deserts which tend tostay above freezing while experiencing a large daily temperature range
Tropical Deserts
differences in air pressure; the greater the air pressure difference the stronger the wind.
wind created by
prefix for clouds that form at high altitudes
a large rotating tropical weather system with wind speeds of at least 119 km/hr.
tropical cyclone
The layer from 50-80km and is a cold, thin layer with heavy winds.
Warm summers and cold winters - with too little rain for tress
Temperate Grasslands
occluded front
occurs when a cold fron overtakes a wanr front forcing the warm air up. This type of front bring cold temperatures and a lot of precipitation.
large electrical discharge between two oppositely charged surfaces
Highest layer from 80-600 km, and is a thin layer with a high temperature.
Warm temperature year round with a short rainy season
Tropical Grasslands
experience four seasons with warm summers, and cold winters, and high precipitation. Some are deciduous while others are coniferous.
temperate forests
freezing rain; the liquid water droplets freeze as they fall to Earth
Temperate Grasslands
Warm summers and cold winters - with too little rain for tress
Forests which expereince drought part of the year
Tropical dry forests
Upper part of the mesosphere and the lower part of the thermosphere make up this layer. This layer absorbs x-rays and gamma rays. This energy can create ions which make colorful displays called auroras.
a dry environment with long cold winters and short cool summers. The top layer of soil freezes during the winter and thaws during the summer and beneath this layer is constantly frozen permafrost.
local winds
move short distances and can blow in any direction
stationary front
occurs when cold and warm air meet and stay fairly still. Weather can be similar to that of a warm front
lumps of ice which form in layers high up in the air; the ice will fall towards the ground until an updraft brings it higher where it will freeze, then fall again and repeat the process many times
a small rotating column of air that has high wind speeds and low central pressure that touches the ground
The height of an object above the Earth’s surface
temperate forests
experience four seasons with warm summers, and cold winters, and high precipitation. Some are deciduous while others are coniferous.
Tropical Forests
Warm year round and the only seasons they experience are wet and dry seasons.
localized intense weather systems that produce thunder, lightning, strong winds and rains. Occur when warm moist air rises quickly, frequently along cold fronts, and creates cumulonimbus clouds.
cirrus clouds
thin feathery clouds made of ice that form at high altitudes.
Deserts which tend to be cold with freezing temperatures at night
Temperate deserts
Transfer of energy from one thing to another by direct contact.
Transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves.
stratus clouds
form in layers and cover wide areas.
a wind reversal which causes changes in air pressure and precipitation in a particular area.
Ozone layer
This absorbs UV light and protects the Earth. Part of the stratosphere.
localized intense weather systems that produce thunder, lightning, strong winds and rains. Occur when warm moist air rises quickly, frequently along cold fronts, and creates cumulonimbus clouds.
Tropical dry forests
Forests which expereince drought part of the year
the condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place. Formed and defined by many different characteristics such as temperature, hunidity, precipitation and air pressure.
This absorbs UV light and protects the Earth. Part of the stratosphere.
Ozone layer
large electrical discharge between two oppositely charged surfaces
form in layers and cover wide areas.
stratus clouds
Temperate deserts
Deserts which tend to be cold with freezing temperatures at night
a large region characterized by a specific type of climate and the plants and animals that live there
the boundary formed when two air masses with different characteristics collide
occurs when a cold fron overtakes a wanr front forcing the warm air up. This type of front bring cold temperatures and a lot of precipitation.
occluded front
cold front
occurs when cold air displaces warm air, pushing it up and often creating thunderstorms , rain or snow, followed by cold weather
Prairies, steppes, veldt, pampas and savannas
Other terms for Grasslands
freezing rain; the liquid water droplets freeze as they fall to Earth
The layer from 50-80km and is a cold, thin layer with heavy winds.
global warming
throughout history humans have burned fossil fuels (petroleum, coal, natural gas) which release carbon dioxide into the air. This increase in greeenhouse gases has caused the Earth’s climate to warm at a rate faster than ever before. This warming of the earth is called _____ _____.
Highest layer from 80-600 km, and is a thin layer with a high temperature.
cumulonimbus clouds
move across the entire Earth in specific directions.
global winds
The layer closest to the earth’s surface from 0-16km in altitude. It contains about 90% of the atmosphere’s air. CO2, water vapor, clouds, air pollution and weather all reside in this layer.
Upper part of the mesosphere and the lower part of the thermosphere make up this layer. This layer absorbs x-rays and gamma rays. This energy can create ions which make colorful displays called auroras.
cumulus clouds
big, white, puffy cloudswith flat bottoms. When they get saturated they get dark and can produce thunderstorms (cumulonimbus clounds)
throughout history humans have burned fossil fuels (petroleum, coal, natural gas) which release carbon dioxide into the air. This increase in greeenhouse gases has caused the Earth’s climate to warm at a rate faster than ever before. This warming of the earth is called _____ _____.
global warming
liquid precipitation
Seasonally or permanently saturated with water - some of these are freshwater, some are saltwater
big, white, puffy cloudswith flat bottoms. When they get saturated they get dark and can produce thunderstorms (cumulonimbus clounds)
cumulus clouds
prefix for clouds that form at middle altitudes
fossil fuels
petroleum, coal, natural gas
a large body of air with a similar temperature and humidity throughout; characteristics depend on where they form
air mass
severe weather
weather which causes property damage or harm to people.
occurs when warm air mass slowly moves ofer and replaces cold air creating drizzly precipitation and warm weathe rafter it has passed
warm front
cumulonimbus clouds
tropical cyclone
a large rotating tropical weather system with wind speeds of at least 119 km/hr.
sound waves caused when lightning strikes releasing energy which causes air to expand rapidly moving faster that the speed of sound
liquid precipitation
a dry environment with long cold winters and short cool summers. The top layer of soil freezes during the winter and thaws during the summer and beneath this layer is constantly frozen permafrost.
Warm year round and the only seasons they experience are wet and dry seasons.
Tropical Forests
Tropical Grasslands
Warm temperature year round with a short rainy season
average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time. Primarily determined by temperature and precipitation
The height of an object above the Earth’s surface
prefix for clouds that form at low altitudes
are found just south of the tundra. This area experiences long cold winters an short warm summers. Conifer forests and little else grow here.
taiga (Boreal Forest)
Other terms for Grasslands
Prairies, steppes, veldt, pampas and savannas
A mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth
the condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place. Formed and defined by many different characteristics such as temperature, hunidity, precipitation and air pressure.
a small rotating column of air that has high wind speeds and low central pressure that touches the ground
the most common form of solid precipitation; it is made up of ice crystals when water freezes very quickly.
Tropical Deserts
Deserts which tend tostay above freezing while experiencing a large daily temperature range
thin feathery clouds made of ice that form at high altitudes.
cirrus clouds
greenhouse gases
Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane
Dry climates which receive less than 25cm of rain per year.
petroleum, coal, natural gas
fossil fuels
The layer that is 16-50 km in altitude and is very thin except for the upper portion which contains a large amount of ozone.
move short distances and can blow in any direction
local winds
warm front
occurs when warm air mass slowly moves ofer and replaces cold air creating drizzly precipitation and warm weathe rafter it has passed