GEO__GP3_ Nov 15_Freshwater Systems Flashcards
the removal and transport of rock and soil
recharge zone
the ground zone where water enters an aquifer
old rivers
low gradient and low erosive power; it deposits sediment along its banks
the process by which material is dropped or settled
rock and soil deposited by streams
pollution which comes from one particular point such as a sewer pipe or factory drain
point-source pollution
- Youthful rivers; 2. Mature rivers; 3. Old rivers; 4. rejuvenated rivers
4 river stages
mature rivers
erodes it channel wider than deeper
a rock layer that stores and allows the flow of ground water
the process by which material is dropped or settled
smaller streams or rivers that flow into larger ones
the land that is flooded when rivers flood
flood plain
(drainage basin) land drained by a river system , which includes that main river and its tributaries
point-source pollution
pollution which comes from one particular point such as a sewer pipe or factory drain
the ground zone where water enters an aquifer
recharge zone
water table
where the zone of aeration and saturation meet
erodes it channel wider than deeper
mature rivers
where the zone of aeration and saturation meet
water table
a human-made hole that is deeper than the level of water table; therefore wells fill with groundwater
erodes its channel deeper than wide
youthful rivers
when the water table is lower than the level of a cave, the cave is no longer supported by the water underneath; the roof of the cave can hen collapse leaving a circular depression
the introduction of a substance into the environment that has harmful or poisonous effects
low gradient and low erosive power; it deposits sediment along its banks
old rivers
flood plain
the land that is flooded when rivers flood
the oath that a stream follows
the introduction of a substance into the environment that has harmful or poisonous effects
the removal and transport of rock and soil
youthful rivers
erodes its channel deeper than wide
the amount of water a stream or river carries in a given amount of time (gallons/hour)
smaller streams or rivers that flow into larger ones
the water located within the rocks below the earth’s surface
ground water
a rock layer that stores and allows the flow of ground water
a rock layer with open spaces
pollution which does not come from a single source. Examples include pesticides and fertilizers from agriculture.
nonpoint-source pollution
dripstone hanging from top of cave
ground water
the water located within the rocks below the earth’s surface
when land is raised by Earth’s tectonic plates
rejuvenated rivers
a rock layer with open spaces
nonpoint-source pollution
pollution which does not come from a single source. Examples include pesticides and fertilizers from agriculture.
rock and soil deposited by streams
a human-made hole that is deeper than the level of water table; therefore wells fill with groundwater
the measure of the change of elevation over a certain distance
the oath that a stream follows
when the water table is lower than the level of a cave, the cave is no longer supported by the water underneath; the roof of the cave can hen collapse leaving a circular depression
rejuvenated rivers
when land is raised by Earth’s tectonic plates
4 river stages
- Youthful rivers; 2. Mature rivers; 3. Old rivers; 4. rejuvenated rivers
the amount of water a stream or river carries in a given amount of time (gallons/hour)
dripstone hanging from top of cave
dripstone growing up in cave
the materials carried in a stream’s water
the measure of the change of elevation over a certain distance
dripstone growing up in cave
the materials carried in a stream’s water
(drainage basin) land drained by a river system , which includes that main river and its tributaries