Gastroenterology Flashcards
Barrets esophagitis changes in cell type
changes from squamous epithelium to columnar epithelium
what is the first line treatment for mild and severe GERD?
mild is a h2
severe is a ppi
what medications decrease the lower esophageal sphincter pressure and thus increase GERD, should be avoided?
B2 agonist, CCB, Nitrates, alpha adrenergic antagonistic, anticholinergics, theophyline, morphine
what are the clinical findings of infectious esophagitis?
Idynophagia (pain) or dysphagia in an immunosupressed patient
what are the common causes of infectious esophagitis and how to treat?
Fungal: Candida–> Fluconazole
Viral: CMV–> Ganciclovir
What are the endoscopy findings of infectious esophagitis?
Deep or shallow ulcers depending on the infection
Yeast will have white curds.
pt has difficulty with both liquids and solids after a injury or disease on the brain stem or CN of swallowing
Neruogenic Dysphagia
Tx: Focused on the underlying cause
Patient has regurgitation of undigested food and liquid into the pharynx several hours after swallowing
Zenkers Diverticulum, caused by out pouching of the posterior hypopharynx
tx medically with agents that relax the esophagus like CCB, Nitrites, botylinum or surgically with resection.
Patient has dysphagia with solid foods
Esophageal stenosis
Progressive: rings/webs: dilation
Quickly: Malignancy: rection
Patient has slowly progressive chest pain, and episodic regurgitation with chest pain
Achalasia it is a global esophageal motor disorder with increased sphincter tone and decreased peristalsis.
Patient has dysphagia or intermittent chest pain that may or may not be associated with eating
Diffuse esophageal dysphagia
tx medically with agents that relax the esophagus like CCB, Nitrites, botylinum or surgically with resection.
what labs are used for dx of esophogeal motility disorders
Barium swallow, pharyngoscopy, and esophageal manometry
is esophageal cancer likely to met?
Yes because esophagus has no serosal layer so it mets easily into the mediastinum
Parrots beaked on barrium swallow
Patient has progressive dysphagia with marked weight loss, heart burn, vomiting and hoarseness of voice.
Esophageal neoplasms
Mallory Weiss tears?
Linear tears in the esophagus generally at the gastroesophageal junction that occurs with forceful vommiting or retching causing hematemeisis
Tx: usually go away on their own can use endoscopy cautary
Most common cause of esophageal Varicies?
Portal HTN caused by Cirrhosis
Budd Chiari disease?
thrombotic or non thrombotic obstruction of the hepatic vein can cause esophageal varicies
Known Cirrhosis with hematemesis
Esophageal Varicies
how to treat esophageal varicies?
life threatening, fluid replacement, pressors.
Type A v Type B gastritis?
Type A: genetic componet, autoimune (Pernicious anemia)
TypeB: Caused by pathogens most commonly HP , can also be NSAIDS or ETOH
How does pErnicious anemia cause gastrits?
Autoimmune distorder of the parietal cells which cause the gastritis, but it also inhibits the production of intrinsic facor which is needed for vit B 12 absorption (megaloblastic anemia)
How do NSAIDS cause gastritis?
decreased the amount of prostaglandin production in the stomach.
HP gastritis is likely to occur in what part of the stomach
antrum and body
Dyspepsia and abdominal pain….
Gastritis PUD
how do you dx a spiral shaped bacillus gastritis?
This is HP. you use a urea breath test, because urea is from the break down of bacteria. you can also use fecal urea test or anigen testing for HP.