General Flashcards
What does PPL Law Cover
VFR operation of light aircraft
What is the act ( incl. year ) that covers all aviation activities?
Civil Aviation Act, 1990
What does CAR mean?
What is it’s purpose?
Civil Aviation Rule
It defines the details that allow the compliance with the Civil Aviation Act, 1990
What are the CAR Parts and Names for
Part 61 - Pilot Licenses and Ratings
Part 63 - Fllight Engineer
Part 65 - ATS staff
Part 66 - Aircraft Maintenace
Part 67 - Medical
What are the CAR Parts and Names for
Rules of the Air and General Operations
Part 91 - General
Part 92 - dangerous goods
Part 93 - special aerodrome traffic and rules
Part 95 - IFR
Part 101 - Gyro gliders, para sailing, unmanned balloons/rockets
Part 103 - Microlights
Part 104 - Gliers
Part 105 - Parachutes
Part 106 - Hang gliders
Part 108 - Security
What are the CAR Parts and Names for
Certificated Operators
119 - 137
Part 119 - Air operators
Part 121 - Large Planes
Part 125 - Medium Planes
Part 135 - small planes and helis
Part 137 - Ag
Definition of Part 121 - Large Plane vs
Part 125 - Medium Planes vs
Part 135 - small plans and hellis
Large Plane part 121
more than 30 passenger seats or
Payload > 3,140kg
Medium Plane part 125
10 - 30 passenger seats or
payload 3140kg or less
or MCTOW greater than 5,700kg
or single-engine IFR passenger
Small Planes and Helis part 135
9 passenger seats or less OR
MCTOW <= 5,700kg
What does Section 7 of the act cover?
( Aviation Documentation )
All aspects of aviation that require an aviation documentation:
* Mainteinace
* Medical
* Maintenace
What does Section 10 of the Civil Aviation Act, 1990 cover?
Fit and Proper Person
Section 10 - Fit and Proper Person
* Compliance with aviation regs
* mental health or serious behavioral problems
* conviction of a transport safety offence
* The director may use any source, at their discretion
Sources used must be shared, unless harm.
Even with harm, privacy act applies.
What does Section 13 of the Civil Aviation Act cover?
* responsible for all aspects of the flight, including maintenance
* disiplane of people
What does Section 13A of the Civial Aviation Act Cover
(PIC during emergencies)
PIC during emergencies.
With an in flight emergency, under section 13A what can the PIC do?
What must they do during and afterwards?
Can breach any rules IF:
* PIC determines danger to life or property
* Only breaks rules as far as needed to deal with the emergency
* There are no alternatives
* Danger of breaking the rules is less than the emergency danger.
* Notify ATC
* Do a written report as soon as possible
When does section 13A ( emergencies ) apply outside of inflight
What are the rules of application?
Section 13A can apply if there is a urgent need to transport:
persons or supplies
for the proection of life or property.
All the same rules as in inflight emergency apply EXCEPT:
* Can not breach airworthiness rules
* Can not breach pilot licensing rules
* Fly an aircraft not registered in NZ
What does section 27C cover?
Changes in Medical Status
Changes in Medical Status
* Notify the director
* Not exercise privileges
Also others can inform of change:
* medical examiner
* aviation examiner
* operator
Under section 27C medical status - what are the rules on indemification
An individual is protected from charges if:
* they operate in good faith
* the process is followed ( notification to both the Director and License holder)
* They are asked direct questions by the director.
What does Section 27I cover?
Removal of Medical Certificate
Removal of medical certificate
* Director may suspect / restrict
* In writing
* Reason must be included.
If a medical certificate is suspended/revoked - what must the pilot do?
Surrender certificate to:
* Director OR
* Represensative of Director OR
* Constable
Must not use privellges.
How long can the director suspend a medical cert?
10 working days.
They can extend by up to 20 working days.
How long does the license hold have to ask for a medical certificate decision to be re-considered?
20 working days.
What does Section 43 and 43A of the act cover?
- Endangerment
- Operating in Careless Manner
- Opertaing in a Dangerous Manner
- Non-compliance with request for monitoring.
What is the punishment for:
Operating in a careless manner
Operating in a dangerous manner
* Prison <= 12 months OR
* Fine <= $10,000
* Corp. Fine <= $100,000
* Fine <= $7,500
* Corp. Fine <= $35,000
* Prison <= 12 months OR
* Fine <= $10,000
* Corp. Fine <= $100,000
Failure to comply with Monitoring Request
* Fine <= $10,000 + $2,000 per day or part day
* Corp Fine <= $100,000 + $20,000 per day or part day
Defintion of an Accident
Serious injury or fatal injury to person
* Between boarding time and
* Engine stop/props stopped and all passengers disembarked
* Excludes stoways in a place not normally accessiable by crew or passengers
Aircraft suffers signifcant damage or structural failure which
* affects performance or aircraft characteristics
* normally requires replacement or repair
* plane missing
* Exception if damage is limited to Engine/Cowling/Prop/Wings/Dents
Definition of:
Aerodrome Operational Area
Movement areas, strips and safety areas.
Ground installations with the purpose of safe aircraft operations
Definition of:
Alerting Service
Air Traffic Service who:
notifies appropriate orgs regarding aircraft that need search and rescue
AND assist as required.
Definition of:
Area for:
* Unloading/Loading Passengers/Cargo
* Refuelling
* Parking
* Maintenace
Aviation Event
Where aircraft operate below the minimum heights as defined in Part 91 for the purposes of:
* Air show / practice
* Air race / practice
* Aerobatic comp. / practice
Cost Sharing
Not advertised to public
All members (incl. Crew ) share cost of flight equally
No payment for services
Start of Morning Civil Twilight - center of sun 6 degrees below horizon
End of Evening Civil Twilight - center of sun 6 degrees below horizon
End of Evening Civil Twilight - center of sun 6 degrees below horizon
Start of Morning Civil Twilight - center of sun 6 degrees below horizon
Not an accident, but affects or could have affected safety
time nominated by pilot for the alerting actions
Point 1:20 obstacle clear intersects with Runway.
Definition of AWIB
an automatic broadcast of aerodrome and weather information.
What is the definition of the Ceiling?
Height of the base
covering at least 1/2 of the sky
up to 20,000 ft
What is the definition of the vicinity of the aerodrome?
the area around the aerodrome, extending not more than 10 NM
What is the definition of Altitude?
The vertical distance of a level, a point, or an object
measured from mean sea level
What is the definition of Height?
Vertical distance of a level, point or object
From a specific datum
INCLUDES the vertical dimension of the object
What is the CAA code for Weight and Balance?
CAA 2173
What is the CAA code for the Radio Equipment?
CAA 2129