Framing Flashcards
What is the term used to describe a depressed angle formed by the meeting at the bottom of two inclined sides of a roof, such as a gutter
a valley
what is a roof with two slopes on all four sides, the lower slope very steep, the upper slope almost flat, known as
a mansard roof
what is hte name for an opening for ventilating closed attics or other used spaces
a louver
what is the process of driving tarred oakum or other suitable materials into seams to make the joints watertight known as?
the percentage of moisture content in rough framing lumber should
not exceed 19%
what is a roof with two pitches on each side of the house known as
what are boards which are nailed on roof rafters and over which shingles or roof covering is laid known as
roof sheathing (sheathing boards)
which of the following is a vertical window in a projection built out from a sloping roof
a dormer
when assembling wall sections, studs are laid on the floor with the crowned edge
pitch refers to the
rise over span
slope refers to the
inches of rise per foot of run
what is the standard length of square butt shingles
steel is not combustible, why do building codes require fireproffing around steel beams in buildings that must have a fire-resistant rating
steel loses strength under high temps
which of the following is one method of increasing the load capacity of a steel beam when used in conjunction with a concrete floor or roof system
composite slab design
which of the following describes the best use for air entrained cement
making cement frost resistant
which of the following woods is the least decay-resistant
when a beam is purposely manufactured with a slight rise from the ends to the beam midpoint, what is this curvature called
which of the following stud spacing arrangements is the maximum allowed for a frame structure supporting one floor ceiling and a roof
2x4s spaced at 16” OC
if a wood beam deflects too much under load, which of the following is certain to reduce deflection
replace the beam with a deeper one of the same width
what percent of moisture still remains in lumber that is considered to have a high moisture conctent
which of the following best describes a means of egress
an unobstructed path of travel out of a building
plywood shear walls with nailing 2 inches on center on the edges are required to have ____ inch nominal framing members at panel edges
framing in plywood shear diaphrams shall be at least ____ inches in the least dimension
fiberboard has a density of at least 10lbs per cubic foot and less than 31 lbs per cubic foot. hardboard has a density of at least ____ per cu ft
framing members shall be spaced not more than ____ inches on center when using fiberboard sheathing on shear walls
plywood in shear walls shall be at least ____ inches thick for studs spaced 16” on center and ____ inch thick for studs spaced 24” on center
the cantilevered portions of beams less than ____ inches in nominal thickness shall not be notched unless the reduced section properties and lumber defects are considered in the design
nails shall have a required penetration of not less than ____ diameters
a hip rafter is how many inches deeper than common rafters
which of the following materials will produce the most ridgid wall
3/8” plyboard sheathing
as a foundation timber, what is the lowest sill of a structure placed directly on the ground or foundation
the mudsill
with what is the mudsill usually fastened to the foundtation
10” bolts
how many risers are there if a stairwell has ten treads
what is the standard thickness of an interior door
you must securely fasten studs at door openings or at the ends of partitions by
Mr. smith is constructing a semi solid drywall partition with a 4’ wide starter panel installed at an abutting wall so that the edge of the starter panel automatically bisects the adhesive-coated rib of the opposite full size panel. the starter panel must be plumb and secured to the floor ceiling and vertical runners. the top and bottom must be nailed at a minimum of 4 points and the panel has to be kept 3/8” to 1/2” above the floor. Mr smith has procceeded:
incorrectly. The top and bottom must be nailed at a minimum of 3 points
type s screws are designed for gypsum board attachment to
light gauge steel framing and furring
the most common type of weld in metal form drywall applications is the ____ weld
which of the following is not an exterior covering for aluminum or steel partition framing systems
prefabricated concrete slabs
the least expensive and easiest movable partition metal framing system is the ____ system
you would no use semi solid drywall partitions in a
hotel or hospital service corridor
metal framing systems may be made from
in metal framing for partition framing the main advantage of using the T-stud system is:
it affords better fire resistance
the heads of the attaching screws are concealed by ____ when colored trim is used as a batten to cover a joint in prefinished wallboard
installing a vinyl strip over them
in metal framing the partitions used most often are primarily those based on 1-5/8” ribs due to the fact that they
can use full size electrical boxes
what is a combination of members, such as beams, bars and ties, usually arranged in triangular units to form a rigid framework for supporting loads over a span called
a truss
what is the name for a large supporting horizontalmember used to support joints
what is a projecting structure built against a wall or building to give it greater strength and stability known as
a buttress
What is the name given to a joint which is formed by welding?
