Gene Function: Transcription Flashcards
Is all DNA transcribed into RNA?
- no
What are the key regions that lead to RNA?
- genes are key regions that lead to RNA
In eukaryotic cells which organelles are genes present?
- mitochondria
- nucleus
How are genes distributed over the chromosomes?
- not evenly distributed over the chromosomes
Eukaryotic chromosomes have regions which are gene poor - what are these regions?
- centromere
- telomeres
There are differences in chromatin state - what is the difference between euchromatin and heterochromatin?
- euchromatin = lightly packed
- heterochromatin = condensed packing
What does telomere length relate to?
- relates to aging
What are the genomic regions?
- gene being encoded
- pseudogene not encoded
- repetitive sequences
What is the definition of a gene?
- a DNA sequenced that has the ability to encode a product (usually a protein)
What is the definition of a pseudogene?
- a DNA sequenced that has lost ability to encode a product due to mutations
What is a repetitive sequence?
- a DNA sequence that contains a repeated base pair of patterns (e.g., microsatellites, transposons, retrotransposons)
What can the genome of a virus be instead of DNA?
- RNA genome
How many genes does a horse have?
- 20,449 genes
There can be many genes however, only a fraction of these genes are what?
- transcribed (switched on) in any one cell
Transcription is dynamic - what 3 things does it need?
- location
- time
- response to signals
What initiates transcription?
- the promoter region
What ultimately turns into a protein?
- Exons
What is cut out of the genome structure?
- introns
What is the start codon always in genes?
What is the translation terminal site?
- the stop codon, tells translation machinery to stop
What are the stop codons?
How many exons does alpha amylase have?
- 10 exons
How many exons does a dicer have?
- 41 exons
When RNA is transcribed from the DNA what does it still contain?
- the introns
What happens before the mature messenger RNA (mRNA) leaves the nucleus and what does this include?
- it undergoes maturation which includes removal of introns just leaving Extron’s
What is the process of removing introns called?
- RNA splicing
What is present in DNA?
- Promotor
- extrons
- introns
What is present in precursor mRNA? - Transcription
- cap
- introns
- extrons
After RNA splicing what does mature mRNA contain?
- cap
- extrons
What does the cap and AAA help with in mature mRNA?
- help with recognition
What do introns contain?
- contain enhancer sequences (regulating transcription) - also present 5’ and 3’ of genes