Form (grammar, structure and phonology) - children Flashcards
When do the earliest two word utterances emerge in children, showing a variety of grammatical relationships?
1.5 - 2 years
What are the structures of the two word utterances in children, at 1.5 - 2 years?
SV - "baby sleep" SC/O - "that hot" VO/C - "look car" AX - Adverbial and some other element NegX - Negative and some other element (added to affirmative statements)
What is telegraphic speech and when does it emerge?
Speech with only the key nouns and verbs, and few grammatical markers, at age 1.5 - 2 years
When does a form of wh-question appear, which is learned as a whole unit (rote production)?
1.5 - 2 years
When do children continue to use one and two element utterances and begin to use three elements?
2 - 2.5 years
What are the three element utterances used by children 2 -2.5 years old?
SVO - “me got cup”
SVA (adverbial) - “dolly sit chair”
VOdOi - “give dolly biccy”
NegXY (negation and two other elements) - “it not broken”
QXY (question and two other elements) - “where it go?”
VXY (command verb and two other elements) - “put it there”
When do children learn vocabulary forms rather than having an awareness of irregulars/passives?
2 - 2.5 years
When do children express echolalia (repeating adult utterances without understanding)?
2 - 2.5 years
When do children use ‘-ing’, ‘on’ and ‘plural /s/’?
2 - 2.5 years
When do children begin to use ‘no’, ‘not’, ‘can’t’ and ‘don’t’?
2 - 2.5 years
When do children form questions using rising intonation?
2 - 2.5 years
When do children use semi-auxiliaries such as ‘gonna’, ‘gotta’ and ‘hafta’?
2 - 2.5 years
When do children use the basic adult forms of sentences?
2.5 - 3 years
What are the basic adult forms that children use 2.5 - 3 years?
When are children inconsistent in the use of function words and word endings?
2.5 - 3 years
When are verb forms frequently inaccurate by the auxiliary system is used, e.g “he have been crying”
2.5 - 3 years
When does possessive ‘s appear?
2.5 - 3 years
When do overregularised past tense forms appear?
2.5 - 3 years
When do tag questions appear?
2.5 - 3 years
When do children link sentences with ‘and’?
3 - 3.5 years
When do children embed sentences?
3 - 3.5 years
When do children use conjunctions as a pause filler?
3 - 3.5 years
When are other conjunctions used, e.g. ‘cos’?
3 - 3.5 years
When do children express clear meanings but show errors in structure, use restrictions, agreement and irregularities?
3 - 3.5 years
When are negative forms used consistently and correctly?
3 - 3.5 years
When are determiners used?
3 - 3.5 years
When is the irregular past tense used correctly?
3 - 3.5 years
When do children use grammatical features such as pronouns?
3.5 - 4 years
When do children establish most irregular and plural nouns?
3.5 - 4 years
When are there still problems with agreement as there are errors when the content load is high?
3.5 - 4 years
When are there pre-passives?
3.5 - 4 years
When do they use ‘and’ and ‘because’?
3.5 - 4 years
When do they use ‘when’ and ‘how’ questions?
3.5 - 4 years
What happens in the first year of life in terms of phonology?
- Separate speech from environmental sounds
- Identify words in a stream of speech, and only recognise sound patterns rather than meaning
- Co-ordinate their lips, tongue and vocal cords during the babbling and jargon phase (motor skills)
- Sound patterns co-occur in routines
- Certain noises please adults which means there is extra gratification from the adult
What are protowords?
A combination of sounds that child uses consistently to refer to something, e.g. ‘bibi’ - drink
What are holophrases?
The use of a single word (or combination of gesture and single word) to convey meaning than just the word alone
What do key words/information carrying words offer?
We can pick out the important ideas which show what the child is expressing. Rather than try to impose an adult grammar, we can say the child is expressing multiple ideas
What did Fraser et al state about comprehension?
Explored the assertion that understanding precedes production:
Children could imitate grammatical structures before understanding them, and understand them before using them spontaneously
What did Clarke state about comprehension?
Found a child make use a construction inaccurately in a correct situation before understanding
What are the nature of early sentences (relationships)?
Agent + Action - 'Daddy throw' Agent + Object - 'Daddy ball' Action + Object - 'Throw ball' Negation + X - 'No ball, no throw' X + Dative - 'Throw me, ball me' X + Locative - 'Ball there' Attribute + Object - 'Red ball' Introducer + X - 'That ball'