A weld
tinners flathead roundhead and countersunk are examples of what
strapping and stripping are other names given to furring strips fastened to the underside of ceiling joists
for the attachment of the ceiling material
what is the symbol for a plug or slot weld
a rectangle
why is diagonal subflooring preffered to subflooring laid square across the joists
it stiffens the building
which of the following woods is usually used for floor joists
doug fir
what is the maximum height considered acceptable for a stair riser
7 inches
what approximate size is 2” x 4” after dressing
1-1/2” x 3-1/2”
what is the most commonly used lumber for framing
doug fir
all wood members shall be framed anchorded tied and braced so as to develop the ____ necessary for the purposes for which they are used
strengthen and rigidity
the beams(girders) of douglas fir shall have a minimum clearance to earth, under floor areas of not less than ____ inches
Wood structural panels used for the bracing of exterior walls shall not be less than ____ inches wide
Trimmer and header joists shall be doubled when the span of the header exceeds ____ feet
unless placed over sheathing, solid wood siding shall have an average thickness of ____ inch
joists framing from opposite sides of a beam shall be lapped at least ____ inches
wood structural panels in shear walls shall be at least ____ inch thick when studs are spaced 16 inches on center
plywood used as an exterior wall covering shall not be less than ____ inch thick
nails for wood structural panel shear walls shall be placed not less than 3/8 inch in from the panel edge (t/f)
When roof slopes are less than 2:12 members supporting rafters and joists shall be designed as beams (t/f)
Utility grade studs may be spaced 24 inches on center when supporting only a roof load (t/f)
all fastners used for the attachment of siding shall be of a corrosion resistant type (t/f)
rafters shall be framed directly opposite of each other at the ridge (t/F)
Beams may have notches not to exceed 1/6 of the depth of the member when located in the middle third of the span (t/f)
holes bored in joists shall not be within 2 inches of the top or bottom of the joist (t/f)
any wood stud in a bearing partition may be cut or notched to a depth not exceeding ____ percent
utility grade studs shall not exceed a height of ____ feet for exterior walls and load bearing walls
The allowable unit stresses for fire retardant treated solid sawn lumber and plywood subject to prolonged elevated temperatures but not exceeding 150 degrees F. Shall be developed from approved test methods. (t/f)
Rafter ties shall not be spaced more than 4 feet on conter (t/f)
all vertical joints of panel sheathing used for bracing shall occur over studs (t/f)
wood board sidings applied to studs shall be fastned with nails that penetrate at least ____ inches into the studs
ends of wood beams supported on concrete shall not have less than ____ inches of bearing
individual concrete piers supporting 4 x 4 doug fir posts shall project at least ____ inches above ground
in seismic zone 1 braced wall sections shall be located at each end or as near as possible and shall be not more than ____ feet on center
nonbearing partitions may have bored holes not greater than ____ percent of the width of the stud
studs shall be placed with their wide dimension perpendicular to the wall (t/f)
the minimum thickness of a roof ridge board shall not be less than
1 inch nominal
roof trusses shall be supported laterally at bearing points by solid blocking to prevent rotation (t/f)
joists under and parallel to bearing partitions shall be doubled (t/f)
under floor ventilation shall be provided with openings not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of under floor area (t/f)
all under floor access openings shall be effectively
the unbraced length for purlin struts shall not exceed ____ feet
non structural masonry floors not more than 4 inches in thickness may be supported by wood members (t/f)
Ends of joists shall not have less than ____ inches of bearing on metal
wood structural panels may be used to brace cripple walls having a stud height of ____ inches
cripple walls shall be framed as an additional story when they exceed ____ feet in height
notches on the ends of joists shall not exceed ____ percent of the joist depth
access to under floor areas shall be provided with an opening a minimum of ____ inches by ____ inches
a concealed space in a floor/ceiling assembly of a group R, Division 3 building shall be draft stopped every
1000 sq ft
fireblocking shall be installed at ____ intervals along the length and height of a wall in openings around vents, pipes, ducts, chimenys and similar openings in concealed spaes between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run and between studs along and in line with the run of the stairs, if the walls under the stairs are unfinished
10 ft
the concealed space in a floor/ceiling assembly in an office shall be draft stopped every
