Gastointestinal tract chapt 30 (639-644) Flashcards
What are the two methods of subdividing the abd?
4 quadrants (RUQ, LUQ, RLQ, LLQ) or 9 regions (R hypochondriac/epigastric/L hypochondriac; R lumbar/umbilical/L lumbar; R inguinal/hypogastric/L Inguinal
In what order would the method of assessment be for the abd?
Inspection, auscultation, palpation, percussion
Why is auscultation done before palpation of the abd?
Auscultation is done before palpation because palpation can cause movement or stimulation of the bowel which increases bowel motility and heightens BS.
In what quadrant can I find the liver, GB, R adrenal gland?
In what quadrant can I find the L ovary sigmoid colon, L ureter?
In what quadrant can I find the appendix?
In what quadrant can I find the pancreas, spleen, stomach, and L adrenal gland?
Difficulty in swallowing is defined as:
To make the assessment of the abd more comfortable, what should you have your pt do prior?
empty their bladder and bowels
Vomiting blood is defined as:
You’re assessing the abd of your pt and you notice purple striae on the abd. This finding is:
abnormal and indicative of Cushing’s disease or rapid weight gain/loss
To assess the liver and spleen contour of the abd, what will you have your pt do?
Have the pt take a deep breath and hold it to make an enlarge liver or spleen more obvious.
You’re assessing the abd of your pt and you notice no vascular pattern on the abd. This finding is:
You’re assessing the abd of your pt and you notice a venous pattern (dilated veins) on the abd. This finding is:
abnormal and indicative of liver disease, ascities, or obstruction
What do I auscultate for when assessing the abd?
I am auscultating for BS (diaphragm); vascular sounds over the aorta artery (below ziphoid process) renal artery, iliac artery, and femoral artery (use bell); peritoneal friction rubs