Airport Operations Flashcards
How are towered airports depicted on navigational charts? How are non-towered airports depicted?
Towered: Blue
Non-Towered: Magenta
Runway headings are based on their (True/Magnetic?) course
A single yellow line is used to…
Mark the centerline of the taxiway
A double yellow line is used to…
Mark the edge of the taxiway
A double dashed yellow line is used to…
Differentiate the taxiway from adjoining pavement which is used by aircraft, such as a run-up area or a ramp
A single solid line paired with a single dashed line is used to…
Differentiate a movement area (ATC controlled) from a non-movement area (Not ATC controlled)
What color are runway lights?
Taxiway lights?
Hazard lights?
Red or strobe white
A VASI uses colored lights to visually guide pilots on a safe glide path at how many degrees of slope?
What does above glide path look like?
On glide path?
4 white lights
2 white, 2 red
4 red
A PAPI uses colored lights to visually guide pilots on a safe glide path at how many degrees of slope? What does 4 white lights mean? 3 white, one red? 2 white, one red? 1 white, 3 red? 4 red?
Greater than 3.5 degrees glide path
path (well above)
3.2-3.5 degree glide path (slightly above)
2.8-3.2 degree glide path (on glide path)
2.5-2.8 degree glide path (slightly low)
Less than 2.5 degree glide path (well below)
A rotating beacon has which color lights for a civil airport? For a military airport?
Civil airport: green and white
Military: green and two white
If a rotating beacon is used during the day, this signifies…
Ground visibility is less than 3 SM, and/or ceilings are less than 1,000’ (IMC)
Light gun signals:
Steady green on the ground
Cleared for takeoff
Light gun signals:
Steady green in flight
Cleared to land
Light gun signals:
Flashing green on the ground
Cleared for taxi
Light gun signals:
Flashing green in flight
Return for landing
Followed by steady green
Light gun signals:
Steady red on the ground
Light gun signals:
Steady red in flight
Give way to other aircraft and continue circling
Light gun signals:
Flashing red on the ground
Taxi clear of the active runway
Light gun signals:
Flashing red in flight
Airport unsafe, do not land
Light gun signals:
Flashing white in the ground
Return to starting position at the airport
Light gun signals:
Alternating red and green on the ground
Exercise extreme caution
Light gun signals:
Alternating red and green in flight
Exercise extreme caution
A wind sock provides _____
Wind direction and intensity
A wind tee provides _____
Wind direction but not intensity
A tetrahedron provides ____
Wind direction but not intensity
Beside the runway you see markings surrounding the wind sock as shown. What do the markings mean?
The legs illustrate the final and base legs. Right traffic patterns for runway 9 and left traffic patterns for runway 27.
What is a NOTAM?
A Notice To Airmissions
Formerly Notice to Airmen
What is the D in NOTAM D?
These NOTAMs are coordinated by the publishing airport for advisory purposes
What are FDC NOTAMs?
Regulatory in nature
These may include changes to an instrument approach procedure, changes to airways, or the issuing of TFRs
If an airfield does not specifically state the direction of their traffic patterns, the default traffic pattern direction is…?
Left hand traffic
Wake turbulence is greatest whe. The aircraft is ____, ____, and ____.
Heavy, clean and slow
FAA regulation says that no person may act as a crew member within __ hrs of drinking alcoholic beverages, while under the influence of ____, or with a blood-alcohol level of ___ or greater
Alcohol or drugs
AFMAN 11-202v3 says that aircrew will not fly or assume aircraft control if any alcohol was consumed within __ hrs prior to takeoff, or if impaired by ____, to include ____.
12 hrs
Alcohol or any other intoxicating substance
The effects or after-effects
What is your fuel requirement for day VFR?
What are the required aircraft instruments for daytime VFR?
What are the documents required to have in flight?
When two or more aircraft are approaching an airport for the purpose of landing, the aircraft ____ has the right of way
At the lower altitude