1000 sq ft
all siding shall be securely nailed to each stud with not less than
1 nail
consideration shall be given to shrinkage in the design to the possible effect of ____ considered vertically which may occur in lumber in a green condition
cross grain dimensional changes
ters do not require lateral support when the ration of depth to thickness is
2 to 1
Joists laterally supported by the ends being held in position by full-depth solid blocking shall have a depth to thickness ratio of not more than
4 to 1
all truss manufacturers shall retain a ____ to make non scheduled inspections of truss fabrication, delivery and operations
approved agency
a ____ shall be provideed to ensure against uplift and laterl displacement where post and beam or girder construction is used
positive connection
wood shakes may be used for exterior wall coverings, provided the frame of the structure is covered with
a water-resistant barrier
where partitions are covered with tile and are subject to water splash, the framing shall be rotected with
a waterproof paper
structural roof sheathing shall be capable of supporting concentrated loads of not less than ____ pounds without failure
fireblocking shall be provided at all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces at
drop ceilings
cover ceilings
approved fire retardant treated 2 inch by 10 inch wood floor joist shall have a maximum mosture content of ____ percent
a 4 inch by 12 inch beam shall be supported laterally by ____ or by other acceptable means
having the ends held in position
material for draftstopping shall be not less than ____ inch thick gypsum board 3/8 inch thick plywood or other approved materials
wood joists located closer than ____ inches to exposed earth in crawl spaces shall be treated wood or wood of natural resistance to decay
ends of wood girders entering concrete walls shall have an air space of ____ inches around the top sides and ends unless of treated wood
Posts which support permanent structures and are located on concrete floors exposed to the weather shall be supported by concrete piers or metal pedestals that project at least ____ above the floor
1 inch
bearing partitions shall not support more than ____ floors and a roof unless an analysis satidfactory to the building official shows that shrinkage of the wood framing will not have adverse effects upon the structure
attics in office buildings shall have draft stops installed every 1000 square feet or 60 lineal feet. if spriklers are installed the area between draft stops may be increased to
9000 sq ft or 100 linear feet
the maximum height of a laterally unsupported non bearing stud wall made of 2 inch by 6 inch lumber spaced 24 inches on center is ____ feet
Individual concrete piers shall project at least ____ inches above ground unless of treated wood or wood of natural resistance to decay
Under floor areas shall be ventilated by either mechanical means or by openings in the exterior walls of not less than ____ for each 150 sq ft of under floor area. openings shall be located as close as possible to corners and shall be covered with corrosion resistant wire mesh
1 sq ft
wood located on concrete three inches thic with an ipervious membrane installed between earth and concrete that is not subject to water splash or to exterior moisture may be ____ and of any species
openings in draft stop partitions shall be protected by self closing doors with an automatic
any structures may rest upon wood piles constructed in accordance with the requiremnents of
chapter 18 UBC
Wood framing members shall not be used to permanently support the dead load of any concrete or masonry construction (t/f)
In seismic zone 4 plywood shear panel shall have framing memebrs or blocking at the edges of all sheets (t/f)
all lumber shall be identified by a ____ or a certificate of inspection issued by an approved agency
grade mark
2 inch by 10 inch rafters shall be supported laterally by holding one edge in line for its entire length (t/f)
when using glue laminated lumber for roof framing, it shall be sloped not less than ____. such slope shall be in addition to its camber
10 lbs
sizes of lumber refered to in the code are ____ sizes
blocking for joists shall be
2 inches nominal wood and the joist depth
floor underlayment of particle board shall not be less than ____ inch thick
tail joists over 12 feet long shall be supported by
framing anchors
joists framing into the side of a girder shall be supported by at least
a 2 inch by 2 inch ledger strip
3/8 inch thick plywood with a span rating of 16/0 used on a roof with rafters spaced 16 inches on center, shall have edges
top plates of bearing walls may be single plates provided all joints are tied together with
a 3 inch by 6 inch steel plate
the cantilevered portions of beams less than ____ inches in nominal thickness shall not be notched unless the reduced section properties and lumber defects are considered in the design
