Functions of parts of the brain Flashcards
Medulla oblongata
Reflexive, involuntary control of heart, breathing & blood vessels
Timing of subconscious breathing
Cerebellum (arbor vitae, vermis, L/R cerebellar hemispheres)
Subconscious control & coordination of voluntary muscle
Midbrain (corpora quadrigemina, superior colliculi, inferior colliculi
Filter and relay visual (superior colliculi) & auditory stimuli (inferior colliculi); reflexive control of eye movement, focusing lens and pupil diameter
Hypothalamus (mammillary bodies)
Control of ANS & pituitary gland and thereby, regulates involuntary body functions, homeostasis
Thalamus (interthalamic adhesion = intermediate mass)
Crude perception of sensations & emotions and relaying afferent/efferent impulses to/from the cerebrum
Pineal Gland
Endocrine gland - Secretes melatonin
Pituitary Gland
Endocrine gland - Secretes hormones ACTH, growth hormone, LH, FSH, prolactin & TSH
Transport of hormones & conduction of impulses from hypothalamus to pituitary gland
Cerebrum (cerebral cortex, cerebral tracts/white matter, fornix)
Will (choice), intelligence, memory, awareness, personality
Longitudinal fissure
Divides cerebrum into cerebral hemispheres
Left cerebral hemisphere
Dominates in speech sound & in understanding sequential, rational & analytical concepts
Right cerebral hemisphere
Dominates in non-speech sounds (melodies, laughing, etc.), in spatial perception & in holistic, artistic & emotional concepts
Frontal lobe
Voluntary control over muscles, learning, planning, higher psychological functions
Parietal lobe
Perception of sensations of touch, temp, taste & body position (kinesthetic sensation)
Temporal lobe
Perception of auditory sensation & related speech centers
Occipital lobe
Perception of visual sensations
Corpus callosum & anterior commissure
Communication between the two cerebral hemispheres
Gyri & Sulci
Increase surface area of cerebrum for exchange of nutrients/wastes to/from blood vessels in the pia mater