General Aircraft Limitations Flashcards
Landing gear speed limits
-flight with extended
Max altitude?
Extend 250kts
Retract 220kts
Flight with gear extended 280kts
Max altitude - 25000ft
Wind limits for passenger and cargo doors?
Passenger door - 65kts
Cargo door - 40kts or 50kts if nose into wind or cargo doors on leeward side
Passenger and cargo doors must be closed before wind speed exceeds 65kts
Flap limiting speeds and altitude limit?
Flap 1 - 230kts
Flap 1+F - 215kts
Flap 2 - 200kts
Flap 3 - 185kts
Flap Full - 177kts
Altitude limit 20000ft
Flap auto retract speed
210 kts
Tyre limiting speed
Taxi speed limit with
-one tyre failing
-two tyres failing same side
One tyre 7kts
Two tyres same side 3kts and turn angles <30deg
Windscreen wiper limiting speed
A319/A320 CEO - 34.1m
A320/321 NEO (sharklets) - 35.8m
Max speed with cockpit window open
Max hydraulic pressure
3000 psi +/- 200
Minimum aircraft environmental temperature?
Minimum fuel temperature?
Advisory at -40deg
Maximum allowed fuel imbalance for takeoff and landing?
Don’t need to know, look it up in FCOM-LIM
Maximum engine start cycles?
A319/320 CEO
A320/321 NEO
A319/320 CEO - automatic start sequence includes 3 start attempts as one cycle
20 seconds pause between cycles
15 min cooling period after 4 failed cycles
As above but 60 second pause between cycles
15 min cooling period after 3 failed cycles
APU low oil ECAM, how many hours can APU be run?
10 hours
TOGA time limits?
5 min two engines
10 min single engine
Maximum fuel quantities in each tank
Each aircraft slight different but approx:
Outer tank 700kg
Inner tank 5500kg
Centre tank 6400kg
Max continuous oil temp
Max transient oil temp and time
Minimum starting temp
Minimum takeoff temp (CEO&NEO)
Oil quantity (CEO&NEO)
Max continuous oil temp - 140deg
Max transient - 155deg for 15 mins
Minimum starting temp -40deg
Min takeoff temp CEO -10 NEO +19
Oil quant CEO 9.5qt +0.5/h NEO 10.6qt or 8.9qt +0.45/h
What emergency equipment is located on the flight deck?
Life jackets
Smoke hoods
Portable fire extinguisher
Protective gloves