Chapter 4: Disorders And Diseases Of The Skin Flashcards
What is not within aestheticians scope of practice to diagnose? 
Skin disorders and diseases
A medical science that studies and treats the skin
Structural changes in the tissues caused by damage or injury
Raised, inflamed, papule with a white or yellow center containing pus in the top of the lesion
A thick scar resulting from excessive growth
Skin cancer forms when cells begin to
divide rapidly and unevenly.

A pink or flesh colored precancerous lesion that feels sharp or rough and is a result of sun damage
Acne keratosis
How should cystic acne be treated?
Should be treated by a medical professional.
Red, inflame lesions
Entire follicle that includes the hair shaft, sebaceous glands, and sebaceous duct or canal to the surface
Pilosebaceous unit
It’s a blackhead open at the surface and exposed to air
Open Comedone
What type of clogged follicle is more common in dry skins ?
Described as a donut shaped with indentation in the center
Sebaceous hyperplasia
This hormonal condition can cause thinning hair in a male hair growth pattern of baldness
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
A vascular disorder that starts with flushing or increasing bouts of redness
Pregnancy,extended periods of time standing and sitting, and genetics are contributing factors for this vascular disorder: 
Varicose Veins
 Hyperpigmentation and Hypopigmentation are forms of?