Gastro Exam -Hands Flashcards
Signs to look for gastro exam hands
Palm of Hands:
-Palmar Erythema (reddening of palms)
-Pallor of the palmar creases
-Dupuytren’s contracture (permant flection of the fingers)
Outside of hands
-Kolionychia of nails (spoon shaped)
-leukonychia (white calcium deposits in nail)
Palmar erythema
Reddening of palms
Suggests chronic liver disease
Pallor of the palmar creases
Light discolouration of creases in palms
Suggests anaemia
Dupuytren’s Contracture
Permant flection of fingers specifically 4th and 5th
Spoon shaped nails
White calcium deposits in nail beds
No space between fingers
Could i get you to touch your fingers together on by one for me like this
Sign of low O2