Gender (external) Flashcards
. the rise of feminism
. crisis of masculinity
. changes in policy
. gender socialisation
. gender roles
The rise of feminism
equal opportunities in scoiety
Equality act 2010
equal pay act 1970
sex discrimination act 1975
Wilkinson (The rise of feminism)
‘gender quake’
fight for equality, rejection of gender norms, increased awareness
McRobbie (The rise of feminism)
‘Jackie’ magazine
articles + audiences reaction
shift from wanting to be a housewife/mother to wanting a career
Sharp (The rise of feminism)
women now aspire to having a career and being more independent
Adler (The rise of feminism)
liberation thesis
women have more freedom and power
Carlen (The rise of feminism)
rejection of the gender deal
Connell (crisis of masculinity)
hegemonic masculinity - dominant masculinity
: superior, benefit patriarchy, breadwinner, strong, ‘boss jobs’, not showing emotions, straight
A03 with beck new man
Kimmel (crisis of masculinity)
culture of masculinity
1. culture of silence - not discussing emotions
2. culture of protection - ‘boys will be boys’
A02: brock turner - lesser sexual assault charge because he was a ‘promising athlete’
3. culture of entitlement - men should just ‘expect’.
incel culture - expect women to sleep with them because they are ‘nice guys’
mac an gail (crisis of masculinity)
men + masculinity crisis - men are struggling to find their masculine identity
link to toxic masculinity - andrew tate
Mitsos + Browne (crisis of masculinity)
identity crisis - decline in manual jobs (moved abroad) *link to globalisation
struggling to get a ‘proper job’
Sugarman (crisis of masculinity)
working class subculture
1. fatalism
2. immediate gratification
3. present time orientation
4. collectivism
miller (crisis of masculinity)
focal concerns
1. smartness
2. toughness
3. autonomy
4. trouble
5. excitement
6. fate
strain theory
1. retreatist
2. ritualist
3. rebellion
4. innovation
5. conformity
Changes in policy
equality act, equal pay act, sex discrimination, same sex marriage act, abortion act, divorce act - all contributed to our changing society
fight for equality means women may feel inferior and this can impact attitudes in school
Kelly (gender socialisation)
gender differences in spatial ability may be due to the toys children played with rather than genetics
Bryne (gender socialisation)
the cycle of discrimination against women is created by parents and teachers reinforce sex stereotypes, becoming the basis for discriminatory practices
J.W.B Douglass (gender socialisation)
families tend to devote more resources to boys than girls
Riddel (gender socialisation)
parents conception of femininity were complex and would vary by class
Norman (gender socialisation)
girls are expected to play with certain toys that develop certain attitudes
Edwards + David (gender socialisation)
boys biologically and socially mature more slowly than girls because primary socialisation encourages them to be boisterous and attention seeking
boys behaviour is often shaped and policed by their peer group. His research discovered that many boys regard schoolwork as ‘feminine’ and ‘unmanly’
gender roles
social trends - the number of men and women in paid work is virtually the same.
The decline in manufacturing has lead to a decline in traditional WC men’s factory jobs.
office of national statistics - women are more likely to take on the breadwinner role, there’s more divorce, more lone parent families, women more likely to stay single.
(can use f+h gender roles theorists)