Exams Flashcards
What is a topography map?
A map that shows the elevation of the land.
What is Eurasia?
The content that Europe and Asia are located on.
True or false, the ural mountains are the barrier between Asia and Europe?
Which part of Europe has many mountains?
The southern part
What is the Northern European Plain?
The flat area in the middle of Europe.
What are the abiotic and biotic things in the European plain?
Many trees and rivers
What is latitude?
Imaginary horizontal lines that show position.
What is longitude?
Vertical invisible lines that show position.
What is life like in Southern Europe?
People live on the coast
Many fishermen
What naturally protects the southern part of Europe?
The Alps.
What was life like in the Northern part of Europe?
People lived further from the sea.
They used numerous rivers to get around and to reach the seas
Many towns developed on Rivers an example is Paris
There was many flat field for farming.
What was bad about living in the northern part of Europe?
There was not good protection because there were no mountains and they were frequently invaded.
What are the 3 reasons Christianity spread through the Roman empire?
Paul wrote epistles, Roman roads, disciples, and Emperor Constantine.
Who are missionaries?
People that traveled to try and convert others to their faith.
Who is a famous missionary?
Saint Patrick.
Who are monks?
Religious men who lived apart from society.
What did monks do?
Ran schools, copied books, collected writing for ancient Greece and Rome, served as scribes to local rulers, and spent their time in prayer work and meditation.
What did monk rules include?
World included how to eat, dress, pray, and live.
Who did Charlemagne lead?
the franks.
True or false, Charlemagne was not a Christian.
What did Charlemagne do?
Helped the European people and made them realize that they were all European and not just individual tribes.
How did Charlemagne connect the European tribes?
He said that Christianity connect them along with them all being from Europe.
What was Charlemagne crown?
Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire by Pope Leo the third.
What happened after the fall of Rome with the land?
Various groups claimed they were the rulers of Rome and divided it into many small kingdoms.
What marked the beginning of the middle ages or medieval Europe?
When Europe was divided into many small kingdoms.
Why were the middle ages called the “Middle” Ages?
Because the time falls between ancient and modern times.
Why was it called “medieval”?
Medieval means middle in Latin.
Who created feudalism?
The franks in the 1000 technically by William the conqueror.
Who was William the conqueror?
A French nobles who declared war on Britain.
What did William the conqueror do?
He declared war on Britain and with the help of those nights he defeated the English king and called him something he became known as William the conqueror.
How did William the Conqueror create feudalism?
He gave large fiefs to people who helped him conquer Britain.
What is manorialism?
The economical system of the middle ages mostly in the manors.
True or false, and manorialism the manner is self-sufficient.
What did people do in the manor during manorialism?
They lived, raised crops and made nearly everything that they needed on the manor. That included: their clothes and cutting down their own wood.
What is the geography of Europe?
Europe is one large peninsula made up of many smaller peninsulas.
True or false did not matter what class women were, they were always lower then men?
What did women have to do for their father/husbands?
Obey them until they were married off or until someone died.
What would happen if a women’s husband died and he was in control of an estate?
Their son would receive control of the estate.
Could a son make a choice if his mother should still live in an estate or not?
When were women usually married?
Around 13-16.
What was a marriage like?
A business deal
What did noble women
Directed the servants of the manner when the husbands were not home.
What did surf women do?
Helped provide for the family
What kind of boy of noble class become?
A knight.
How many steps were there to be a knight?
Describe the first step to becoming a knight.
A noble boy at the age of seven served as a page he learned lately manners and how to take care of weaponry.
Describe the second step to becoming a knight.
A noble boy who is a teenager served as a squire he takes care of the Knight’s horse armor and weapons.
What is a page and what does he do for a knight?
A seven-year-old boy who learn nightly manners and how to care for weaponry.
What is a Squire for a knight and what does he do?
A Noble teenage boy that takes care of the knight’s horse armor and weapons
True or false, when a night felt that his squire was ready, he would not take the teen into battle, but give him a horse.
