festivals And That Flashcards
reasons for festivals
very important social and religious evnt
often to celebrate a particular god or a group
in greece was a chance for a city to show their skills
Where, when and for who was the city dionysia held
held for dioniusis or bacchus in athens, greece in the early spring
who was an athenian archon and what did they do
high ranking political or rich figure who would have to organise the event
how did city dionysis originate
when a town decided to become part of the greater athens city they brought a statue of dionysis as a gift, but the athenians rejected it as they preferred athena. this was a msitake because a plauge took over the city and realising this they welcomed the statue and the god to athens, the fesival is to keep appeasing dionysis
what events happened at the beginning the city dionysia
young men brought the statue from the temple to the theatreat the top of the hill
a black male goat was sacrificed and eaten at a banquet
a bull would be sacrificed at the end of a huge procession by trumpet
there was also a long komos with lots of drinking
a procession of tributed money from atheian clans
what was the theartical aspect of dionysia
there were three days of competitive plays and it was important as dionysis was the god of theatre and it was the one time a year you could see plays in action
what, when and to whom was the great panathenia
means all athenians was dedicated to their fav athena and happened every four years in july w a small scale one annually
what went on in the great panathenia
there were all athenian athletics rivalling the olympics that was a display of the levels of skill possessed by the athenians
other greeks came and the athenians could show their physical power over others
origin of the great panathenia
it was set up as a celebration of the patron diety athenia when she beat posideon, date coincides aith her birthday
what events went on in the great panathenia
there was a hetacomb which was a huge sacrifice to show their devotion
loads of expensive gifts given at the altar of the accropolis
both dityrambic dance and sports competitions
traditional athenian competitons to show their unity
what did the winner of an event at the panathenia get
lots of respect as a physically powerful attribute
a reward of olive oil in an amphora (a vase with their event on), a rare and useful produce that reminds everyone of athenes divine past
which two festivals were greek
city dionysia and the great panathenia
when, to whom and where was the luprecalia held
held on valentines it was in memory of romes foundation myth and so was held in the cave the wolf raised them, on romuluses hill and his forum
origin of the luperacalia
celebrates the myth of Rome’s founders and largely thanks the wolf who raised them to form rome, it honours the god lupercus who is god of both wolves and fertility
what were the main events of the lupercalia
holy sacrifice to lupercus of a dog and a goat
they cut thongs from the animals skin and ran around the streets whipping woman- which was said to hep with fertility as its to the god of fertility lupercus
to whom, where and when was saturnailia
held in mid december, honouring the god saturn of argriculture and held throghout rome
started as a day long event but ended up being longer as it was so liked
orgin of saturnalia
really it started as a winter soltice, which is why it was so easily translateable to christmas, but also the giving of candles was an old prophercy for the gifts given to saturn
main events of the city saturnalia
rome was nit a democracy so it largely focussed on keeping the people happy
feasts and gifts were given- usually very expensive ones
slaves were allowed to participate
everyone wore bright colours
many parties
slaves swapped roles for a day
gambling and that were allowed for once