Plywood shear wall nails shall be driven flush, but shall not ____ the surface of the plywood
concrete non structural floor or roof surfacing not more than ____ inches thick may be supported by wood framing
joists shall be laterally supported to prevent rotation by holding both edges in line for their entire length when the ratio of depth to thickness is
7 to 1
particle board and plywood shear diaphragms shall have no unblocked panels less than ____ inches wide
diagonal sheathing boards of 1 inch by 8 inch nominal lumber shall have each board nailed with ____ nails at shear wall diaphragm boundaries
four 8d
when laterally supported perpendicular to the plane of the wall 2 inch by 4 inch studs in non bearing walls may extend a maximum of ____ feet in height
a purlin used to support roof loads is installed where the rafters are 2 inches by 8 inches lumber. The minimum size of the purlin is 2 inches by 4 inches and the maximum span of the purlin between supports shall be limitd to
6 feet
the minimum size of a strut supporting a purlin is 2 inches by 4 inches and the maximum unbraced length of hte strut shall be
8 ft
utility grade studs shall not be spaced more than 16 inches on center and shall not exceed more than ____ feet in height for load bearing walls
joists under and parallel to bearing partitions shall be doubled and bearing partitions perpendicular to joists shall not be offset from supporting girders more than
the joist depth
the minimum length of a foundation cripple wall stud shall be not less than ____ inches and not less in size than the studding above. When the cripple wall exceeds 4 feet, the stud sizing shall be as required for an additional story
the minimum slppe of a roof strut shall be not less than ____ degrees measured from the horizontal
gypsum wallboard used as bracing for a main cross stud partition shall be not less than 1/2 inch thick with studs not over ____ inches on center and nailed 7 inches on center on each stud
the ends of headers shall have bearing of not less than 1-1/2 inches. headers less than four feet wide shall be of either two pieces of ____ nominal lumber placed on edge or 4 inches lumber of equivalent cross section
2 inches
plywood roof sheathing 3/8 inch thick rated at 24/0 shall have edges blocked if rafter spacing is more than ____ inches on center
a nosing is
the overhang of the tread beyond the riser
plywood wall sheathing 1/2 inch thick shall have ____ common or deformed shank nails spaced 12 inches on center at intermediate supports and 6 inches on center at edges
The laterally unsupported height of 2 inche by 3 inch studs in non-bearing walls shall not exceed ____ feet. These studs may not be used in exterior walls
ceiling joists shall be toe nailed to the top plate with ____ nails
fiberboard sheathing 1/2 inch thick may be secured with corrosion resistnat staples with a minimum length of ____ inches
the reason a projection is made on cabinet end panels of factory built units is to allow for
wood supporting permanent structures that are in direct contact with the earth shall be treated except when:
continuously submerged in fresh water
the moisture content of pressure treated wood used in enclosed locations, where drying in service cannot readily occur, shall be ____ percent
a maximum of 19
Fire blocks may be of
-3/4 inch type M-2 particleboard
-2 inch nominal lumber
-1/2 inch drywall
exterior siding shall be attached with
corrosion resistant nails
planter boxes adjacent to wood frame walls shall have an air space of 2 inches between the planter and the wall. flashings shall be installed when the air space is less than ____ inches wide
fastners used to attach siding shall be of a ____ type
corrosion resistant
when bearing studs are spaces at 24 inche intervals and top plates are less than two 2 inch by 6 inch or two 3 inch by 4 inche members and when the floor joists which they support are spaced at more than 16 inches on center, such joists shall bear within ____ inches of the studs beneath or a third plate shall be installed
the ends of joists shall not be notched more than ____ of the depth, and holes bored in joists shall not be within 2 inches of the top or bottom of the joist
joints in subflooring shall occur over ____ unless end-matched lumber is used
when ceiling joists are not parallel to rafters, the rafters shall be tied to 1x4 cross ties and shall be spaced not more than ____ inches on center
trimmer and header joists exceeding four feet shall be doubled. Unless bearing on a beam, wall or partition, ends of header joists more than six feet long shall be supported by ____ or joist hangers
framing anchors
not less than ____ studs shall be installed at each corner of an exterior wall
where pipes are placed in a partition and the cutting of the plate occurs, a metal tie 1/8 inch thick and ____ inches wide shall be fastened to the plate with 4 - 16d nails
studs in bearing walls may have bored holes no greater than ____ percent of the stud width.
