G PSY CH 15 & 16 SG Flashcards
Psychological disorders
A set of behavioral, emotional, cognitive symptoms that are significantly distressing and/or disabling in terms of social functioning, work endeavors, and other aspects of life
Person-first language
Helps to remove (stigma a person with schizophrenia)
How does the DSM-5 diagnose psychological disorders?
It provides clear, highly detailed definitions of mental health and brain-related conditions
Role of cultural expectations for psychological disorders
They can play a significant role in the development, perception, and treatment of psychological disorders
Major treatments for psychological disorders
Biomedical therapy, psychological, eclectic, integrative
Anxiety disorders
A group of psychological disorders associated with extreme anxiety and/or debilitating, irrational fears
Major depressive disorder
A major episode in evidence, five or more of the symptoms are present
What are the symptoms of major depressive disorder?
Depressed mood reduced pleasure, substantial weight change, sleeping irregularities, feeling tired, feeling worthless, difficulty thinking, and thoughts of death or suicide
What are the characteristics, symptoms, causes, and treatments of bipolar disorder?
It involves extreme mood swings, from manic highs to depressive lows. It’s caused by a mix of genetic, brain, and environmental factors. Treatment often includes medication, therapy, lifestyle adjustments, and a support network.
Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)
Characterized by a lack of regard for others’ rights, impulsivity, deceitfulness, irresponsibility, and lack of remorse over misdeeds
What are the characteristics, symptoms, and causes of eating disorders?
It involves disturbed eating behaviors like severe food restriction (anorexia nervosa), binge eating followed by purging (bulimia nervosa), and recurrent binge eating (binge-eating disorder). Causes include genetic factors, psychological issues, and societal pressures
What are the characteristics, symptoms, causes, and treatment of schizophrenia?
Distorted thinking, hallucinations, delusions. Causes include genetics and brain chemistry. Treatment involves medication, therapy, and support services
Degree to which behavior is atypical, meaning rarely seen or statistically abnormal
Degree to which behavior interferes with daily life and relationships
Degree to which behavior or emotions cause an individual to feel upset or uncomfortable
Is the person of danger to themselves?
Anyone can have experiences that were simple symptoms of psychological disorders, this is where behaviors, and feelings exist
Diagnosed with more than one disorder
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Biopsychosocial perspective
(Diathesis-stress) Complex interaction of biological, psychological, and social cultural factors (widely held model)
Biological causes of psychological disorders
Genes, neurotransmitters, brain
Psychological causes of psychological disorders
Thinking, learning, personality
major depressive disorder
A study based on over 9,000 U. S. residents found that the most prevalent disorder was ________.
Dr. Anastasia believes that major depressive disorder is caused by an over-secretion of cortisol. His view on the cause of major depressive disorder reflects a ________ perspective.
Which of the following best illustrates a compulsion?
mentally counting backward from 1,000
are related to hyperactivity in the orbitofrontal cortex
Research indicates that the symptoms of OCD ________.
What elevates the risk for developing PTSD?
severity of the trauma
memory loss following stress
Dissociative amnesia involves ________.
difficulty relating to others
One of the primary characteristics of autism spectrum disorder is ________.
are impulsive and unpredictable
People with borderline personality disorder often ________.
emotional deficits
Antisocial personality disorder is associated with ________.
The process of closing large asylums and providing for people to stay in the community to be treated locally
are an imminent threat to themselves or others
Today, most people with mental health issues are not hospitalized. Typically they are only hospitalized if they ________.
group therapy
A treatment modality in which 5–10 people with the same issue or concern meet together with a trained clinician is known as ________.
culture and background
The sociocultural perspective looks at you, your behaviors, and your symptoms in the context of your ________.
Which of the following was listed as barriers to mental health treatment?
fears about treatment, language, transportation
What is a major approach to therapy?
