Forgetting & Eyewitness Testimony Flashcards
What are the two types of forgetting?
What is unintentional forgetting?
- Where the retrieval of some material in memory leads to the forgetting of related information
- Where the lack of cues causes difficulty to retrieve information
- Consolidation problems
What is encoding specificity?
Probability of retrieving information increases with the overlap between information present at retrieval and information stored in memory - Tulving 1979
What is consolidation
- The process whereby information is fixed in the long-term memory
- Associated with the hippocampus
What two pieces of evidence support the concept consolidation?
- Effect of alcohol on memory
- Retrograde amnesia affects mostly more recent memories
What is the interference theory?
What an individual is currently learning can be disrupted by proactive or retroactive interference
What is proactive interference?
- When what has previously been learnt disrupts current learning
- Most prominent when there is a strong incorrect answer
- High WM associated with reduced interference
- Typically occurs during high attentional demand
What is retroactive interference?
- What will be learnt in the future
- Most pronounced when new learning resembles old learning
What is motivated forgetting?
- Deliberately attempting to forget information
What is directed retrieval?
- Process by which retrieval is impaired when instructions are given to forget some material
- Has been investigated by both item and list methods
What is inhibition?
Engaging in executive control mechanisms to prevent unwanted information from entering consciousness
What is confirmation bias?
- Event memory is distorted by the observer’s expectations
- Expectations are stored in schemas in the LTM and affect our reconstruction of events
How can confirmation bias affect eyewitness testimony?
Lindholm & Christianhon 1998 - Swedish students more likely to identify immigrants as criminals
Name 7 event factora that can affect eyewitness testimony recall
- Cross-race id
- Duration
- Stress
- Lighting conditions
- Number perpetrators
- Violence
- Presence of a weapon (weapon focus)
How can the age of an eyewitness affect recall?
Older eyewitnesses tend to have poorer recall and be more confident with their false information
What is the cross-race id effect?
- Same race faces are better identified due to both expertise and visual cognitive bias against an outgroup
- Effect lessened if they have a lot of experience with another race
What did Loftus and Palmer (1974) find?
- Information presented after can distort eyewitness account
- Asked how fast car was going when hit/smashed into other car, more likely to report broken glass when word ‘smashed’ is used
How does misleading information distort memory?
- Source missatribution (memory improved when source is considered)
- Vacant slot explanation
- Coexistence explanation
- Blend explanation
- Response bias explanation
What two methods have been suggested to improve eyewitness testimony?
- sequential lineup (improves recognition)
- cognitive interview
What is a cognitive interview?
- Reinstates context
- Recall from different perspectives
- Repeated recall using different temporal orders
- Recording all details even minor ones