At all roof valleys there shall be a single valley rafter not less than ____ nominal thickness and not less in depth than the cut edge of the rafter
bored holes not greater than ____ percent of the width of the stud are permitted in bearing partitions provided the bored studs are doubled
nonscheduled inspection of trusses shall cover ____ of the truss operation
cutting and fabrication
lumber storage
handling and delivery
nails shall have a required penetration of not less than ____ diameters
stone veneer may be supported by approved treated-wood foundations provided the veneer does not exceed ____ feet above the foundation
for purposes of determining bracing requirements for stories, foundation cripple walls with studs exceeding ____ inches in height shall be considered first story walls.
a bored hole shall not be placed nearer than ____ inches to the edge of the stud
when the roof slope is less than 3:12, members supporting rafters shall be
designed as beams
Exterior wall studs shall be capped with
double top plates
unless bearing on a beam, wall, or partition, the ends of header rafters more than ____ feet long shall be supported by framing anchors or rafter hangers
when toe nailing a stud to a plate, at least ____ nails shall be used
floor joists spaced 24 inches on center with 1-1/2 inches of lightweight concrete over the subfloor has 3/4 inch thick exterior plywood. What is the maximum panel span rating of the plywood
Built up corner studs shall be nailed together with 16d nails spaced ____ inches on center
double studs shall be face nailed together with 16d nailes at ____ inches on center
the size of the studs on the first floor of a three story building shall be either ____ or ____ spaced not more than 16 inches on center
3 inches x 4 inches
2 inches x 6 inches
what is the tread run if the riser height in a stairway is 7-1/4 inches
9-10 inches
the riser height for a strairway with a total vertical rise of 8’9” is:
7-1/2 inches
the top and bottom horizontal members of a wall frame are called:
a rabbeted jamb is 3/4” thick. allowing 1/2” on each side of shimming the frame, what is the rough opening width for a door that is 2’-8” wide
many building codes specify a minimum tread width of
9 inches
in a flight of stairs has a riser height of 7-1/2 inches, a tread run of 10 inches and the total thickness of the upper floor is 10 inches, what is the length of the stairwell if the stairwell header acts as the top riser and the desired minimum headroom is 6’8”?
the finish floor to ceiling height in a platform frame is specified to be 7’10” the finish floor is 3/4” thick and the ceiling material below the joist is 1-1/2” thick. a single soleplate and a double top plate are used, each of which has a actual thickness of 1-1/2”. what is the stud height
a wainscoting is a wall finish
applied partway up the wall
the height of a window frame is 73-1/2 inches. dividing this height into spaces as close to 6 inches as possible results in spaces of:
a particular advantage of plain bevel siding over other types of horizontal siding is that:
the weather exposure can be slightly varied
bed, crown and cove moldings are often used as
ceiling molding
plain beveled siding is applied
when the end of a molding has no material to butt against, its end is
what is the thickest plastic laminate described in this unit called?