False, when a knight felt his Squire was ready they would both go into battle and if the Squire succeeded he would become a knight in a religious ceremony.
What is chivalry?
A system of rules that dictates a knight’s behavior towards others.
What were four rules in chivalry?
Be courageous and fight fairly -If a knight use tricks they would be considered a coward Remain loyal to friends and your lord. Keep your word Courteous to women and less powerful
Who is Genghis Khan?
Leader of the Mongols.
What was Genghis Khan’s accomplishment?
He created the largest empire that the world has ever seen.
What did Genghis Khan’s name mean?
Universal ruler of all.
What was Genghis Khan’s goal?
To conquer all of Europe and Asia under Mongol rule.
What was Genghis Khan’s fighting style?
Very skilled horseman with Bows and arrow’s.
What did Genghis Khan’s soldiers wear?
Leather armor and silk shirts to protect themselves from arrows.
What would happen if Genghis Khan conquered a city?
He would kill full villages of men, women, and children.
What would Genghis do to enemy men?
Used them as human shields against their own people.
What would Genghis Khan do to you if you were not loyal?
Killed you
True or false, as Genghis Khan’s reputation grew, the fear of the Mongols did not spread but a revolution came up?
False, as Genghis Khan’s reputation grew, the fear of the Mongols spread.
Who is Kublai Khan?
Genghis Khan’s grandson.
What did Kublai Khan do for his grandfather?
Finished the conquest for China.
True or false, Kublai Khan declared himself emperor and was it the first time in history that China was ruled by a foreigner?
Who started the Yuan dynasty?
Kublai Khan
What is a dynasty?
A Chinese empire with all the same bloodline ruling.
List the 4 ways the Mongols were different than the Chinese.
They had a different language
Worshiped different gods
Wore different clothing
Had different customs
True or false Kublai forced the Chinese to except the Mongol way.
Why didn’t Kublai make the Chinese follow the Mongol Way?
They thought the Chinese were a lesser people.
What did the Mongols make the Chinese do?
Pay higher taxes
Build roads, canals, and palaces.
Why did the Mongols make the Chinese do more work than the Mongol people?
To keep control of the Chinese.
True or false, the Mongols were respected traders?
Did the Mongols welcome foreign traders into China?
Who is the most famous trader welcomed into China by the Mongols?
Marco Polo.
Who was highly respected by the Mongols?
Marco Polo
What did Marco Polo do?
Wrote about his travels and sparked European interest in China.
What were the three things that made the Yuan dynasty fall?
Loss of Mongol forces weakened her military after the battle of Japan.
Improvements to roads and canals bankrupt the country.
The Chinese rebelled against the Mongols and won.
How did the Mongols lose the battle of Japan?
When the army sailed to Japan, violent storms crippled the forces and then fierce Japanese warriors killed the rest.
What feudalism also being practiced in Japan the same time as it was being practiced in Europe?
What was the order from top to bottom of the classes in feudalism in Japan?
Emperor, Daimyo, Samurai, peasant.
What is a samurai’s job?
To protect the land and his Daimyo.
Did Daimyo come from a noble family like a knight?
True or false only if you’re Daimyos could afford armor and weapons for their samurai?
True, unlike nights, who the Lord supplied everything for, I simmer I had to work for his land food armor and weapons.
What code of conduct and did the Semrai practice?
What does Bushido mean in Japanese?
BOnuS qUesTion!
Way of the warrior
True or false, people who practice Bushido live simple, disciplined lives?
What did samurai believe self-discipline could do?
Make them better warriors.
What did the samurai participate in that required great concentration?
Rituals such as meditation.
Who from samurai families had to follow Bushido?
Men and women.
Why did both men and women in a family practice Bushido?
So the woman could make healthy babies
So the women could learn how to protect her home from robbers
And so the men could be disciplined when they go to war
What must samurai do at all costs?
Without hesitation show complete loyalty to their Daimyo.
What would happen if a samurai lost his honor?
