Factors affecting speech and language development Flashcards
What are intrinsic factors?
What are extrinsic factors?
What are the intrinsic factors?
Genetics Physical Neurological Cognitive development Sensory abilities Birth weight Health Gender
What is fragile X?
Learning disabilities and cognitive impairment
What is velocardiofacial syndrome?
Cleft palate
What is foxP2?
Genetic factor of speech disorder
What is CNTNAP2?
Associated with autism spectrum disorder/specific language impairment
What is Landau Kleffner Syndrome?
Age-related epilepsy syndrome of childhood - loss of speech and language skills
What focal brain lesions are part of neurological factors?
Cerebral Palsy
What craniofacial difficulties are associated with physical abilities?
Cleft palate
Apert syndrome - abnormal development of the skull
DiGeorge syndrome - defect in chromosome 22 - poor development of several body systems
What mobility difficulties are associated with physical abilities?
Spina bifida - spine does not develop properly, leaving a gap in the spine
Muscular dystrophies - weaken the musculoskeletal system and hamper locomotion
Celerbral Palsy
These may affect play and interaction opportunities
What factors are related with cognitive development?
IQ is generally related to language development - closely linked to vocab development
Generalised development delay
Moderate/severe/profound intellectual impairment
What are the sensory-hearing features?
Congenital hearing loss, e.g. sensorineural damage
Temporary hearing loss, e.g. glue ear
- affects vocabulary, sentence structure, speaking
What the sensory-vision features?
Limited access to environment
Different feedback from others
Reduced integration of information
What are idiopathic disorders?
Disorders of unknown/uncertain origin
Many disorders do not have a known cause, e.g. SLI, autism, ADHD
Although, they are continually being researched and ‘risk factors’ being identified, including genetics, psychological, neurological, health and environmental factors
What are the extrinsic factors?
Language environment/parental behaviours
Social disadvantage
Family structure
Deprivation and neglect
What are the features to do with language environment?
Infant directed speech - amount - type Parent-child interaction Opportunities for language learning Play environment Parental education Parental mental health
What are the features to do with social disadvantage?
Low socio-economic status (SES) is associated with language delay
- however, this is complex
What are the features to do with family structure?
First born and only children may have a slight advantage in language development
Research suggests this is due to the richer language environment
Twin children/multiple births have slightly slower language development than singletons
What are the features to do with emotional deprivation and neglect?
A secure emotional and social environment foster interactions - provides safe context for child to experiment with language
Self-esteem can affect functional communication, regardless of language
Extreme deprivaton, e.g. Genie