regular type
wood used for interior finish should be dried to a moisture content of about ____ in most areas of the country
8 ppercent
the setbacks of door casings from the face of the jamb is usually referred to as a:
a type of siding called Dolly Varden has
rabbeted butt edges
back bands are applied to
olid wood paneling is applied vertically over open studs, wood blocking between studs for nailing must be applied at intervals of
24 inches
when the hip rafter is framed against the ridge, the amount of shortening is
one half the 45 degree thickness of the ridge
the unit of run of hip and valley rafters is
17 inches
what is the length of a common rafter from the centerline of hte ridge to the plate with teh rise of 5 inches per foot of run, if the building is 28’ 0” wide
15’ 2”
the common rafter is ____, if a ridge board is used
shortened by one-half the thickness of the ridge board
bearing partitions
are constructed similar to exterior walls
mark along the ____ if fractional part of a step must be laid out
outside of the tongue of the square
floor joists when resting on wood should have at least ____ inches of bearing
to draw a horizontal line on a round column, you should
wrap a peice of paper around it
in order to insure enough strength to support the overhang, the minimum amount of stock left above the bird’s mouth of the common rafter is generally
one-quarter of the rafter stock width
what is the line length of the ridge of a hip roof
the length of the building minus its width
a drawer front or door with its edges and ends rabbeted to fit over the opening is called
an overlay type
as opposed to the other types of doors and drawers, the flush type requires
a lipped door is cut larger than the opening by:
5/8 inch
which of the following is the best grade of unfinished oak strip flooring
the edges of prefinished strip flooring are chamfered to
obscure any unevenness in the floor surface
when estimating the amount of 2-1/4” face hardwood flooring, you would add to the area to be covered a percentage of the area of
when you have the cut the last strip in a course of flooring, the waste is used to start the next course and shoul dbe a minimu of
8 inches long
when floor laying, the hammer weight is usually
20 ounces
to change direction of strip flooring
use a spline
no pieces are allowed in bundles of hardwood strip flooring shorter than
9 inches
bundles of a strip flooring may have pieces over and under the nominal length of a bundle by
6 inches
in cabinet work, butt hinges are used on ____ doors
the top plate of the bearing partition:
laps the plate of the exterior wall
exterior walls are strightened by
using a line stretched between two blocks and testing with another block
what is the total run of a shed roof rafter
the span minus the thickness of one of the walls
the unit of run of any jack rafter is
17 inches
the unit of run of any jack rafter is
17 inches
the common difference in the length of gable studs spaced 24 inches oc for a roof with a pitch of 8 inches rise per foot of run is
16 inches
gypsum board lath, commonly called rock lath, must be fastened to each framing member with at least ____ nails.
a story pole shows
the length of trimmers
the horizontal wall member supporting the load over an opening is called a:
what are shortened studs above and below openings called
in residential construction, stairways should have a minimum width of
36 inches
the end stud of partitions that butt against another wall
must be straightened
the stair carriage of a stairway with a riser height of 7-1/2 inches rests on the finish floor. what is the riser height of the first step if the tread thickness is 3/4 inch?
7-1/2 inches
using a scale of 1” equals 1-0”, what is the rough length of a rafter (to the next whole number) that has a total rise of 8 feet and a total run of 15 feet?
using a scale of 1” equals 1-0”, what is the rough length of a rafter (to the next whole number) that has a total rise of 8 feet and a total run of 15 feet?
in order to protect wood against termites, floor joists in crawl spaces and other concealed areas are at lest
12 inches above ground
a minimum headroom clearance of ____ is specified in most building codes
a stairway has a riser height of 7-1/2”. the tread stock thickness is 1-1/16”. the finish floor thickness of the upper floor is 3/4 inch. what distance down from the top of the upper subfloor must the rough carriage be fastened if the stairwell header acts as the top riser
7-5/8 inches
when stepping off a hip rafetr, how much is laid out on the blade of the square for 6 inches?