He would be expected to commit suicide rather than live a life of shame.
How could a samurai be shamed?
By disobeying in order, losing a fight, or failing to protect their Daimyo.
Give five ways that feudalism in Japan is the same as feudalism in Europe.
Both have a strict code of honor They both have royalty-King or emperor. Have nobility-Lord Daimyo Warriors-Knights, samurai And workers- serfs peasants.
What are the differences between feudalism in Japan in feudalism in Europe?
Religion -Europeans, Christianity -Japanese, Buddhism, Shinto, Confucians Samurai could not leave their Daimyo -Knights could leave their Lord. -Only of their Daimyo died could they leave. Women have more rights in Japan Art was different -Europe: religious art -Japanese: Nature
What did feudalism still exist after the Mongols?
The Mongols were unsuccessful and taking over and because they were unsuccessful, feudalism still existed.
What is the climate of Arabia?
Hot and dry air.
What is the geography like in Arabia?
Lots of deserts and Sand dunes.
Describe Sand dunes.
Large mountains of sand created by wind that can rise 800 feet high can stretch for hundreds of miles.
What is an oasis?
A wet, fertile area in the desert that is also a main stop for traders.
What are the two ways of life in Arabia?
Nomadic and Sedentary.
Describe a nomad.
People who lived in tents
Raise sheep, goats, and camels.
Traveled in herds and searched for food and water for their animals
Tribes your form because they offer protection
Where did sedentary people make their homes?
In oasis’s where they farmed and those settlements became towns in which merchants and craft people lived.
Where was Muhammed born?
In the city of Mecca.
Briefly summarize who Mohammed is what he did and who is he to the Islam people.
Mohammed was a man in the city of Mecca who was concerned that the wealthy citizens of Mecca were not helping the poor. He went to a cave in Mecca to meditate on it when it angel. To him and made him a profit. He continued to receive messages for the rest of his life. The messages he received form the basis of Islam.
What does Islam mean?
To submit to God.
What is a Muslim?
A follower of the religion Islam.
Who is the Muslim’s God?
What is the Qur’an?
The Islam holy book which includes all the messages collected from Muhammed.
It also describes acts of worship, guidelines for moral behaviour, and rules for social in daily life.
Know that last part.
What is a mosque?
A building for Muslim prayer.
True or false, when praying, Muslims always face Mecca?
True in America that is usually East.
What does monotheistic mean?
To believe in only one god.
Name the three monotheistic religions.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. And his believed that they all share the same God.
What is the main teaching of Islam?
There’s only one God named Muhammed and Alla is his prophet.
What was the main thing Muhammed said?
He said that the world has a beginning and an end. At the final day, God will judge us all. If you believe in him you will live in paradise, but if you do not you will live in suffering.
What is a Jihad?
To make an internal effort or struggle.
What happened after Muhammed’s death?
Muslims in areas of Arabia begin to conquer their neighbors to gain land.
What happened when the Muslims conquered your neighbors?
They set up strict rules for the non-Muslims.
What were the rules the Muslims made for the non-Muslims when they were conquered?
You could not build worship and cannot dress like Muslims
Only Christians and Jews could practice their own religion
Why did Islam spread?
True or false the Muslim still traveled on the Roman and silk roads?
Where is Arabia located?
Between Asia Africa and Europe
How far did the religion Islam spread?
As far as to China, India, Africa, and Spain.
True or false the Muslims excepted other faiths?
Why do people think that Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all share one God?
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Bonus Question⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
They all believed in God, Abraham, and knew about Jesus.
Name the sequence of names of Constantinople.
Constantinople, Byzantium, and then Istanbul
What did Eastern Rome grow into?
Byzantine Empire
Was the first new name Constantinople was given?
What did the Byzantine speak?
Why did the byzantine speak Greek?
Because they were so close to Greece geographically.
What did the Byzantines practice?
The Eastern orthodox religion.
Why was the Byzanthium so important to the Muslims?
It was the only way to get to Europe from Arabia on land.
