Form GK Flashcards
Why would you call KIO?
-Bingo overflown
-Unplanned or unbriefed aircraft enters MOA
-MOA borders
-SA is lost
-Weather cannot be maintained
3SM Vis, discernable horizon, COC in MOA
-Radio failure recognized or continuous wing rock is observed
-Limits/Line (overspeed, underspeed, 3/9)
-Dangerous situation occurs
Why would you call Terminate?
-Bingo is met
-Objective are met
-Out of position with no expectation of expeditious return
-Told to do so
What are the ET restrictions?
-Accomplish all maneuvers at/above6000’ AGL
-Wx required: COC, 3 miles in-flight vis, discernible horizon
-Inside 300’ or forward of 3/9 line requires KIO call
-ET 1 & 2 max bank 120; min airspeed 100 kts
-No abrupt turn reversals
-Two ship only
-2 will lag last known position of Lead if lost sight and call “blind”
-Solos will not barrel roll or go over the top as 2
Close Trail is limited to what maneuvers?
turns and modified lazy eights
In fingertip/close trail, do not exceed ___ AOB, ___ Gs, and less than ___ kts
90 AOB
2-3 Gs
less than 120 kts
No position changes below ___ AGL or > ___ aft of line abreast
500’ AGL or > 30° aft of line abreast
In what condition an you not practice lost wingman?
in IMC, night, or <6,000’ AGL
Blind procedures:
Blind procedures:
-If 1 is blind, transmit “C/S, blind XXXX altitude” and maintain a predictable flight path. 2 will either call “continue” and state position, or call “KIO” followed by “blind”
-If 2 is blind, transmit “C/S, blind XXXX altitude” and maneuver away from 1’s last known position
-If both aircraft are blind, 1 will direct a minimum of 1,000’ altitude separation
Are wing landings allowed?
Minimum runway width for wing takeoff is ___’ (___’ for interval takeoff)
No formation low approaches < ___ AGL (no chase < ___ AGL)
Can you fly formation at night?
Lead’s responsibilities
Clear for the formation
Plan ahead of the aircraft
Monitor number 2
Wing’s responsibilities
Don’t hit Lead
Keep Lead in sight
Clear through Lead for the flt
Back up Lead
Be on in position and on frequency
Collision Avoidance in formation
-2 has the primary responsibility but both aircraft are responsible
-If 2 is blind, the responsibility passes to 1
-Don’t delay decision to overshoot or KIO
Lead/Lag/Pursuit curves and effects on HCA, Aspect, and Range:
Lead Pursuit
-2 aims nose in front of 1’s flight path
-AA and closure will increase
-HCA decreases
Lead/Lag/Pursuit curves and effects on HCA, Aspect, and Range:
Lag Pursuit
2 aims nose behind 1’s flight path
AA and Closure decreases
HCA increases
Lead/Lag/Pursuit curves and effects on HCA, Aspect, and Range:
Pure Pursuit
-2 aims nose directly at 1
-Creates closure that diminishes over time
-AA equals HCA which diminishes over time
Engine Start
Engine run-up for T/O
Echelon Turn
Radio Receiver Failure
Radio Transmitter Failure
HEFOE Initial Signal
HEFOE signals to indicate effected system(s)
Climb Check
Ops Check
Be in route for all in-flight checks unless ___
unless in IMC (then use CRM)
When are Ops Checks required?
Initial Level-off
After high G maneuvering
What does an Ops Check sound like?
“Elk, ops check. Elk 11, 900” “Elk 12, same”
After ET and Gx, include Gs to call. “Elk 11, 900, 4 Gs” “Elk 12, same”
Under what conditions can Two say “same” for an Ops Check?
If fuel within 50 lbs and Gs within .5 of Lead
What does a Climb Check sound like?
Lead calls it over Aux
Callouts are done interplane
Under what conditions may you NOT practice lost wingman?
Practice cannot be done in IMC, night, or below 6,000’ AGL
What does a practice Lost Wingman sound like?
-Lead says “Elk go practice lost wingman” and 2 responds “2”
-2 turns away and says “2’s lost wingman”
-Lead MUST respond with aircraft ATTITUDE. (Heading, altitude, and airspeed are as necessary)
-Once 2 has Lead in sight, “2’s visual”
-Lead rocks 2 in for a reform
What is the first thing a pilot does when a Lost Wingman situation develops?
Transition to instruments
How do you respond to a Lost Wingman situation while on Final Approach?
Lost wingman momentarily turns away from 1 to ensure separation and starts a climb to either FAF or glide slope intercept altitude. As 2 proceeds to MAP, he will inform 1 he is lost wingman
How do you respond to a Lost Wingman situation while on Missed Approach?
Lost wingman will momentarily turn away to ensure clearance, inform 1, and continue to the MAP +500’
How do you respond to a Spatial Disorientation situation?
Give controls to other pilot. If transfer of controls is not an option, confirm attitude with other crewmember or airplane. If symptoms persist, terminate mission and recover. If number 2 is SD, number 1 should fly straight and level for 30-60 seconds
Wing T/O placement when lining up on the runway
-If knots > 5, put wingman on upwind side – “give your wingman the fat chick”
-If knots < 5 & VMC, put wingman on inside of first turn
-If knots < 5 & IMC, put wingman on outside of first turn
Initial climb on Wing T/O
-Two stacks level until gear/flaps are up
-Lead waits for min. 110 kts & wingman airborne to raise gear
Interval T/O
-Can be static or rolling takeoff
-MAX power for both aircraft; 6 second delay for 2
-When 1 reaches 160 kts, they reduce power to 85-95% and maintains 160kts in the climb
-2 rejoins to the inside of the first turn out of traffic
Instrument Trail
-20 second spacing minimum (for takeoff and turns airborne)
-MAX power used by both aircraft and climb at 160
-All turns 30 AOB until join up or level off,
-Both 1 & 2 will call even-thousands (2000, 4000) and heading changes
-2 will maintain 1,000’ separation from 1 until visual
-2 squawks 0400
-1 will include “non-standard, 20-second trail departure” to Clearance and Tower call.