6/17 foot
excluding any overhang at the rakes, the number of common rafters needed for a building 48’0” long is:
the top plate of nonbearing partitions is positioned by
hanging a plumb bob from the ceiling to the soleplate
in a roof of specified pitch, the length of any rafter can be found if
its total run is known
the rounded outside edge of a tread that extends beyond the riser is called
what is the complete rail assembly on the open side of a stairway called
a balustrade
a member of the cornice generally applied under the soffit and against the sidewall is the
generally the thickness of drawer sides and backs is
1/2 inch
a cornice with no soffit is called a ____ cornice
a decorative piece added to the bottom edge of the rake finish to close in the end of a wal box cornice is often called a:
a stool is part of the
window trim
treads are rabbeted on their back edge to fit into
what are finish boards between the stairway and the wall called
what must be know when laying out a story pole for courses of horizontal siding
the location of windows, doors and other openings
on high quality drawers the ____ joint is used
when installing a wood strip in a cabinet to keep a drawer from tilting downward when opened it is called
a kicker
why are overlay and lipped doors and drawers considered easier to install than flush type
no jointing is needed
the total run of any hip jack rafter is equal to
its distance from the corner
floor joists should have a minimum support of ____ inches on each end
the unit of run of the common rafter is ____ inches
why do you cut the ends of ceiling joists to the pitch of the roof
so that they will not project above the rafters
stub joists
run at right angles to regular ceiling joists
if ceiling joists are installed in line
the joint over the bearing partition must be scabbed
what is the member of a floor frame called that rests directly on the foundation wall
short blocks fastened to the sides of corener posts and partition intersections and against the soleplate give
more surface on which to fasten the ends of the baseboard
when installing floor joists, it is very important to
have the crowned edges up
what is the rough opening height of a door opening for a 6’8” door if the finish floor is 3/4 inch thick, 1/2 inch clearance is allowed between the door and the finish floor, and the jamb thickness is 3/4 inch
6’ 10-1/2”
what do you call a heavy beam supporting the inner ends of floor joists
a girder
what is the total run of the shortened valley rafter equal to
the total run of the minor span
what is the majority of hardwood finish flooring made from
a volute is part of a
prefinished plywood planeling scored to simulate boards has some scores always placed in from the edge
16 to 32 inches
the offset hinge is used on ____ doors
newel posts are notched around the stair carriage so that their centerline lines up with the
outside face of the stair carriage
on a kitchen cabinet, the vertical distance between the base unit and the wall unit is generally
16 to 18 inches
in interior corners, the joint between moldings is generally
if you store hardwood flooring in a heated building, the temperature should not be more than ____ degrees
which of the following is generally the way that door panels and drawer bottoms are cut?
building paper used under siding should
be a vapor barrier
an open stringer is
housed to receive treads
it is generally a good idea, when applying horizontal siding to
always maintain the same expose
tieboard is a type of
which of the followinf tools is recommended to cut thin plywood paneling
a fine tooth hand cross cut saw
when applying solid board paneling vertically to an existing wall
apply horizontal furring strips
what is the best tool to use to cut plastic laminate
a router and straight edge
bathroom tile should extend over the tops of showerheads a minimum of
6 inches
to find the length of side casings you should
turn the side casing upside down with the point of the miter against the floor
if the joint between side and head casings needs fitting you should ____ it
the base shoe is fastened to
the baseboard
the cope on baseboard is laid out by
the top edge of the fascia is flush with
the top of the roof sheathing
a member of the cornice usually fastened to the rafter tails is called the
what is the amount the fascia extends below the siffit called
the exterior trim that extends up the slope of the roof on the gable ends is called ____ finish
(rake) frieze board
what is the part of the exterior finish where the walls of a building meet the roof called
what is the device that carried water downward from the roof and away from the building called
the member of a box cornice generally installed first is
to find the line of installation for the bottom edge of wall units you would measure up from the low point on the floor how many inches
52 to 54
the width of the countertop is ____ inches to accommodate sinks and have enough working area
what is the depth of overhead wall units
12 inches
on a overhead kitchen cabinet wall unit what is the standard height of the unit
30 inches
what is the distance from the floor to the surface of the kitchen countertop
36 inches
the treads and risers, in a job built staircase are supported by
stair carriages
when trimming a staircase, one of the first things to do is
install the risers
the maximum distance that the top shelf of a wall unit should be from the floor is
7 feet
how many inches do treads generally project beyond the face of the riser
1-1/8 inches