Who were the Ottoman Empire?
A group of Muslim Turks
Who conquered Byzantium and feed the Byzantine Empire?
Mehmed II.
Who created the name sultan?
Mehmed the second
What was the new name Byzanthium was given?
Who are janissaries?
Christian born boys from conquered cities who converted to Islam to help Mehmed conquer the Byzantine Empire.
Who were the first people to use gun powder in Europe?
How did the janissaries get gunpowder?
Because they got it from the Chinese who used it first.
Who were the Mogul empire?
Muslim Turks in India.
Who began a tolerant really just policy and the Mughal empire?
Emperor Akbar.
What did Emperor up bar believe that Muslims and non-Muslims should have?
He believed they should have the same rights and pay the same amount of taxes.
What allowed Muslims and Hindus to live together in peace in the Mughal empire?
Akbar’s policies that he made.
What did the Mughals become known for?
There monumental works of architecture.
What was the Taj Mahal made for?
A tomb for an emperor.
What happens when a new emperor reverse Akbar’s religious policies after Akbar died?
The new emperor destroyed many Hindu temples and violet killings broke out
the Muegel empire fell.
What are the four Islamic achievements the Muslims made?
Astronomy, geography, mathematics, medicine, and philosophy
What did the achieve an astronomy?
They were skilled in clockmaking, improve the
astrolabe, and figured out their position on the Earth.
What did the Muslims achieve in geography?
They explore the world, and develop better ways to calculate distance.
What did the Muslims achieve in mathematics?
They use the zero, and created the current number system.
What did the Muslims achieve in medicine?
They started the first pharmacy school, discovered how to treat smallpox, and wrote medical encyclopedias.
What did the Muslims achieve in philosophy?
They studied and improved the studies of rational thought.
Name the three artistic achievements the Islamic people made.
Poetry and short stories, mosques, and artwork.
What did the Muslims write in poetry and short stories?
Short stories of Sinhad, Aladdin and Alibaba.m
What achievements did the muslims make in building mosques?
The bill beautiful mosques are Alla.
Built domes, arches, colored bricks, and tiles to decorate them.
What is the climate of Africa?
Hot and dry and rain is very rare there.
What is the geography of Africa?
Africa has the Sahara desert, Rifts, Sahel, mighty rivers, open Savannah, and rain forests.
What is a Sahel?
A strip of land with little rainfall that divides the desert from wetter areas like the rain forest.
What is a rift?
Long deep valleys formed by movements of the earth’s crust.
What is an open Savannah?
Open grassland with scattered trees.
What is a rain forest?
Moist, densely wooded area that has heavy rainfall.
What resources can you get from Africa?
Gold and salt
Is extended family important in Africa?
Finish this sentence: People in some age groups would ______ bans of ______.
People in some age groups would FORM bans of LOYALY.
Why do people in Africa form bands of loyalty with their age group?
To help them work together and to survive.
What is animism?
The believe that bodies of water, animals, trees, and other natural objects have spirits and is the religion of early African countries.
What happened when traders entered Africa?
Gold and salt mines became a source of great wealth.
People started using camels to cross the Sahara.
Crossing the Sahara such a difficult journey?
Temperature sword well over one hundred degrees and plummeted well below freezing at night.
There was no water.
The long distances and unmarked trade routes made many people lost.
And bandits tried to steal expensive goods.
What are the four reasons that crossing the Sahara was a difficult journey?
Temperature water, long distances, and bandits.
⭐️know the first three well⭐️
Why did Ghana settle where it did?
There were many rivers, it was in the Sahel, and the salt and gold trade.
Defined the silent barter.
A process in which people exchange goods without contacting each other directly.
Explain silent barter.
A salt trader would leave slabs of salt on the riverbank and gold miners left what they thought was a fair amount of gold behind to complete the trade.
Why was silent bartering a good thing?
Trade was done peacefully and the location of salt and gold mines was kept a secret.
How did Ghana a rise to power?
1) they controlled the Gold and Salt trade
2) conquer neighbors that might attack them.
