CN390 Flashcards
What is the WANTS check?
- Weather
- Activate
What is CRAFT?
- Clearance
- Routing
- Altitude
- Frequency
- Transponder
What is SHAFT?
- Speed
- Heading
- Altitude
- Fuel
- Time
What is the difference between PMSV and Metro stations?
They’re the same thing
Level Flight Speeds
Max Endurance:
Lowest Fuel Flow speed
Diamond symbol on AoA
(Remember: Diamonds are Forever)
Level Flight Speeds
Max Range:
Best MPG speed
Triangle symbol on AoA
(Remember: Triangle is the symbol for targets, and your Target Airspeed for cruising is 99% of Max Range but you still use the Triangle of the AoA)
Level Flight Speeds
Long Range:
99% of best MPG speed
aka LRC (long Range Cruise)
Checkist Tab Data based on LRC speed & FF
LRC is appropriate speed to fly during cruise
From the review slides
Level Flight Speeds
Max Cruise
PCL max’d without damaging the turbine
Level Flight Speeds
PCL max’d
Can ForeFlight be used for fuel planning?
What is the definition of reserve fuel?
Fuel needed to extend flight time by 20 min.s or 10% (to a max of 45 min.), or which ever is greater
Computed at best endurance and 10,000’ MSL
Are you required to plan a descent?
What is RAMP FUEL?
(1100 lbs)
(1100 lbs)
When landing at a non-towered field, who is responsible for closing your flight plan?
The pilot.
Who. do you contact to close a flight plan?
- Airfield management at the departing field
- Any ATC facility
What is a VR route?
VFR military training route
Where are VR routes depicted?
VFR Sectionals
What Wx is required to fly a VR route?
How fast can you fly on a VR route?
Faster than 250 KIAS
What do you squawk on an a VR route?
What is an IR route?
IFR military training route
What Wx is required to fly an IR route?
It’s IFR - none
How fast can you fly on an IR route?
Faster than 250 KIAS
What is the minimum altitude (normally) of an IR route?
1500’ AGL
What is an SR route?
Slow-Speed Low Altitude Training Route
Where are SR routes depicted?
They’re not
How do you deconflict SR use?
Through the scheduling authority for the route as found in the AP/1B
What are the altitudes of SR routes?
500’-1500’ AGL
How fast can you fly on an SR route?
250 KIAS max
How fast do T-6’s fly on an SR route?
Plan for 210 GS, or 3.5 NM/min
What do you squawk on an SR route?
What Wx is required to fly an SR route?
Navigation by means of wind corrected headings and groundspeeds based on time, airspeed, and direction
Navigation by reference to landmarks or checkpoints such as towns, rivers, lakes, airfields, etc.
“Bingo fuel is needed from the most distant point on the route to the recovery airfield. Bingo fuel is calculated for the most practical means of recovery (route and altitude).”
“Fuel state above BINGO at which separation, BUGOUT, or event termination should begin.” AFTTP 3-2.5
When flying in ATC airspace, when are you allowed to exceed 250 KIAS?
When the -1 requires you to
ATC authorizes it
When flying Low Level, how low can you go?
- 500’ above the highest terrain within 2k’ of the acft
- 500’ above highest obstacle (towers) within 2 NM of the acft, until acquired visually, then able to descend lower while mxing 2k’ lateral clearance
T/F. If you are LL and have to abort into the Wx, you are now an emergency aircraft.
What is the T-6 ROUTE ABORT SPEED?
160 kts
Prior to entering the pattern at an NTA (non-towered airfield), a pilot must
A. Contact Flight Service
B. Slow to final approach speed
C. Descend to pattern altitude
D. Fly overhead the field
C. Decsend to pattern altitude
What is the NAVY’s optical device providing glideslope information?
OLS (Optical Landing System)
aka The Meatball
Where do you find instructions on how to change your flight plan in flight?
Inside back cover of the IFR Sup
Which term describes a privately owned radio service typically found at uncontrolled airfields through which a pilot might receive airport advisory information?
A. Air Traffic Control (ATC)
B. Common Tower Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF)
C. Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS0
T/F: PMSV and Metro are the same thing?
What is the problem with sources of NOTAMs?
- They may not always be available
- They may not always have all of the different other types of NOTAMS (each source doesn’t have all of them)
Continuation Fuel
“Continuation fuel is the minimum fuel required to complete the route at the planned speeds and altitudes, and it includes the fuel reserves needed to return to base.”
When can you first turn when on a departure?
400’AGL (11-202v3 req.)
140 kts (T-6 req.)
What is the minimum IFR climb gradient?
200’/NM, unless otherwise published
Where can you find mission planning information on bird activity?
What do you need to enter class C & D airspace?
