freud (psychodynamic theory) - psychodynamic theory Flashcards
what is his psychodynamic theory say?
our early childhood experiences determine our future behaviour and if we will act anti-socially
what is the ID?
seeks instant gratification for your needs and desires (such as need for sex, sleep and food) it acts selfishly and its powerful
whats the EGO?
-known as reality principle
-mediates between ID and SUPEREGO making sure you gratify your needs and desires morally and in a socially acceptable way
whats the SUPEREGO?
-known as morality principle
-contains our conscience and moral values which is learnt from our parents (we internalise their morals)
what are the ways your superego can be damaged and how does this effect you?
weakly developed superego- will feel less guilt about anti-social behaviour
too harsh/unforgiving superego- have deep seated guilty feelings so therefore crave punishment to release these feelings
deviant superego- child will have successfully socialised but into a deviant moral code
freuds study
sampled 12 kids in his neighbourhood and kept diaries on them
strengths of freuds study
-his research influenced many modern day techniques like psychoanalysis and therapies
-he was the first person to look into emotions, trauma and relationships
weaknesses of freuds study
-kids too young to understand what was going on
-unrepresentative as it was a short term study
-focuses on emotions and not external circumstances
-very subjective as it is his own opinion and no tests to test his theories