Coallitions and alliances Flashcards
What social challenges does dealing with multiple individuals bring?
- Sometimes must cooperate/compete with the same individuals
- Repeated interactions over time creates a social relationship with memory of past interactions
Define social interaction?
A behavioural exchange between >2 individuals involving single or multiple exchanges
What are social relationships?
Sum of social interactions over time, can have positive or negative valence
What is a social structure?
Network of social relationships
What are the 3 types of social relationship?
Dominance, kinship and friendship
Define altruism
Behaviour decreasing the actors fitness and increasing another individuals
What is kin selection?
Evolutionary strategy favouring the evolutionary success of an organisms relatives even at cost to an organisms own survival and reproduction
Describe the concept of inclusive fitness
Survival and reproductive success of kin, each relative being valued on the probability of shared genetic information
What are eusocial species?
Species where there is a productive division of labour and some individuals do not reproduce but instead take care of the colony
What are parental care species?
Where there is no division of reproductive labour but helpers can occur
Why is it believed that there is a higher rate of male intervention in hamadryas baboons than in gelada baboons?
In hamadryas baboons females are immigrants and there is low female kinship, hence females can just leave
What is reciprocal altruism?
An evolutionary strategy favouring the reproductive success by receiving payback for services offered at an earlier time
What is the difference between direct, indirect and reciprocal altruism?
direct - expectation that individual will repay altruistic act at a later time
indirect - expectation that witness will repay altruistic act
generalized - recipients of altruistic acts more likely to act to benefit of others
What is calculated reciprocity?
- Tally of exchanges
- High cognitive burden
- Not many examples
What is attitudional reciprocity?
- Based on relationship quality
- Considers last exchange
- Low cognitive burden
Give 4 benefits of sociality
- foraging/food competition
- predator pressure
- access to reproduction
- protection against infanticide
Give two disadvantages of sociality
- Intragroup competition
- Disease transmission
What is the social brain hypothesis?
That keeping track of social relationships requires more neocortex
What is Machiavellian intelligence?
The outcompeting of conspecifics