General Development and Management Flashcards
What is development?
Orderly and relatively enduring changes over time in physical and neurological structures, though processes and behaviours
What is maturation?
Universal sequence of biological events occuring in the body and brain that permits a psychological function to appear
What is a term infant?
Born at gestational age between 37 and 42 completed weeks
What is a neonate?
Birth to 4 weeks old
What is an infant?
4 weeks to 1 year
What is a toddler?
1 year to 3 years
What is a preschooler?
3 years to 5 years
What is a school child?
5 years to 16 years
What is an adolescent?
12 years to 18 years
What is a personal child health record?
National standard health and development record given to parents at a child’s birth
Describe the eating habits of a child from birth to 18 months
Birth to 6 months - Breast or bottle fed
6 to 12 months - Weaning foot (no salt or honey)
12 to 18 months - Can eat family dinners
18+ months - Weaned
Name 5 types of child development
1, Motor
- Cognitive
- Perceptual
- Language
- Social
Describe gross motor development skills
Abilities required in order to control the large muscles of the body for walking, running, sitting and crawling etc
Describe gross motor development from 8 to 18 months old
8 months - Sitting without support 8-9 months - Hands and knees crawling 8-10 months - Standing with assistance 11 months - Standing along 12 months - Walking with assistance 8-18 months - Walking alone
What is fine motor development?
Can be defined as coordination of small muscle movements which occur e.g usually in fingers and coordination in the eyes
Name 3 clinical implications of motor development
- Oral hygeine instruction
- Getting in the chair
- Detection of non-accidental injury
What is cognitive development?
Development of intelligence, conscious thought and problem solving ability which begins at infancy
Describe 3 theories of cognitive development
Cognitive Theory - Focus on thinking interpretation, learning and remembering
Behaviourism - Directed by environmental influences
Psychodynamic Theory - Man has instinctive drives, aggression-activity
Name 3 clinical implications of cognitive development
- OHI (motivation varies by age group)
- Children under stress may not act according to developmental stage
- Children develop understanding with age
What is perceptual development?
- Infants perceive the world to make sense of it
- Research into development of sensory and perceptual abilities is important
Name 2 key components of perceptual development
- Hearing
2. Vision
Describe 4 stages of hearing development
6-8 weeks - Responds to sounds
4 months - Move or react when someone speaks or makes noise
1 year old - Recognise their own name
7 years old - Can determine which messages merit attention
Describe 5 stages of vision development
Neonate - Poor colour discrimination and limited visual fields
9-12 months - Child can spot small objects and visually alert to new people
2 years - Optic nerve myelinization complete
3 years - Retinal tissue is mature
6 years - Scan less of an object, fixate on detail
Name 3 clinical implications of perceptual development
- By 7 years knows what merits attention
- May fixate on visual details rather than overall picture
- Behavioural management method indications
What is speech?
Verbal expression of language including articulation
What is language?
Broader than speech and refers to the entire system of expressing and receiving information in a way that is meaningful
Describe the development stages of speech and language
6 months - Babble
12 months - Mama and dada
18 months - Single words with meaning
1-2 years - Uses 10 to 20 words and understands “no”
2-3 years - Identify body parts, 450 word vocabulary and understand time
3-4 years - Can tell story, sentences, vocabulary of 1000 words
What is the clinical implication of language development?
Age appropriate communication with children
What is social development?
Development of personality and acquisition of social attitudes and skills from infancy through maturity
Describe social development from infancy to adolescence
Infancy - Make eye contact, smile and laugh
Early childhood - Learn sharing and turn taking
School years - Friendship more important, fairness and equality important
Adolescence - Socially centred with friendships taking priority
Describe common fears for children from 9 months to 16 years
9-12 months - Loud noise and separation 2-4 years - Imaginary objects 4 years - Dark and unknown 5-6 years - Social and school fears 6-16 years - Injury, death and natural events
Describe 3 types of parenting styles
Authoritarian - Rules and order
Permissive - Few rules and freedom for child
Authoritative - Try to show responsibility for behaviour
Name 5 dental implications of parenting styles
- Communication
- Type of examination
- Behaviour management
- Oral hygeine instruction
- Detection of non-accidental injury
What is a child?
Individual who is in the process of developing language, intellect, motor skills and personality
What is the aim when treating a child?
Successfully complete treatment as required and have the patient, parent and dental team consider it as a positive experience
Name 4 things to consider when treating a child
- Individuals
- Relationships
- Dental visit
- Potential problems
What individuals are involved during a child’s visit to a dental surgery?
- Child
- Parent
- Dentist
- Dental nurses
Why are parents important during a child’s visit to the dentist?
- Decide when to bring child to the dentist, where they go
- Decide what food children eat
- Part of the preventive regime
- Required to give consent for the child
Describe how the dentist and dental team are important during a child’s visit to the dentist
- Should be able to put young patients and parents at easy
- Show interest in problems and communicate effectively
- First impressions are very important
Name 5 ways the parent-child relationship can have implications for dentistry
- Parental perceptions are passed to child
- Attitudes to dental health
- Dietary habits
- Overprotective parents
- Parental anxiety is passed to the child
Name 5 ways to assess the child and parent attitudes to dental care
- Past dental history
- Previous extractions and GA
- Acceptance of oral health advice
- Attendance for treatment
- Compliance with oral hygeine regime
Describe the key components of parent management during a child’s visit to the surgery
- Keep parents informed
- Never deny parent access to the child
- Be prepared to separate child from the parent to discuss sensitive issues
Name 4 potential problems parents throw up during a child’s visit
- Repeating orders
- Answering for the child
- Attentions divided
- Interferes with dentist-patient relationship
Name 4 classifications of co-operation
- Pre-cooperative
- Potentially cooperative
- Cooperative
- Lacking cooperative ability
What is pre-cooperation?
A child which cannot cooperate due to age
What is potentially cooperative?
A child who is not currently cooperating but has the potential to cooperate
What is lacking cooperative ability?
A child which some sort of impairment which prevents cooperation e.g hearing impairments
What are 2 ways to promote positive behaviour?
- Positive verbal and non verbal communication
Show interest in child
Give well state instructions
Communicate on child level - Realistic and achievable treatment goals
Name 5 warning signs during a child’s visit
- Persistent rinsing, coughing or spitting out
- Mouth closing and fidgeting
- Blunt refusal to co-operate
- Tears
- Feeling sick or pain