Foundation Chapter 6: Chemistry Flashcards
Any substance that occupies space and has mass(weight)
The science that deals with the composition, structures and properties of matter and how matter changes under different conditions
All matter has physical and chemical properties and exist in the form of a..
Solid liquid or gas
Is the simplest form of chemical matter and contains only one type of atom
How many elements are noon to science today?
How many elements occur naturally on earth? 
Are the basic unit of matter, with a nucleus at the center surrounded by negatively charged electrons that move around the nucleus in orbits.
What cannot be divided into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means?
Is the chemical combination of two or more atoms in definite propositions
A molecule containing two or more atoms of the same element
Elemental molecule
Are chemical combination of two or more atoms of different elements in definite (fixed) proposition
Compound molecules
Is a change in the form of physical properties of a substance without a chemical reaction
Physical change
Is a change in the chemical composition or make up of a substance
Chemical change
Is a physical combination of matter in any property; you have to keep mixing
Physical mixture
Is a stable uniform mixture of two or more substances
Is the substance that is dissolved in a solution
Is the substance that dissolves the solute and makes the solution
- The base of a solution is going to mostly be a…
- like..
Is known as the universal solvent because it has the ability to dissolve more substances than any other solvent
Liquids are mutually soluble meaning they can be mixed together to form solutions; when mixed they stay together
Liquids are not capable of being mixed together to form stable solutions
Are unstable physical mixtures of undissolved particles in a liquid
Is an unstable physical mixture of two or more immiscible substances
Is an ingredient that brings to normally compatible materials together in bind them into a uniform and fairly stable mixture
Are substances that allow oil and water to mix or emulsify
- The head of the surfactant molecule is..
- Which likes…
- The tail of the surfactant molecule is
- Which likes…
Likes oil
Refers to how prolonged, repeated or long-term exposure to certain product ingredients can cause sensitivity and some people
PH is an abbreviation of
Potential hydrogen
Is an atom or molecule that carries an electrical charge
Is the separation of an atom or molecule into positive and negative ions
Only products that contain this can have a pH
Is used to measure the acidity in alkalinity of substances. It has a range of 0 to 14
Ph scale
A PH of__is a neutral solution
A pH below seven indicates in…
Acidic solution
A pH above seven indicates an
Alkaline solution
Because the pH scale is a________scale a change of one whole number represents a_______change in PH.
A colorless liquid or white crystals with a strong unpleasant odor that is used in permanent waving solution.
Thioglycolic acid
Is an alpha hydroxy asset used in exfoliation and solar the pH of products
Glycolic Acid
Also known as bases, owe their chemical reactivity to the hydroxide ion.
Commonly known as lye, is a very strong alkali used in chemical hair relaxers, callous softeners, and drain cleaners
Sodium hydroxide
Occurs when an acid is mixed with an alkali In equal proportions, balancing the total PH and forming water and salt
Acid-Alkali neutralization reaction
Also known as a redox; is a chemical reaction in which oxidization and re-duction take place at the same time
Is a substance that releases oxygen
Oxidizing agent
Is the substance that adds hydrogen to a chemical compound or subtracts oxygen from the compound
Reducing agent
Manufactures of chemicals that are registered with either the___or___ are held to strict standards for their labels
It is vital that you always follow label instructions to avoid
Dangerous and painful situations
Meaning that they should not be mixed or even store near each other
Because many of these chemicals become more dangerous as they decompose____ or ___ used container should not be transported at all
When storing chemicals next to each other it is critical to know how the two would….
React if they somehow came into contact with each other
Requires employees be notified of any chemical in the workplace that could be hazardous
The OSHA hazard communication standard
Is a substance that causes or is believed to cause cancer
Material is capable of igniting and burning