Columbus T-6 Form Standards Flashcards
The _ will conduct the form brief as specified in Table 1.2
The _ will typically conduct the form debrief
FL or FL’s student
The student who flies with the FL is normally responsible for preparing ___, ___ ,___ , and ___ for the formation.
Mission Obj.s
Lineup Card
Flight Plans
ORM cards
Students will ensure an ___ is signed out and deconflicted prior to form briefs.
Aux freq.
Students are responsible for preparing a ___ IAW the Texanworld Standard ___.
Formation briefing board
Formation Board
Students will brief the ___, ___, and ___ for the EPOD.
-initial actions for each flight member
Students will brief the ITOD corresponding with the ___’s mission number
wingman student
The EPOD and ITOD portions of the brief should take approximately ___ minute(s) each
___ comm.s requires the use of a full callsign e.g., “Texan 11”.
ATC and shared freq. (e.g., Ch 5)
Refer to the ___ freq. as “Prime.”
primary ATC
Use full call signs when communicating on ___ freq.
Include the word “___” in the callsign for initial transmission to a new ATC controller
Refer to the interplane freq. as “___”
Only the ___ will give visual signals
Pilot Flying
The priority for making channel changes is
1 “Push” with no acknowledgement
2 visually
3 “go” with acknowledgement
When “push” comm is combined with any call requiring acknowledgement, wingman will/will not acknowledge
1 will use “___” to refer to airspeeds and “___” to refer to headings on formation sorties.
Call out traffic that is a factor t=for the flight (normally within ___ miles laterally and ___’ vertically).
When calling out traffic, be directive then descriptive, using BRA format. What is BRA format?
e.g. “Libra 21, climb, tally traffic, right one o’clock, one mile, level.”
Use the term “___” when referring to a TAS return
“TAS hit”
e.g. “Libra 21, TAS hit, two o’clock, five miles, one thousand high”
Aircraft and Ground Object Calls within the formation:
Acft external to the form in sight
Aircraft and Ground Object Calls within the formation:
Acft external to the form not in sight
“No joy”
Aircraft and Ground Object Calls within the formation:
Acft within the form in sight
Aircraft and Ground Object Calls within the formation:
Acft within the form not in sight
Aircraft and Ground Object Calls within the formation:
Ground objects in sight
Aircraft and Ground Object Calls within the formation:
Ground objects npt in sight
“Negative Contact”
Aircraft and Ground Object Calls with ATC:
Acft external to the form in sight
“Traffic in sight”
Aircraft and Ground Object Calls with ATC:
Acft external to the form not in sight
“Negative Contact”
“Sweep ATIS” (without a specified position) is directive for ___ to listen to one cycle of ATIS, then return back to the same freq. (or to the directed freq.)
all flight members
“Two, sweep ATIS” (or other specified position) is directive for ___ to listen to ATIS, then return to the req. previously assigned.
that wingman only
Reporting with ATIS comm.s
Lead: “Two, sweep ATIS”
(Two changes freq. and records ATIS, then changes back to Aux freq.)
Two: “Two back up with Alfa”
Lead: “Go with Alfa”
(Two reads ATIS on aux.)
Formation sorties will brief a ___ for use when operating at civil fields.
The following channel changes will occur automatically when operating in the local area:
-Clearance Delivery to Ground
-Ground to Sunfish/Tower at the turn into the hammerhead
-Columbus Appch to Area Monitor at FENCE-in
-Area Monitor to Columbus Appch at FENCE-out
-Sunfish/Tower to Ground upon exiting the runway
Lead should carry the ___ and ___ for the formation. Wingmen will set the ___ to FL’s ___ code and ___ STBY. The wingman will set ___ to STBY.
If only one acft in the form. has an operable TAS, the acft with the functioning TAS may carry the ___ and ___ for the entire sortie.
If a flight split-up is accomplished, the FL will squawk ___.
the original assigned squawk
Having FL in the #1 position prior to coordinating a flight split is:
a. required
b. recommended
c. more difficult
b. recommended
Each acft will have its ___ callsign in the flight ID field of the RMU for the ___ portion of the flight, regardless of ___.
Filed Callsign
Entire Flight
Formation position
Notify the ___ upon arrival at the acft of position in the flight and the location of ___
Crew chief
the other formation acft
Plan to ___ regardless of ITS/WInd Chill conditions unless briefed otherwise. Check-in ___ minutes prior to ___ or as briefed.
Close and Crank
Taxi Time
For formations within visual range, all acft will accomplish the “Cockpit (All Flights)” checklist. Crews will close and crank, After engine start, crews will check ATIS, and tune to ___ and ___. Wingman will pass a ___ to lead when ready for check-in.
clearance delivery
Aux freq.
thumbs up
Lead will check wingmen in on ___ then ___ after the ___ is given prior to calling for clearance.
Thumbs up
On clearance delivery freq., wingmen will acknowledge receipt of clearance with their ___ on ___.
All aircraft will tune to Aux (when?)
as soon as the RMU comes online after engine start
When not at Columbus AFB crews are required to follow the local procedures of where they are located. Crews may be required to request engine start. Formations will incorporate ___ in the formation’s ground ops plan.
Clearance to start
If visual and the other acft encounters a ground-abort situation before engine start, ___ unless FL directs otherwise.
continue with ground ops
If not visual with the other acft and you encounter a ground-abort situation before engine start, report expected delays to lead (when?)
as soon as possible
Prior to calling ground, lead will check flight members in on ___. if lead established a check-in time and additional time is required by wingmen, wingmen will inform lead during the ___ check-in.
e.g., “Libra 22 needs 5 minutes”
For staggered taxi ops on taxiway A, wingmen will stagger how far from centerline?
Wingmen will mirror lead’s offset from centerline
When will the formation auto-push to Sunfish/Tower freq.?
When lead initiates the turn into the hammerhead
When complete with Before Takeoff checklist and ready for takeoff, wingmen will pass ___ to lead.
a thumbs up