When Ghana rose to power how did they become wealthy?
Since they control the salt and gold trade they developed a taxing system which taxed people when they entered and when they left. Ghana’s rulers also did not allow common people to own gold nuggets. Commoners only got Gold dust.
When Donna was writing to power how did the conquer neighbors that might attack them?
They used iron weapons.
I like to remember Ghana as a mini Rome. They conquered their neighbors and were very wealthy
What’s the three reasons Ghana fell?
Invasion, internal rebellion, and overgrazing.
Explain why invasion was one of the reasons Ghana fell.
The Muslims from the north invaded and took control of Ghana’s trade routes.
What happened that internal rebellion was one of the reasons that Ghana fell?
Areas that Ghana conquered rebelled against the rulers and they couldn’t keep control.
Explain why overgrazing was one of the reasons Ghana fell.
The Muslims brought in all their cattle and once the cattle ate all the grass, the solid eroded away.
People starved and then rebelled.
Farmers also moved away and Ghana got none of the wealth that they would provide.
Finish this sentence: Ghana fell when_____ conquered them.
What is the leader Sundiata famous for?
He took back Molly’s independence. He also took over the Sultan gold mines and improved agriculture by adding cotton.
He took power from local rulers called a Monza.
⭐️ remember SUNdiata. He grew cotton⭐️
What was Monza Musa famous for?
Under his power Molly reach it's height. He was a Muslim ruler. Spread Islam through Africa. Make sure all those people new Arabic and how to read the Qur'an. ⭐️Mansa Musa Muslim Mali. Mx4⭐️
Define Mansa.
Local and religious rulers from Mali.
Finish this sentence: Mali fell when____conquered them.
What did Sunni Ali do to improve Songhai?
Unified the empire
Encourage people is empire to build religious harmony
Participated in both Muslim and local religions.
⭐️Sunni is happi⭐️
What did Askia the Great do to improve Songhai?
Supported education.
-many traveled to Songhai for education
Made laws parallel to the Muslim faith.
Removed corrupt local leaders and appointed new governors.
⭐️ remember he asked a question ⭐️
Why was Askia the great called “the great”?
He supported education, removed corrupt local rulers, and appointed new governors.
Finish this sentence: Songhai fell when _____ conquered them.
Who is the Pope?
The head of the church and is believed to be the closest person to God on earth.
What are the duties of the pope?
Chooses policies and laws and teachings
Explain laws or policies.
Teaches people how to live and pray
- remember he chooses the teachings, explains the teachings, teaches people how to live and pray, and if they don’t they get excommunicated.*
What does excommunicate mean?
To be kicked out of the church after working against it.
Why could someone be excommunicated?
If they were against the word of the church or went against the church.
If they did something bad to the church on purpose to the Church itself or it’s officials.
True or false, in the late Middle Ages everyone in Europe is Catholic.
How does everybody being Catholic in the late Middle Ages create a problem?
It opens the door for the church to manipulate.
How does the pope live like royalty in the Middle Ages?
People look to the pope for a political leader.
The church is acted like kings (feudalism).
The Popes lived in huge church like palaces.
Owned a big piece of land called the Holy Roman Empire.
How do popes acting like kings in the late Middle Ages create a problem?
People try to control kings and popes are acting like kings instead of spiritual representatives
What are Friars?
Men who belong to religious orders but lived and work among the general public.
True or false, Friars live very outgoing lives with golden palaces and beautiful clothes.
Friars live simple lives.
How does Breyers live simple lives? List the three reasons.
Owned no property
Wore plain robes and no shoes
Roamed around and preached for food
Who is a famous friar?
St. Francis of Assis.
When was the great schism?
1054 AD.
Describe the great schism of 1054.
Pope Leo IX believed the pope is the center of the church and wanted more power but the bishops of Eastern Europe disagreed and believe they did not need the Pope’s authority.
What caused the great schism a 1054?