-All ATC calls include “nonstandard formation” until rejoin [Blaze Standards]
Wing Work parameters
Minimum airspeed: 120 kts
50-60% torque
Close Trail parameters
-Same as WW
-1-2 ship separation
-Minimum airspeed: 120 kts
-50-60% torque
Extended Trail parameters
-Minimum airspeed: 100 kts
-Level 3: modified cuban eights, loop, cloverleaf, barrel roll
Pitchout parameters
-180 degree turn around.
-Wait 5 seconds (*recommendation)
Cross under parameters
nose/tail separation
Echelon parameters
-Approx. 50% torque
-60° AOB
What is the definition of Angle Off?
(AKA HCA) Angular difference between longitudinal axis of both aircraft
What is the definition of HCA?
(AKA Angle Off) Angular difference between longitudinal axis of both aircraft
What is Aspect Angle (AA)?
Degrees off tail in multiples of 10 (ex: 6 o’clock position is a 0 aspect; 40 degrees left/aft if 4L)
Describe a High Yo-Yo (AKA Lag Reposition)
2 moves out-of-plane above 1 to control closure and prevent a 3/9 line overshoot
Describe a Low Yo-Yo (AKA Lead Reposition)
2 gets low on 1 until closure starts to increase
Turning Rejoin Overshoot
-Attempt to cross under 1’s 6 o’clock position with a min spacing of 2 ship lengths and 50 ft vertically
-Stabilize in route echelon on outside of turn before crossing back under/rejoining
-Breakout if unable to maintain nose/tail separation
Straight Ahead Rejoin Overshoot
Speed brake as required; a small, controlled 3/9 overshoot is allowed
Overshoot considerations
-Do not delay decision to overshoot
-Wait for an increase in LOS prior to rejoin
When do you breakout?
Breakout SHIT:
SA is lost
Hazard to formation
In front of or under lead
Told to
During a KIO, all aircraft will:
-Cease maneuvering
-Clear the flight path
-Maintain Visual
-Acknowledge with C/S (or wing rock if radio failure)
When is KIO used?
Used when safety of flight is a factor or when doubt/confusion exists:
B ingo
U nsched Flt in MOA
M OA Boundaries
S A lost
W x below mins
O ver G
R adio/NORDO
L imits (3/9)
D angerous situation
During BD check, who maintains controls of radios, squawk, and TAS?
During BD check, the number 1 aircraft maintains controls of radios, squawk, and TAS while inspecting 2’s aircraft. i.e. Number 1 might be in the number 2 position, but he is still “lead” and will resume the number 1 position after the BD check
Wx required for Wing T/O
-<15 kts crosswind
-Highest circling mins or 500-1½ , whichever is greater
Wx required for Interval T/O
-<25 kts crosswind
For an Interval T/O, min. power by 60 kts (calculated) must be at least ___%
Wx for wing approach
Approach mins or 500-1½ , whichever is greater
Define the position of Chase
-30-60 degree cone
-As close as necessary, out to 1000’
-Chase aircraft will not stack lower than lead below 1000’ AGL
Solo formation limitations. Solo Form Students will not perform:
-Actual/simulated instrument approaches and landings as lead or wing
-Close trail as wing
-Fingertip position when accomplishing inflight checks or radio channel changes
-Practice lost wingman procedures while on the wing
-ET level 3 as wing
-Formation landings (lead or wing)
-Formation wing or interval takeoffs from the wing position
-Student solo formation low-level
During flight splits in the pattern, 2 will delay turn ___ seconds
Rejoin airspeeds
Climbing: ___ kts
Straight and level (not in MOA): ___ kts
Low MOA: ___ kts
High MOA: ___ kts
Climbing: 180 kts
Straight and level (not in MOA): 200 kts
Low MOA: 180 kts
High MOA: 160 kts
-Reference JOKER if ___
-Reference BINGO if ___
Reference JOKER if at or above JOKER; reference BINGO if below JOKER
Ex: “Elk 1, JOKER” or “Elk 1, BINGO plus 100”
Standard changeover fuel/time for student formation sorties is ___ pounds or ___ minutes
750 pounds or 35 minutes after T/O
If encounter wake turbulence while maneuvering, pilots should assume ___
the G’s were asymmetric
If both aircraft are blind, both will ___.
If a rejoin is not accomplished by BINGO, lead will ___
-Turn on squawk and TAS
-Coordinate with ATC for a flight split
If IMC route abort takes place and the wingman is not rejoined prior to entering the weather, the wingman will climb to ___ and lead will climb to ___
-1,000’ above ERAA
For a Wing T/O, how much distance do you add to your computed T/O Roll to compensate for Lead setting 85% power?
1,000 ft
Define the position of Wedge
-30-45 degrees off Lead’s 6 o’clock
-2,000-3,000’ lateral spacing
-Stack up to 500’ high (200-300 optimal)
-Do not fly lower than One in Low Alt. Enviro.