Genetics. Flashcards
What direction is DNA replicated and read?
The 5’ end to the 3’ end.
How do we describe the way DNA strands line up?
The pair up in an anti parallel fashion.
What is at the end of the 5’ end of a DNA strip?
A phosphate.
What is at the 3’ end of a DNA strip?
An OH hydroxyl group.
Describe DNA.
Information molecule, due to sequence of bases. Two strands of DNA bind in an anti parallel form. Sugar is 2-deoxyribose and bases are ACGT
What are the bases of DNA and how do they pair up?
Adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. C-G and A-T.
What are the bases of rNA and how do they pair up?
Adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil.
C-G and A-U.
What is a chromosome?
String of nucleotides wound around proteins e.g histones.
What is the cell cycle?
M - mitosis, G1 - gap 1 which can either lead to G0 (cell resting and just being a cell), or S - synthesis (DNA synthesis) and then G2 - gap, leading back to meiosis.
What happens during S phase of the cell cycle?
DNA replication. DNA can be damaged during this time. Repair mechanisms exist, but defects in these cause disease.
What happens during mitosis?
One diploid parent creates two diploid daughters.
What happens at meiosis?
One diploid parent becomes 4 haploid daughter cells. Crossing over occurs here.
What do diploid and haploid mean?
Diploid= Two of each chromosome to each cell. Haploid = one of each chromosome in each cell.
What is a promoter in genetics?
The region of a gene that determines where RNA polymerase binds and initiates transcription.
What is an intron?
A section of Gene that is transcribed into the primary RNA transcript but is spliced out during exon splicing.
What is an exon?
Segment of a gene that remains after splicing the RNA transcript.
What are the main steps in going from DNA to a protein?x
DNA is transcripts to make pre mRNA. Pre mRNA is spliced to make mRNA. mRNA is translated to make protein.
What allows us to be able to code for proteins even if mutation occurs?
Different base orders can code for the same amino acid.
What factors affect the amount of a protein produced?
Rate of transcription, rate of splicing, half life of mRNA and the rate of processing of a polypeptide.
What is a polymorphism?
Any variation in the human genome that has a population frequency of more than 1% or any variation in the human genome that does not cause a disease in its own right, although it may predispose to one.
What is a mutation?
A gene that causes a genetic disorder or any heritable change in the human genome.
What is a classical genetic disease?
One mutation that is sufficient to cause a disease e.g. Muscular dystrophy.
What is a multi factorial disease?
Multiple polymorphism that cause the risk of a disease.
What causes genetic variation?
Crossing over at meiosis making each human genome slightly different.
What is the key equation for geneticists?
Disease = gene + environment. Phenotype = genotype + environment.
How many chromosomes do we have?
46 in 23 pairs. 22 and one pair of sex chromosomes.
What is a karyotype?
The picture of the chromosomes lines up in their pairs.
How do we recognise different chromosomes?
The banding pattern with specific stains, the length and the position of the centromere.
Describe what a chromosome looks like?
A centromere in the middle with a long (q) and short (p) arm coming out of either side. They have a telomere in each end.
What is a telomere?
Sequence of repeating nucleotides on each end of a chromosome that acts as a protective cap.
What is an acrocentric chromosome?
A chromosome with the centromere very near one end e.g. 14, 15 and Y. The short arm doesn’t really matter.
What is balanced chromosome rearrangement?
All the chromosome material is present.
What are the two types of chromosome rearrangements that can cause disease?
Balanced and unbalanced.
What is unbalanced chromosome rearrangement?
Extra or missing pieces of chromosomal material. Usually one or three copies of the same genome.
What is aneuploidy?
Whole extra or missing chromosome.
What is translocation?
Rearrangement of chromosomes.
What are 5 different kinds of mutation that can cause disease?
Aneuploidy, translocation, insertion, deletion and microdeletion.
What is Down’s syndrome?
Trisomy 21 e.g 3 different chromosome 21’s. Therefore the chromosome complement would be 47 e.g. 47 XY + 21.
What is a robertsonian translocation?
Two acrocentric chromosomes stuck end to end. E.g. R(14:21)
What is a risk of robertsonian translocation and what can this cause?
Increased risk of trisomy in pregnancy. E.g. The mother has two of each chromosome with one of them stuck together (e.g. 14 and 21, giving the appearance of three chromosome in total). Father has two of each. Child may have a normal inheritance, a balanced translocation the same as the mother. Trisomy 14 (miscarriage) or trisomy 21.