Pope Leo IX excommunicated the Bishop of Constantinople causing the great schism which resulted in the church splitting.
What are the crusades?
A long series of wars lasting 200 years between the Christians in the Muslims
Bonus question.
What does crusade mean in Latin?
Marked with a cross.
The Crusaders had shield marked with red crosses; what did they believe the crosses would do?
Protect them from dying.
When did the Crusades begin and when did they end?
- remember, they lasted 200 years*
1096 to 1296 AD.
why did the Christians what the holy land during the Crusades?
Jesus lived as was crucified in Jerusalem.
Why did the Jewish people want Jerusalem during the Crusades?
Solomon’s temple is there.
-it’s where David ruled.
Why did the Muslims want Jerusalem during the crusades?
It is where Muhammed went to heaven.
What fueled the crusades?
The crusades started because of control over the holy land
Christian decided they did not want to share.
Muslims controlled Jerusalem at that time.
Muslims said the Christians could come in on pilgrimages.
But the christened wanted the city for themselves.
Who was the first Crusade called by?
Pope urban II
Why did pope urban II call for the first Crusade?
The pope was worried for his land and called in for Emperor Alexis who was the head of the Orthodox Catholic church to help. He also called all European kings to stop fighting among themselves and fight for Christianity.
Why did people during the Crusades sew red crosses on their chest?
To remind them to fight for Christianity.
What volunteer for the Crusades?
To save their soul
To get treasure
For land
For adventure
Who told the Crusaders who volunteered that Crusading would save their souls?
Pope urban II.
Explain the first Crusade.
Pope urban called up Emperor Alexis and the kings of his land to join forces to attack the Muslims. Then 5000 Crusaders left for the holy land. The peasants attack Jewish people in Germany instead of actually getting to the holy land for the Christians.
The European started a mini Europe but Muslims took it back in 50 years time.
Who won the second Crusade?
The Muslims they kept it after they took it back from the Christians 50 years after they won it.
Who were the important people during the third Crusade?
King Richard the first and Saladin
What happened during the third Crusade?
The rulers of England, France, and the Holy Roman Empire planned to lead their armies into battle. Unfortunately the Kings all died or left except for King Richard I. He respected the Muslim general Salladin and vice-versa. They negotiated and made a treaty that said Christians could come to Jerusalem on pilgrimages if they all kept the peace.
Who is the important person in the fourth Crusade?
Pope Innocent.
What happened during the fourth Crusade?
Pope Innocent called for the fourth Crusade. The Crusaders plans to sail to the holy land and 1201 AD. but they ran out of money for the boats, so they contacted Venice to use Venetian ships. Venice told the Crusaders that if they took Zara for Venice (which was Christian territory) they would lend the Crusaders their boats. The Christians went and took Zara for the Venetians, but once they got back the Venetians told them they could not have any boats. The Crusaders were excommunicated but eventually let back into the Church.
True or false, the children’s Crusade was a real crusade.
False, the children’s Crusade was never a real crusade because it was not called for by the pope.
The important person in the children’s Crusade?
Stephen of Cloyes.
What happened during the children’s Crusade?
A 12-year-old named Stephen of Cloyes lead 30,000 kids to attack Jerusalem because he said he had a letter from Jesus telling him to do so. He told the kids they would walk across the sea, but when the sea never parted for them, they had to take seven boats; five which sank and the rest were taken by pirates. No one knows what happened to them.
How many official Crusades were there?
How many crusades did the Christians win?
I did the Christians not win the Crusades?
Long distance.
The deserts killed the soldiers with the sun and heat stroke and most never got there.
And the Crusaders were outnumbered by the Muslims because if the Crusaders needed reinforcements. they need to get them from Europe.
What effect of the Crusades have on the world?
Trade between Europe and Asia grew.
Cultural diffusion happened
Kings increase their power because many of the Nobles and knights died.
Tensions between Christians, Jews, Orthodox Catholics, and Muslims increased.
When did the Middle Ages start and end. Bonus Question.
500 AD-1,580 AD