Gastric Cancer And Peptic Ulcer Disease. Flashcards
What are we looking for in the physical examination of gastric cancer?
Weight loss, lymph nodes and abdominal mass.
What imaging studies do we do for gastric cancer?
Barium meal and an MRI scan.
What are the alarm features for gastric cancer?
Aged over 55, dysphagia, evidence of GI blood loss, persistent vomiting, unexplained weight loss, upper abdominal mass and anaemia.
What are contraindications for surgery for gastric cancer?
Widely metastatic disease, malignant ascites or brief life expectancy.
What surgery is done for proximal gastric lesions?
Total gastrectomy.
What surgery is done for distal gastric lesions?
Partial gastrectomy.
What are non surgical treatments of gastric cancer?
Tariff therapy, chemotherapy and intubation of proximal lesions.
What is the 5 year survival rate for gastric cancer?
What are the adverse prognostic factors for gastric cancer?
Metastatic disease, short history, advanced age, proximal lesion and superficial gross appearance.
What criteria do we use to define dyspepsia?
Rome III criteria.
What are the Rome III criteria for functional dyspepsia?
No evidence of structural disease (on endoscopy) AND presence of one of the following: Epigastric pain Epigastric burning. Postprandial fullness Early satiety
Last two known as postprandial distress syndrome.
Criteria must be filled for past three months with onset of symptoms 6 months before diagnosis.
What are tow common causes of dyspepsia and peptic ulcer disease?
H pylori and NSAIDS
What percentage do organic causes of dyspepsia account for?
What are the causes?
Peptic ulcer disease, drugs or cancer.
What percentage of dyspepsia is functional?
What are the causes?
no evidence of cause but are often associated with IBS.
What drugs can cause organic dyspepsia?
NSAIDS and COX2 inhibitors.
What does uncomplicated dyspepsia show on examination?
Only epigastric tenderness.
What does complicated dyspepsia show on examination?
Cachexia, mass, evidence of gastric outflow obstruction and peritonitis.
What is the management for dyspepsia in the absence of alarm symptoms?
Check H pylori status and eradicate it which will cure the disease.
If no h pylori then treat with acid inhibition as required.
What are some hypothesised causes of functional dyspepsia?
Combination of genetic factors, visceral hypersensitivity, disrupted gut immune reactions, altered brain gut reactions, psychological factors and abnormal upper GI motor and reflex reactions.
What are the symptoms of peptic ulcer disease?
Pain predominant dyspepsia (to back), often nocturnal pain and dyspepsia, aggravated or relieved by eating. Relapsing and remitting chronic illness.
What patients is peptic ulcer disease more common in?
Lower socioeconomic groups and those with a family history.
What kind of bacteria is helicobacter pylori?
Gram neg microaerophillic flagellated bacillus.