Gastrointestinal Cultures Flashcards
What is the path food takes?
Mouth Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, jejunum, ileum, Large intestine, rectum, anus
Clinical signs of dehydration
Skin tenting, Sunken eyes, dry mouth, Decrease in BP, fainting, mental status changes and organ failure (kidney)
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for V. cholera?
curved GPR, fish and shellfish
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for V. parahemolyticus?
curved GPR, shellfish
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for V. vulnificus?
GPR, oysters
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for Shigella?
GNR, egg and tuna salad
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for E coli O157:H7?
GNR, Hamberger
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for Salmonella typhi?
GNR, Contaminated water man only host.
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for Listeria?
small GPR, lunchmeat and hotdogs
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for Yersinia entercolitica?
GNR, Pork
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for Yersinia pseudoberculosis?
GNR, none listed
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for C. jejune?
Gull GNR, poultry
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for Plesiomonas and Aeromonas?
Straight GNR, contaminated food
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for C. difficile?
GPR, Antibiotic associated
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for H. pylori?
Serial GNR, normal gastic
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for S. aureus?
GPC, Food handler
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for B. cereus?
GPR, oriental food rice
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for C. perfingens?
GPR, meat and gravy
What is the gram stain and mode of trans for C. botulinum?
GPR, Canned foods
What three bacteria are invasive and cause septicemia?
V. vulnifivus, Salmonella typhi, Y. enterocolitica
TCBS yellow and Rice water stools
V. cholera media and symptoms
HEK green, MAC clear, XLD red, low infecting dose
MUG neg, SMAC neg, HUS
E coli media and symptoms
H2S (+), Phen neg, high fever, cold enrichment
Salmonella type media and symptoms
Flu like symptoms, bile (+), umbrella motility
Motile @22, not at 37, MAC, CIN and YSA
Media for Yersinia
What bacteria causes appendicitis like symptoms?
Y. entercolitica
Campy-CVA, Skirrow CCDA
Media for C. Jejuni
Gullian-Barre’ syndrome
C. Jejuni
CCFA media
C. Difficile
Brucella agar and peptic ulcers
H. pylori
NOVO sus. Tube coag (+) sin sloughing
S. aureus
Floppy baby syndrome with honey, Accending placid paraylsis
C. Botulinum
What organisms must be serotyped?
Salmonella, shigella, O157:H7
What media is used for serotyping?
Non-selective SBA or T-soy
What is serotyping does not result?
Boil to remove capsule