Genetics 2 Flashcards
What were mendel conclusions
- For each trait/gene, an individual carries 2 factors (alleles)
- Law of segregation
- The dominant allele masks the appearance of recessive allele
When do you test cross
To determine if unknown genotype is homozygous or heterozygous
Cross is always between a genotypical and homozygous recessive
What is dominant in human blood types
A and B are co-dominant over O
What will phenotype look like in co dominance
A mix of both alleles
What will phenotypes look like in incomplete dominance
A blend of both alleles
Why did T.H. Morgan study fruit flies
- Reproduce within 2 weeks
- Short life span
- Produce lots of offspring
- Small and easy to keep
- Males are easily distinguished from females
What was T.H. Morgan’s conclusion
Allele for eye colour is located on the sex chromosomes
Females and males expressing traits on sex-linked traits
Females : must receive both alleles to express the trait
Males: must receive only one allele to express the trait
Therefore males are more likely to be diagnosed with hemophilia
What codes one amino acid
Sequence of three DNA bases
How are amino acids linked together
Polypeptide/peptide (protein)
What many possible genotype in Dihybrid crosses
16, 4 gametes from each parents
How do you determine the gametes in Dihybrid crosses
F - first
O - outside
I - inside
L - last
What are enzymes involved in
The expression of the gene (phenotype)
What are the rules when going from DNA to mRNA
G become C
T become A
A become U
Who helps with HGP
International collaboration from 2000+ scientists and a private company - celera genomics
What was the goal of human genome project
Determine the sequence of DNA N-bases (3 million) found of 23 sets of human chromosomes
Examples of manipulating a gene
Bacteria is modified to make insulin for diabetics
Corn is modified to be be resistant to insect/pest
Goats are modified to creat spider milk protein in the the milk
Gene therapy is when you replace a dead or with normal gene to cure a disease