- 2-way radio
- Prior 2-way communication
- Mode C & ADS-B
- 3-5-1-2 or be on an IFR flight plan
(3SM vis, 500’ below, 1k’ above, 2k’ lateral cloud clearance)
What do you need to enter class B airspace?
- 2-way radio
- Explicit ATC clearance to enter
- Mode C & ADS-B
- 3 SM vis + clear of clouds or be on an IFR flight plan
What is lowest they can vector me during training while VFR?
Are ATIS winds True or Mag?
Where can you find information on how to fill out an 1801?
GP ch.4
What are the Wx source priorities for military mission planning?
(Mr. DOF)
* Regional
* DoD
* Other US sources
* Foreign sources
In this order
What is the lowest altitude we can fly Point-to-Point without being on an MTR?
If your filed flight plan ETA changes by ____, you must notify FSS and update your flight plan.
Greater than 30 min.
Where can you find PMSV or METRO freq.s?
FIH section C
Unless authorized or required by ATC, no person may operate an aircraft at or below 2500’ AGL, within 4 NM of a primary airport of class C or D airspace at an indicated airspeed of more than _ kts.
200 KIAS
What is the difference between Course and Heading?
-Course is the ground track under the path of the aircraft
-Heading is the direction the aircraft is pointed, not necessarily where it is going
Where are NAVAID service volumes found?
Per the 11-202v3, ERAA is calculated by adding ___ to the elevation of the highest obstruction to flight within ___ NM…either side of the entire planned route.
1k’ (2k’ in mountainous terrain)
22 NM
(Remember: “the two-oh-two has two twos, just like twenty two”)
What are two source of information on airfields?
Sectional charts
What types of charts can we use to plan Low Levels?
TPCs and Sectional Charts
What is the scale of a TPC?
What is the scale of a Sectional Chart?
SUA Considerations:
Can we fly in a prohibeted area?
No, unless participating in the event for which the prohibited area was created
SUA Considerations:
Can we fly in a Restricted Area?
Yes, but avoid due to hazards within, unless are a participant)
SUA Considerations:
How far around Prohibited/Restricted Areas will you plan your route?
“Plan route of lfight to avoid Prohibited and Restricted areas by 3 NM unless permission has been obtained to operate in that airspace and appropriate ATC facilities are advised.”
From the review slides
SUA Considerations:
What is a warning area?
“Offshore airspace hazardous to non-participant aircraft”
From the review slides
SUA Considerations:
Can we fly in an Active MOA?
“Non-participating IFR aircraft can enter only with ATC clearance; VFR are NOT restricted, butmust exercise “extreme caution” “
From the review slides
SUA Considerations:
What is an Alert Area?
“High volume of pilot training or unusual aerial activity. Be alert.”
From the review slides
SUA Considerations:
What is a Controlled Firing Area?
“Hazardous to aircraft, BUT firing activities are suspended if non-participant aircraft approach area”
From the review slides
AFMAN 11-202v3 requires you to file a flight plan either ….?
On the ground
or, if unable to,
as soon as practical once airborne
Who is responsible for opening and closing the flight plan
- Departing Mil Field IFR? VFR?
- Departing Civ. Towered Field IFR? VFR?
- Departing Civ. Non-Towered field IFR? VFR?
- Opened & Closed for you / Opened & Closed for you
- Opened & Closed for you / Pilot must do both
- Pilot must do both / Pilot must do both
Will a flight plan automatically close?
When looking at airfield information in the IFR Sup you see OBO or PPR required. What are those?
Official Business Only
Prior Permission Required
What is a DD175
Weather Brief on paper
Can VFR aircraft go through MOAs without talking to ATC?
When do you switch NAVAIDs?
At the bend, if any
At the switch point symbol, if any
Otherwise change at halfway
While flying a SID you receive vectors. Is the SID cancelled?
Can you file an 1801 with departure?
With whom may you file an 1801?
Base Ops
1-800 Wx Brief
Can you use ForeFlight for mission planning?
Yes, except you may NOT use the fuel plan.
What is STTO on a Form 70?
Start Taxi Take Off
1 min & 50 lbs
How much do you calculate into P&A?
(Penetration & Approach)
15 min. & 100 lbs
What is the max speed under a Class B shelf?
200 KIAS
What is the max speed within Class B airspace?
250 KIAS
Where are SIDs found
Terminal Procedures Publication
(TPP FLIP or Terminal FLIP)
Who can initiate a flight plan clearance change?
ATC or the Pilot
What is the highest altitude for VFR flight?
17,999’MSL (test answer)
(Actually it’s 17,500’MSL)
Are you allowed to fly an IFR departure with a “Trouble T”?
What is the Wx required to file/depart IFR?
Ceiling & Vis > Lowest compatible appch. min.s
Define Radio Navigation