Gastrointestinal Flashcards
GERD stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
chronic condition where stomach contents flows back up into the esophagus which is mainly due to a damaged/weak lower esophageal sphincter.
GERD is sometimes referred to as “acid reflux disease” or “heart burn”
Some people have random episodes of acid reflux and it goes away,
but GERD is when it occurs more than twice a week for a long period of time.
Limit caffeine, alcohol
Use Tums
Use Antiaccids to nutrualize acid production and keep it form moving up towards esophagus
Why is GERD happening?
Why is GERD happening?
the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) is not staying closed
This allows backwash of stomach contents and acids into the esophagus
leads to major irritation to the esophagus.
Complications of GERD
Inflammation of the esophagus (increased risk of cancer from the chronic inflammation)
Narrowing of the esophagus: strictures
Lung problems: asthma, pneumonia, voice changes, wheezing, fluid in the lungs
Barrett’s esophagus: lining of the esophagus is replaced with similar lining that makes up the intestinal lining…increase risk of cancer.
Signs and Symptoms of GERD
Note: not all people with GERD will have heartburn
You will have…
Gastric pain (upper)
Excess regurgitation of food… bitter taste in the back of the throat
Regular, occurring burning sensation in the chest or abdomen (it can be so intense it feels similar to a MI)
Dry cough (frequent)…worst at night
Problems Swallowing…feels like a lump is in the throat
Lung Infections
Diagnosis off GERD
Endoscopy: used to assess the esophagus for changes…erosions, strictures etc.
Treatment GERD
Eat small meals rather than large ones (prevents over eating)
Avoid foods that relax the LES: greasy, fatty, ETOH, soft drinks,coffee, peppermint/spearmint
Avoid eating right before bed (last meal should be 3 hours before bed)
Sit up after eating for at least 1 hour
Weight loss
Smoking cessation
Watch acidic foods: citrus and tomatoes
Medications for GERD
Antacids, H2 blockers, PPIs, prokinetics
Too much acid production inside your stomach
Causes Inflammation of the lining of your stomach itself
can lead to peptic ulcer
GI Bleed
Gastrointestinal bleeding is a condition that involves bleeding in one or many parts of the digestive tract
Not a disorder in itself but a symptom of many GI disorders including peptic ulcer disease, inflammatory bowel disease and gastric cancer
Usually suspected when there is blood in the stool, could be mild, moderate or severe and could be fatal
Signs and Symptoms GI bleed
visible blood in the stool or black tarry-coloured stool
Rectal bleeding
Hematemesis (vomiting blood)
Abdominal pain
Chest pain
Upper GI bleed causes
Peptic ulcers in the stomach lining and small intestine
Lower GI Bleed causes
Diverticulitis: the formation, inflammation and infection bulging pouches in the GI tract
Ulcerative colitis
Crohn’s disease
Benign or cancerous tumours
Anal fissures
Colon polyp formation
GI bleed complications
Anemia and Hypovolemia
GI bleeding can lead to the loss of blood volume (hypovolemia) and loss of red blood cells which contain hemoglobin and iron (anemia)
If left untreated anemia and hypovolemia can be fatal
Shock: losing more than 20% of blood volume can lead to hypovolemic shock and can lead to significant organ failure
Diagnosis of GI bleed
Stool test: looking for black tarry stool for occult blood
Blood tests: may reveal low hemoglobin/hemocritt or low iron levels
Nasogastric lavage: insertion of NG tube from nose into stomach in order too aspirate stomach contents and analyze them
Imaging: abdominal CT scan
GI bleed treatment
Dr may be able to remove the polyps that causes the bleeding during colonoscopy
Can also treat bleeding peptic ulcers during endoscopy
IV fluids (hypovolemia)
Blood transfusion: replace the loose blood volume and red blood cells
Medications for GI bleed
Medications: Upper GI bleed can benefit from PPI medications, antacids that do not contain aspirin, H2-receptors
Upper Vs Lower GI bleed
Upper: irritation and ulcers in the lining of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum causes vomiting BRB, coffee ground emesis, dark tary tools
Lower: Bleeding from large intestine (colon) and rectum
Bleeding consists of streaks or larger clots mixed with stools
Three Types of Peptic Ulcers:
Gastric Ulcers: located inside the stomach
Duodenum Ulcer: located inside the duodenum which is the first part of the small intestine
Esophageal Ulcer: located inside the lower part of the esophagus
Complications of Peptic Ulcers
GI bleeding
formation of holes in the stomach =perforation and this can lead to peritonitis
bowel blockage in the pylorus due to chronic ulceration from a duodenal ulcer
increased risk of GI cancer
Duodenal Ulcers Signs and Symptoms
Duodenal Ulcers
Pain happens when stomach empty…food makes it BETTER (pain 3-4 hours after eating)
Wake in middle of night with pain
Report of pain gnawing
Weight normal
Severe: tarry, dark stool from GI bleeding
Causes off peptic ulcer disease
*Bacterial infection due to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori):
These bacteria are spiral-shaped which helps them invade the GI mucosa.
