GA 1 Femoral triangle Flashcards
What are the boundaries of the femoral triangle?
Floor: Pectineus and iliopsoas muscles
Roof: fascia Lata
Base: inguinal ligament
Lateral wall: Sartorius
Medial wall: adductor longus
What are the contents of the femoral triangle?
NAVEL towards the navel
- Femoral Nerve
- Femoral Artery
- femoral Vein
- femoral canal (Empty space) with deep inguinal Lymph nodes
Boundaries (description of location)
(femoral triangle)
Subfascial space
triangular depression
superomedial 1/3 thigh
Femoral sheath
funnel-shaped fascial tube (prolongation of transversalis fascia)
encloses proximal parts of femoral vessels and femoral canal. (allows femoral vessels to glide smoothly deep to ingiunal ligament)
ends 4-10 cm distal to inguinal L.
What are the three femoral sheaths and what’s in them?
are any outside of them?
femoral canal
- part of femoral sheath
- contains a few lymph vessesl, loose CT and fat
- allows femoral vein to expand during increased venous return
- extends distally to saphenous opening
- proximal opening 1 cm wide (femoral ring)
Femoral ring
small opening covered by parietal peritoneum (1 cm wide)
(proximal opening to femoral canal)
Femoral Hernia?
Direct vs indirect ingiunal herniae?
Inguinal lymph nodes location and drain?
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
Deep inguinal lymph nodes
Femoral nerve spinal roots?
Femoral nerve supplies what muscles?
anterior thigh muscles, and hip and knee joints
- Iliacus
- Sartorius
- Quadriceps femoris
- Pectineus
What is the largest branch of lumbar plexus?
Femoral nerve