gcse g 4 Flashcards
Male or female
Goal setting
Use of SMARTER, a series of phases setting out achievable targets to enable progress
Compound found in red blood cells which transports oxygen to body tissues
State of complete mental physical and social well-being not merely the absence of disease or infirmary
Healthy, active lifestyle
A lifestyle which contributes positively to physical, mental and social well-being, and which includes regular exercise and physical activity
Heart rate
The number of heartbeats a minute
When muscles increase in size due to exercise
Individual needs
Matching your training to the requirements of an individual based on their current fitness levels, age, gender
The point where a tendon attaches a muscle to bone where there is movement
Inhalation or breathing in
Interval training
Alternating periods of maximum effort with periods of rest and repeating sets of reps
Involuntary muscle
Muscles that work without conscious control they work automatically
Irregular bones
Bones that have no uniform shape e.g. patella or vertebrae
Isometric contraction
Muscle contraction which results in no movement e.g. pushing against a wall
Isotonic contraction
Muscle contraction which results in movement of a limb
A place where two or more bones meet
Lactic acid
A chemical built up in muscles during anaerobic exercise
Tough rounded, elastic fibre which attaches bone to bone at a joint