*NSAIDs (long term usage):
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome: tumor formation that causes increased release of gastrin which increases stomach acid production.
Other factors that can increase susceptibility: smoking, alcohol, genetics, NOTE: stress and certain foods do not causes ulcers but can irritate them and prolong their healing.
Gastric Ulcers Signs and Symptoms
Mainly: Indigestion and Epigastric pain….described as burning, dull, or gnawing pain
Food makes pain worst (pain 1-2 hours after eating)
Report of pain dull and aching
Weight loss
Severe: vomit blood more common
Treatment Peptic Ulcer Disease
Medications: proton pump inhibitors, antibiotics, Histamine receptor blockers, antacids, bismuth subsalicylates
Gastric resection
Watch for dumping syndrome post-opt:
Dumping syndrome: stomach is not able to regulate the movement of food due to the removal of sections of the stomach (usually the pyloric valve and duodenum) so it enters into the small intestine too fast before the stomach can finish digesting it.
Dumping Syndrome
Dumping syndrome: stomach is not able to regulate the movement of food due to the removal of sections of the stomach (usually the pyloric valve and duodenum) so it enters into the small intestine too fast before the stomach can finish digesting it.
Peptic Ulcer Education
Eat many small meals rather than large ones
lie down for 30 minutes after eating
eat without drinking fluids, wait 30 minutes after meals and then consume liquids
Avoid spicy, acidic foods(tomato/citric juices/fruits), foods with caffeine, chocolate, soft drinks , fried foods, alcohol
Consume a low-fiber diet that is bland and easy to digest, eat white rice, bananas etc.
Hiatal Hernia
Muscles of the Diaphragm becomes week which allows a portion of the stomach and bowel to protrude up into the thorax
Signs and Symptoms Hiatal Hernia
Heart burn
Bowel sounds heard over the chest
Irritable boowel syndrome
Functional disorder
Recurrent Abdominal Pain and abnormal bowel motility causing things like constipation or diarrhea or a mixture
Abdominal pain usually improves after a bowel movement
Different than Inflammatory bowel disease which include the same symptoms aswell as inflammation, ulcers and other damages to the bowel
IBS Signs and Symptoms
Abdominal Pain
bowel motility: Lactose and fructose usually trigger the symptoms
IBS causes
most common in middle aged women
Treatment IBS
Diet modifications (avoid short chain carbohydrates)
For constipation: soluble fiber, stool softeners and osmotic laxatives
For spasms and pain: anti-diarrheals like serotonin antagonists
Manage Stress
inflammation of the peritoneum
Serum membrane that surrounds the abdominal organs
Contamination of the peritoneal cavity with bacteria caused by trauma, infection, perforation of an organ such as perforation of the appendix or diverticulitis
Occurs when diverticula (small pouches in the colon) become inflamed or infected
Less than 5% of people with diverticulosis develop diverticulitis
severe pain left lower side of abdomen
fever and chills
nausea and Vomiting
blood in stool
Important to seek medical attention
Could cause obstruction or perforation
Treatment: clear liquid diet to rest colon
Occurrs wehn small bulging puches (diverticula) begin to develop in your digective tract, on the wall of the large intestine or colon
Cause unknown
factors that increase risk: low-fibre diet, red meat, lack of exercise, obesity, smoking NSAIDS, genetics
Usually no symptoms
Treatment: High fibre diet and probiotics
Signs and Symptoms of Peritonitis
Rigid board like abdomen
Abdominal pain
nausea vomiting
Rebound tenderness
Diagnosis Peritonitis
Abdominal Xray, CT, ultrasound
Treatment Peritonitis
NG tube to decompress stomach
IV fluids, antibiotics, analgesics
If the cause is due to a ruptured organ the patient will need surgery to remove or repair that organ and intraadominal visage = wash our perineal cavity due to complication, monitor for sepsis
Nursing assessment of a client with peritonitis reveals hypotension, tachycardia, and signs and symptoms of dehydration. Which additional assessment finding will the nurse assess for?
