foundation stories And That Come On Flashcards
explain the naming of athens myth
when athens had patron god it attracted many gods and both athena and posidoen wanted it. they had a gift competition where posideon gave a sea water spring that they couldnt drink out of, athena gave an olive tree that was a sign of prosperity and gave food.
how dd posideon react to losing athens
he is jealous and whenever they have problems at sea they blame posidoen
whats the significance of the naming of athens myth
they could justify the cities leading power in the ancient world by its link to one of the main gods
who was thesueuses father
king augeus or maybe posideon
explain the story of theseus and the minortaur
every year 14 young peopke went to crete and was killed by the minotaur.
theseus volanteered, on his way he made ariadne who gave him thread so he wouldnt get lost in the maze. he smuggled ina sword and killed the minotaur. athena told him to leave ariadne as she was married to a god so he did,
on hsi way back he was so sad he forgot to change his sail colour to show he was alive and from a distance his father thought he was dead so he killed himself- making theseus king.
sim to hercules
why did theseus do six labours
he was raised on an island with his mother, who knew when he was old enough to move the rock and get his dads sword and sandals he could return to athens, he chose to get there in the difficult land route
what was theseuses first two labours
he fought a man with a club, won and took the club
he then fought a robber who tied people to trees before catapulting them into the sky, he did this to him
what was s theseuses third and forth labur
the cromethian sow was a giant pig who he killed
another robber this time kicked people off cliffs when they were bent down- he did this to them
what were theseuses last two tasks
fifth, a king who would beat and kill anyone who lost to him in an arm wressle. theseus won and killed him
lastly ANOTHER robber (2,4,6) who would tie people to a bed and stretch/ cut off their limbs if they werent the right size. theseus cut off his legs and head
who was medea and what was the conflict between her and theseus
medea was king augeuses consort who recognised theseus on arrival and sent him to capture the bull hoping hed die so her son could be king. he did not and when he returned his father regognised the sandals
significance of theseus to athenians
he has a lot of parralels to hercules who is a divine figure, so the likings are very good
they share labours, the use of a club and hes seen as a comtemporary of hercules, they both fight a bull
story of the club was added later to draw more comparisons
hercules was very famous and popular and not athenian, but making the two similar makes you associate hercules with athens
he can explain how athns got power for example the victory over the arm wrestling king shows how the athenians got that terretory
how many of theseuses labours are on the kylix, whats missing
his battle against the club guy is off as it was later added, maybe to draw comparisons to hercules
what are the sims and differences of hercules on the temple of zeus vs the kylix of theseus
herculises focusses a lot on the humanity and endurance he wentunder in order to complete his mission, in some he looks older and tired showing the strenghth
on the kylix theseus is very much in action stance throughout, focussing on the battle, and theseus doesnt change as they happened in a shorter amount of time
who si aeneus
a prince of troy and son of venus
how did aenuses journey begin
there was a huge war between the trojans and the spartans after helen of troy was taken by the trojan prince and it resulted in troy being destroyed. aeneus was told by the gods he had a destiny so he took a group of surviving trojans and headed along the mediteraion for a new city.
who was dido and what was her purpose with aeneus
she ruled a city and had a love affair with aeneus. they stayed for a year but he could not begin the city there as he had to begin a new coty in italy as told by the gods
dido was so angry they left that she cursed them and killed herseflf
who are latinus and latvinia
king of the latins who lived in western italy, he saw a prosphery that his daughter latvinia would marry a foreign man so he married her to aeneus
who was and what happened with turnus
turnus was another tribes king whod been promised latvinia, in his rage he went to war with aeneus- in this both he and latinus were killed
what city did aeneus then found
at the grounds of both dead kings turnus and latinus he made his city latvinius where he placed the gods hed brought from troy
who was aeneuses son
what did ascanius do
founded the second city alba longa as latvinius was too croweded
significance of aeneus to romans
as a son of venus it gives the city of rome strong links to the divine
it also links the caeser family to himas founders of rome which legiitamises their divine status
a lot of the records of the time had been destroyed so giving a myth as a foundation was a comfort- derived from the greeks that they often tried to mimic
who was numitor and amulius
numitor was the rightful king of alba longa who was sacked by his brother amulius
what did amulius do to numitors children
he made the daughter a vestal virgin and killed the two sons so thered be no hiers
how were rom and rem born
their mother the vestal virgin became pregant with mars/ ares children and when they were born amulius wanted them dead by exposure- but the servant put them in a basket down the river instead
how were rom and rem raised
the river god lead them to a she wold who fed them until they were found and riased by a shepard
what happened to amulius
rom and rem were clearly strong leaders and one day they got into a fight with some of amuliuses sheppards, rem was captured and amulius realised who he was. but romulus had raised a group and they killed amulius
what happened to alba longa
rom and rem were offered it but decided to give it to their grandfather numitor
where did the conflict between rom and rem begin and how dud they try and fix it
they couldnt decide on which hill to put their city on.
they alled an augry to see who got a good omen by birds but rom had 12 vultures while rem had seen 6 first- it was a stalemate
what happened to rem and why
rom built a trench around his hill but rem jumped over it and mocked it, rom killed him
how did rome grow initially
romulus split it between diffrent nobel men to help him lead and many people flocked to it as it was organised and peaceful
how did rome deal with the shortage of women
they held a festival with the sabine people and while they were drunk kidnapped their wives
what happened after the sabine kidnapp
the sabines were a good match in battle and it was a stalemate, the women begged for peace between the two and as they had treated the women with respect they agreed and the two groups largely combined
how did romulus contnue his rule after the death of the sabine king
he expanded his city with alba longa and latvinius and had a very sucessful reign- though at the end he did become more autocratic
significance of romulus and remus
though they are myths- taken from greek tradition- they were taken very seriously by the romans as it was a source if their foundings and gave them divine links
plutarchs comparison beween theseus and romulus
theseus sought out herioc deeds by want while rom only fought people when he had to
rom rose up from barely anything to become a king whilst Theseus though facing trials and medea had a bloodline of power
rom very very respectful and liked widely, Theseus had counts of mistreatment of women
bias of plutarchs compaisons
rome had very large control at the time so it was important to equate greek history with roman
his readers were largely greek and he had to emind people of their successes, often skewed towards the greeks eg. comparing bandits theseus faced with the king of a city