As many as half of today’s therapist use a combined approach, integrating multiple methods (CBT)
Biomedical therapy
Drugs and other physical interventions
Psychological therapy
A treatment where a trained therapist helps people understand and overcome their mental health challenges (focus on psychological factors)
Behavioral therapy
A type of therapy that focuses on a behavioral change, using principles of learning
Cognitive therapy
A type of therapy aimed at addressing the maladaptive thinking that leads to maladaptive behaviors and feelings
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
A combination of both behavior and cognitive therapy methods
Cognitive competent (worry) and physical response
Generalized anxiety disorder
Characterized by an excessive amount of worrying about everything (companied by physical symptoms)
Panic attacks
Sudden, extreme fear or discomfort that escalates quickly often with no (obvious trigger, physiological symptoms, classical conditioning may play role in the development of panic disorder)
Therapies for GAD and panic disorder
Anti-anxiety drugs, Xanax and Ativan fast acting but addictive, lethal with alcohol, antidepressants are sometimes used, and cognitive behavioral therapy
Specific phobias
A psychological disorder that includes a distinct fear or anxiety and relation to an object or situation
Treatment for phobias
Behavioral treatment combining anxiety hierarchies with relaxation techniques, progressive muscle relaxation, build an anxiety hierarchy, and exposure
Obsessive compulsive disorder OCD
Characterized by obsessions and compulsions
A thought and urge that happens repeatedly, intrusive and unwelcome causes anxiety
Of behavior that a person repeats in an effort to reduce anxiety
Biology of OCD
Reduced activity of serotonin, orbitofrontal cortex decision-making becomes hyperactive, genetics
Body dysmorphic disorder
Disorder of imagined ugliness excessive focus on perceived defects in appearance
What are the types of anxiety disorders?
Generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, specific phobia, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder
What are the types of OCD?
Trichotillomania, body dysmorphia disorder, hoarding, excoriation
Suspected major depressive disorder
Occurred for at least two consecutive weeks and represent a change from prior functioning, cause significant distress or impairment, are not due to a medical or drug-related condition
What are the top two antidepressant medication?
Prozac and Zoloft
Mood-stabilizing drugs
Medications that minimize the lows of depression and the highs of mania (Lithium and Depokote)
Strange or false beliefs that a person firmly maintains even when presented with evidence to the contrary
What are the three types of delusions?
False sensory impressions (Auditory most common ( voices))
Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
Involves unstable moods, behaviors, and relationships, often with impulsivity and intense emotions
Anorexia nervosa
Weight loss driven by fear of being overweight, distorted body image, and insufficient calorie intake to maintain a healthy weight, resulting in extremely low body weight. It has the highest death rate among psychological disorders
Treatment Resistant Depression
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) are used for severe OCD cases but may not always work. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is another option for treatment-resistant depression and is sometimes used for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
What’s new in the field of treatment for depression?
(Ketamine (club drug)) Esketamine is a nasal spray that treats depression in conjunction with oral antidepressants, helping them to work better
Psychological factors of major depression
Learned helplessness refers to the belief that one has no control over outcomes, leading to passive behavior. Beck’s Cognitive Triad involves a negative outlook on experiences, self, and the future
Hair pulling
Hoarding disorder
Unable to discard objects
Feeling some depression is normal it considered the…
Bulimia nervosa
Secretive overeating followed by purging (vomiting, laxatives, exercise). Excessive concern about weight; binges lack control, purging brings relief
Binge-eating disorder
It involves episodes of extreme overeating, feeling out of control, but without attempts to purge afterward
Diathesis-Stress Model
suggests that developing schizophrenia involves genetic predisposition (diathesis) and environmental triggers (stress)
Possible cause of major depression
Genetics, Hormones, Neurotransmitters, Norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, Life event (Role of the environment)
What kind of episodes can a patient have with bipolar disorder?
Depressive episodes and Manic episodes (ME: Continuous elation, high energy, expansive mood, and irritability)
Antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia
2 types: typical antipsychotics and atypical antipsychotics (drugs reduce symptoms, they do not cure schizophrenia)
Schizophrenia symptoms
Positive (added) symptoms: Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, abnormal motor behavior.
Negative (taken) symptoms: Decreased emotional expression, motivation, speech production, functioning, and pleasure
Dissociative amnesia
A dissociative disorder that causes memory loss about personal information, usually from a traumatic or stressful event
Involuntary treatment
Therapy that is mandated by the courts or other systems
Therapist’s first meeting with the client in which the therapist gathers specific information to address the client’s immediate needs (client’s concerns, support network, insurance, confidentiality, fees, and what to expect in sessions)
Nondirective therapy
Therapeutic approach in which the therapist does not give advice or provide interpretations but helps the person identify conflicts and understand feelings
Play therapy
Therapeutic process, often used with children, that employs toys to help them resolve psychological problems
Brain with Schizophrenia
Thinning of cortex, enlarged ventricles, and reduced size—may be tied to cognitive control THALAMUS ABNORMALITIES PLAYS A ROLE IN SENSORY & PERCEPTUAL PROBLEMS (Social stress and Cannabis abuse related to slightly increased risk)