severe abdominal pain with direct palpation or rebound tenderness
Where is McBurneys Point
Right Lower Quadrant of the abdomen
Inflammation of the appendix
opening of the appendix becomes obstructed by something like a fecalith which is a hard tone mass of faces or a tumor due to some kind of infection
This causes inflammation and ischemia (imparied blood flow) to the appendix which can lead to bacteria overgrowth
Appendicitis signs and symptoms
Hallmark symptom = right lower quadrant pain at mcburneys point, rebound tenderness at this area
Loss of appetite
Nausea and vomitting
Diagnosis Appendicitis
CT Scan
Elevated WBCs
Appendicitis treatment
IV fluid and antibiotics
Surgery: appendectomy, removal of appendix through scope
If appendix has ruptured may require an open appendectomy
Complications of appendicitis
Peritonitis and perforation if appendix ruptures
If pain suddenly goes away = red flag may mean appendix has ruptured
Ulcerative Colitis
Inflammatory bowel disease can cause inflammation in the small and large intestine
Colitis is the inflammation of the colon that form ulcers along the inner surface of the lumen (large intestine) including both the colon and the rectum
Flares: new damage (new ulcers)
Remission: tissues heal
Most common type off inflammatory bowel disease: affects the mucosa and sub mucosa of large intestine only (this sets it apart from crohn’s disease)
Causes of Ulcerative Colitis
Stress and Diet make symptoms worse
Autoimmune disease:
thought is that inflammation and ulceration in the large intestine is caused by T cells destroying the cells lining the walls of the large intestine leaving behind the ulcers
Genetics: patients with a family history are more likely to develop the disease themselves
More common in young women teen - 30s
Signs and Symptoms of colitis
Pain in left lower quadrant (corresponds to the rectum)
Severe + frequent = diarrhea with blood
As these cells are destroyed the large intestine cannot absorb water as efficiently contributing to diarrhea
Diagnosis Colitis
Treatment Colitis
Depends on severity of symptoms
Anti-inflammatory medications
sulfasalazine, mesalamine
Immunospressors (corticosteriods, azathioprine, cyclosporin)
Colectomy: removal of colon
Crohn’s Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease causes inflammation of bowel.
unlike colitis which only affects the large intestine
Crohn disease causes inflammation and tissue destruction anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus
Crohn’s disease causes
Crohn disease is an immune related disorder - triggered by pathogen
Inflammatory response is large and uncontrolled and leads to destruction of the cells in the gastrointestinal tract
Genetics increase risk
Crohn’s Disease Signs and Symptoms
Affects the Ileum + Colon most commonly seen (can affect any part of GI tract)
Pain in affected area - right lower quadrant (ileum)
Diarrhea + blood in stool
Malabsorption issues
Treatment for Crohn’s disease
Antibiotics: controls gut bacteria, reduced immune response
Anti-inflammatory medications
Immunosuppressants (corticosteriods)
Removal does not cure disease
Viral Hepatitis
Inflammation of liver that is caused by a virus or a hepatic medication or chemical
Hepatitis A,B,C,D,E
Hepatitis A and E are spread through the fecal oral route (contaminated water)
Hepatitis B,C,D are spread through blood and bodily fluids
We have vaccines for hepatitis A and B
No vaccine for Hepatitis C
You can only get hepatitis D if you have hepatitis B
Chronic hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis of the liver or liver cancer
Risk Factors Viral Hepatitis
IV drug use
Body piercings
High risk sexual practices
travel to underdeveloped countries
Signs and Symptoms of viral hepatitis
Clay coloured stool
Dark urine
Abdominal pain
Joint pain
Abnormal labs for Hepatitis
Increase in ALT, AST, bilirubin
Diagnosis: serological testing tests for presence of antibodies
treatment Hepatitis
Hepatitis A and E are usually self resolving
Anti viral agents for hepatitis B or acute and chronic hepatitis C
Liver Cirrhosis Pathophysiology
Heathy tissue of the liver is replaced by scar tissue making the liver hard like a rock
Causes of Liver Cirrhosis
Anything that can scar the liver
Chronic hepatitis
Cystic Fibrosis