gcse g 2 Flashcards
Body composition
The percentage of body weight that is fat, muscle and bone
Body type or somatotype
The percentage of fat, muscle and linearity you possess Mesomorph, endomorph ectomorph
Carbohydrate loading
Eating a lot of carbohydrates just prior to competition to enable you to have more energy for endurance events
Cardiac muscle
Your heart it never tires, it never stops.
Cardiac output
The amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle per minute
Concerning the heart and lungs
Tough flexible tissue usually found at the ends of bones, looks white and shiny in appearance
Centres of excellence
Centres offering use of facilities at all levels in a variety of sports, may also concentrate on one sport taking it to the highest level
A blood fat which the body needs in moderate amounts
Circuit training
Series of exercises set out in stations completed in order for a set amount of time
Circulatory system
Transports blood using the heart and blood vessels, components are heart blood vessels and blood
Compound or open fracture
Bone breaks and actually comes through the skin
Continuous training
Exercising aerobically at a moderate to high-level i.e. 60-80% of your maximum heart rate for at least 20 minutes with no rest periods
Cooper test
A test for cardiovascular fitness
The ability to use two or more body parts smoothly
Cross training
Using different training methods in the same session to avoid boredom
Cultural influences
Established way of living of a particular group
Removing poison from your body
The sheet muscle that divides the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity