G3 Woche 11 i Flashcards
What do terms of quantity and pronouns have in common in German?
they decline
I am in the same group as you.
Ich bin in derselben Gruppe wie du.
All my books got wet.
Mein ganzen Bücher sind nass geworden.
(My entirety of books are become damp.)
a little
wenig/ etwas
einige (declines)
with a little salt
mit etwas Salz
with a drop of oil
mit einem Tropfen Öl
We have enough wine.
Wir haben genug Wein.
with the best will in the world (with all good will)
bei allem guten Willen
despite all the comfort
trotz allen Komforts
Trotz = gives genetive to alle
Genetive for plural = -n
because of all the unrest
wegen all der Unruhe
a few weeks ago
vor ein paar Wochen
When using an adjective as a noun, what gender does it take?
e.g. the same (noun)
Neuter (unless referring specifically to a person)
e.g. das Gleiche
Adjective => noun example:
surviving => the survivor
überlebend => der/die Überlebende
What is the alternative way of creating nouns from adjectives?
e.g. something simple, nothing important
Combine with etwas, nichts or alles, whichever adjective follows these is then trated as a noun and capitalized.
e.g. etwas Einfachen, nichts Wesentliches