Frog Endoskeleton Flashcards
10 bones of the dorsal surface of the skull
- premaxillae
- maxillae
- quadratojugals
- fronto-parietals
- spenethmoid
- nasals
- prootics
- squamosals
- exoccipitals
- occipital condocytes
most anterior pair of teeth-bearing bones which form the tip of the upper jaw
pair of teeth-bearing bones posterior to the premaxillae
the maxillae form the _____ and _____ segment of the upper jaw
largest and middle
pair of toothless short bones posterior to the maxillae
pair of slender bones forming most of the roof of the skull and united at the median line by the sagittal suture
small squarish bone anterior to frontoparietal
pair of triangular bones anterior to spenethmoid, covering the nasal structures
pair of ring-like projections on each side of the skull posterior to the frontoparietals
pair of T-shaped bones lateral to the prootics whose longer ends extend outward and backward to the lower jaw
short bones surrounding a large opening at the posterior boundary of the skull
rounded prominences on each exoccipital bones
occipital condyles
5 bones on the ventral surface of the skull
- parasphenoid
- spenethmoid
- vomers
- palatines
- pterygoids
dagger-shaped bone that forms the floor of the skull
bone at the anterior end of the parasphenoid seen in the dorsal surface
two flat wing-shaped and teeth-bearing bones just posterior to the premaxillae
pair of slender rod-like bones extending laterally from the anterior end f the spenthomoid to the maxillae
pair of three-rayed bone joined to the prootics, squamosals and maxillae
3 bones to the lower jaw
- mentomeckelian
- dentary
- angulosplenial
anterior bone that unites the two halves of the jaw
middle bone
posterior bone
5 hyoid cartilage
- body
- alary processes
anterior cornua - thyroi processes
- posterior cornua
large central portion
pair of expanded plates at the anterior end of the body
alary processes
anterior pair of horns extending to the prootics
anterior cornua
pair of posterior ossified extensions of the body which helps support the larynx
thyroid processes
pair of shorter horns lateral to the thyroid processes
posterior cornua
4 vertebral column
- atlas
- typical vertebrae
- sacral vertebrae
- urostyle
first vertebra; most anterior without transverse processes; articulates with the occipital condyles of the skull
second to eight vertebrae
typical vertebrae
ninth vertebra with two long transverse processes extending backward and articulating with the pelvic girdle
sacral vertebra