Fungi Flashcards
Features of fungi
Made of thread like structures called hyphae (mycelium)
Cell wall made of chitin
Heterotrphic ;
Saphrophytes , acts as decomposers recycles nutrients back into environment
Parasites ; lives in or on a host causing harm to the host , population control
Two different species living together where at least one benefits
Field mushroom , truffle
Death cap , destroying angel
Beneficial fungi
Ecomically ; source of food and makes yeast
Medical : production of Antibiotics
Economic: attack crops (blight)
Medical : infects animals (ringworm, athletes foot)
Rhizopus (structure)
Black bread mould
Long thin threads called hyphae with place pins at ends inside pins is spores
No cross walls and are multi nucleate
The nuclei are all haploid
Three types of hyphae : Stolons Rhizoids Sporangiophores
Separates spores from sporangiophore
Produces and hold spores
Used in asexual reproduction
Aerial hyphae growing horizontally, these spread over the surface , turning downward at intervals to create rhizoids
Branched hyphae that penetrate the food source anchoring the fungus
Release digestive enzymes into food and absorb digested food
Hyphae branched up from stolon large at tip
Rhizopus (digestion)
Lives on starchy food
Releases enzymes to substrate
Breaks down carbohydrate to maltose
Reabsorbed by diffusion
This process is extra cellular digestion
Rhizopus ( reproduction)( asexual)
Asexually (sporulation)
1. Mitosis occurs in sporangium and produces haploid spores
2. Each cell develops a resistant wall and is now a spore
3. In dry conditions the sporangium dries out and bursts , releasing spores
4. If spore lands on suitable substrate they will germinate new mycelium forms
Rhizopus (reproduction) ( sexually)
Under harsh conditions in order to survive
Structurally identical but chemically different positive and negative
1. Nuclei move into newly formed swellings - progametangia
2.cross - walls form to produce gametangia
3.wall between gametamgia break down
4. Fertilisation occurs when two nuclei fuse and become diploid
5. This forms a tough resistant wall called a zygospore (2n)
6. Parent hyphae dye away and zygospore is released
7. When conditions are suitable zygospore germinates by meiosis
8. Haploid hypha grows from zygospore and produces sporangium
9. Nuclei in the sporangium form spores by mitosis these spores are later dispersed
Yeast (structure )
Oval or spherical
Haploid nucleus
Large central vacuole
Thin cell wall of chitin
Yeast ( reproduction) (budding)
1. Small bud grows out from the cell wall and fills with cytoplasm
2. Nucleus undergoes mitosis
3. One of the daughter nuclei move into bud
4. The bud enlarges and pinches off from the mother cell
Advantages and disadvantages of budding
Rapid no variation ( genetically identical )
Can increase risk of disease
Free from pathogens
Free from all microorganisms