Chapter 2: Anatomy And Physiology Flashcards
Estheticians should study and have a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology because:
understand the effect that services will have on tissues, organs and body systems
Cells are made up of a colorless, jellylike substance called:
The principle parts of a cell includes:
Nucleus, organelles, cell membrane.
Found in the center of the cell, and plays an important part in cell reproduction and metabolism is the:
Within the nucleus of a cell there is a fluid that contains proteins and a very important acid known as: 
The process in which cells reproduce by dividing into two identical cells called daughter cells:
Cells will continue to grow and thrive As long as conditions are favorable such as:
suitable temperature, ability to eliminate waste and products, adequate supply of nutrients, oxygen, and water.
Chemical process that body cells convert nutrients to energy so that the cell can function.
Fat or Adipose tissue gives:
Gives smoothness and contour to the body.
Is a collection of similar cells that perform a particular function
Protective lining on the body and surfaces such as skin mucous membrane lining of the heart digestive and respiratory organs and glands:
Epithelial Tissue
Tissues that carry messages to and from the brain; control and coordinate all bodily function:
Nerve Tissue
Connective tissues….
Bind together other tissues of the body
A collection of tissues that have an identifiable structure and that perform specific functions
Groups of organs that cooperate for a common purpose made not the welfare of the entire body is: 
Body Systems
The integumentary system is made up of:
Skin and it’s various accessory organs
The skeletal system is Comprised of
How would you describe the circulatory system?
Controls the blood supply
The stomach and intestines are part of the:
Digestive System
The cranium is made up of:
8 bones
What bone forms the forehead?
Frontal Bone
Bones the form the sides and top of the cranium
Parietal Bones
Bones that form the sides of the head in the ear region
Temporal bones
Bones that Form the upper jaw
Maxillae Bones
Strongest bone of the face:
Forms the back of the skull:
Occipital Bone
Uppermost and Largest bone in your arm:
3 parts of a muscle:
Muscle that enables you the close your eyes:
Orbicularis Oculi
One of muscles in the jaw used for chewing is:
The muscle that draws the eyebrows down and wrinkles the forehead vertically: 
Is a broad muscle extending from the chest and shoulder muscles to the side of the chin. it is responsible for lowering the lower jaw and lip
The muscle extending along side of the neck from the air to the collarbone. It ask to rotate the head from side to side and up and down.
A large, triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint that allows the arm to extend outward into the side of the body: