genetics part one Flashcards
key term : diploid cell
a cell with two sets of chromosomes (2n) one set from each parent.
key term : gamete
sex cell (egg or sperm)
key terms: gametogenesis
the process in which cell undergo meiosis to form gametes
key term : gene
a segment of DNA
key term : haploid cell
a cell with one set of chromosomes e.g. gametes/ssex cells
key term : CVS
a prenatal test from a tissue sample in the placenta to determine genetic issues
key term : heredity
the passing of traits/genetic info from parent to offspring
key term : karyotype
a picture of the number and appearances of chromosomes in a nucleus
key term : karyogram
a picture of chromosomes in homologous pairs from smallest to biggest.
key term : locus/loci
where genes are located on a chromosome
key term : meiosis
a type of cell division that goes from germ cells to sex cells. result is 4 daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
key term : chromosome
a thread strand with DNA in it found in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell.
key term : mitosis
the process in which a cell divides (duplicated chromosomes separate)
key term : monosomy
missing a chromosome
key term : nitrogen bases
the middle of the DNA
key term : non-disjunction
incorrect cell division during production of female (common) and male (rare) gametes, occurs in meiosis one or two
key term : nucleotide
building block of DNA, made of sugar, phosphate and base
Key term : polyploid
a cell with more then 2 sets of chromosomes e.g. seedless watermelon
key term : sexual reproduction
individuals are produce from the fusion of two gametes, offspring is genetically different
key term : syndrome
group of disorders that occur together
key term : trait
a characteristics that an organism passing onto its offspring through genes
key term : trisomy
having an extra chromosome
key term : zygote
fertilized egg (sperm and egg) (diploid)
key term : genetics
the study of heredity and variation