General Operating and Flight Rules Flashcards
What are the requirements for doing simumlated instrutment flight?
Option 1
* Safety Pilot AND
* Dual control OR Pitch,Roll,Raw and Power can be operated from either seat
Option 2
* Outside controlled airspace AND
* If the PIC can remove the simulated device in a timely manner
Requirements of Safe Operations ( CAR 91.201)
4 key points before, during and after flight
PIC Must:
* Review documents
* Perform aircraft inspection
* ensure safe operations
* At completion record any defect in the Tech Log / other format permissable
Crew at Stations (CAR 91.205)
Where must the crew be, at what times?
when are they not required to wear shoulder harness
Crew must be at stations during and wear seatbelt and should harness:
* Landing
* Take-off
* < 1,000 ft
Shoulder Harness is not required if it will interfere with crew dutiies
Seat and Safety Belts ( CAR 91.202 )
When are seat belts required?
5 items, 3 exceptions
Seat belt must be worn by everyone:
* During landing and take-off
* < 1,000 ft
* If the PIC asks
* Aerobatic operations
* Open cockpit - all times
* passengers < 4 yo. If they have a supplementl belt or child seat
* balloons
* Parachute operations
When is Oxygen required? ( CAR 91.209 )
Operations > 13,000 ft
OR > 10,000 ft for more than 30 minutes
Rules for Passenger Briefings
Passengers must be briefed, including:
* Non smoking
* Emergency exiting of the air craft
* Use of electronic devices
This can be done by PIC or representative.
The PIC is NOT required to be sure that the passengers understand
Operating Limits and Emergency Equipment (CAR 91.219 )
What must the PIC know ( 4 things )
PIC needs to know:
* Flight manual
* Placards and listings in the plane
* Use and location of emergency equipment
* procedures to be followed in an emergency
Equipment required ( CAR 91.22 )
What items are required? (4 + 1 special case )
To be carried on aircraft
- A means of telling time
- Appropriate aero charts
- For IFR - Enroute, IFR arrival/depature and terminal area
- Night - torch for every crew member
> 5,700 MCTOW - pilots must use cockpit checklists
Right of Way (CAR 91.229 )
Rules for Head on, converging, overtaking, landing
The exceptions to the rules
Head on
Alter course to the right
If the aircraft is on the right, I give way
Overtake on the right
Overtaking is considered less than 70 degree angle
Plane on final has right of way.
If more than 1 plane of final, lowest plane has right of way
These rules are not be used to overtake a plane on Final
Powered aircraft give way to non-powered, towing
All aircraft give way to parachute operations
Aircraft Lights ( CAR 91.233)
Lights required, on the ground, in the air
And the exception
On the ground
* Plane is illuminated OR
* Position lights are on.
In the Air
* Position lights on
* Anti-collision lights are on, if fitted
Note: Anti-collision lights can be turned of if it has a negative impact on safey
Firearms (CAR 91.9)
Incl. Soliders and police
Can be carried if:
* Stowed
* Disarmed
* Declared
Firearms may be loaded and used if:
* Livestock on the plane OR
* Mission is to immoblised animals on the ground
Firearm must only be loaded within area.
Police/Soliders/Enforcement - paying passengers
* Must be legally entitled to carry firearm as part of duties
* Must be performing those duties
* Director has given approval
* Compliant with restrictions
Flight carrying Police/Soliders as purpose
Firearms must be unloaded UNLESS
Mission requires them to be loaded.
Rules for Operating near other aircraft (CAR 19.227)
Must not operate so close as to create collision hazard
Formation Flying
* Agreed in advance by PIC
* Paying passengers only allowed for:
- parachuting
- Adventure aviation
Rules for dropping objects
Allowable as long as the PIC has taken all reasonable precautions
Aircraft speeds ( CAR 91.235 )
< 10,000 ft - do not exceed 250kts
* IFR - D,E,F,G Airspace
* VFR - C,D,E,F,G Airspace
* Minimum safe speed of aircraft
* Aviation events
What areas are covered in the AIP printed documentation?
- Chart Symbols
- Daylight charts ( NOT definition of CMT and CET )
- Search and Resuce units/Services
- Procedures for search and rescure, incl. symobls to make from the ground
- ELT procedures
- VFR minmuma
- SSR and ATC ( things like ATC must confirm Alt at least once )
- Altitudes for course (NOSE )
- Requirements for Flight plan
- Interception of aircraft
- Unlawful Interface procedures
- Emergency Procedures
- Comms failures
- Speechless techniques
- TIBA ( emergncy ATC )
- Runway Lights ( how to activate - not types )
- Visual Signals