Genghis khan Flashcards
Who was Ganges Khan?
Leader of the Mongols.
True or false, his empire was the smallest ever.
False, his empire was the largest in the world.
What was his fighting style?
Very skilled horsemen, used bow and arrows.
What did the Warriors wear?
Leather armer and silk shirts.
How did he get what he wanted?
Burned the town, and killed everyone.
Was was Khans’ goals in life?
To conquer Asia and Europe under Mongol rule.
Was did Gangis Khan’s name mean?
Universal ruler of all.
What was Khan’s rule like?
When did Mongol warriors get their first horse?
Age four.
True or false, Khan had one true love.
Did khan have a son?
Yes, but he was weak.
True or false, Khan was the oldest of his brothers.
Did khan kill his brother?
How long did he live?
About 64 years.
Why did Khan kill everyone who wasn’t loyal?
To strike fear.
What would he fling over the walls?
Fiery balls of hay and flammable goo.
Did khan throw bodies over the walls?
Oh yeah!!
What would happen if someone came out and surrendered?
They would be killed, or used as a human shield.
How large was his empire?
Twice as large as Rome, three times bigger than Alexander and Cyrus, and 1.5 times bigger then the U.S.
We’re people afraid of Khan?
Yes. You’d be stupid not to be.