Forensic Psychiatry Flashcards
- false, frim belief in something which is not a fact
- that false belief persists even after it’s falsity has been demonstrated
Disturbance of consciousness
ie, orientation impaired
- false interpretation
- sense of external object or stimulus which have real existence
False sense of perception without any external object to produce it
- purely imaginary
Types :( 9 ) visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, psychomotor, command, micro/macro-optic, sexual
Sudden & irresistible force
- compelling a person to conscious performance of some action without any motive or forethought
-a sane person control it but insane person have no judgement, no reasioning power, no capacity to understand do things in impulse
- seen in dementia , acute mania epilepsy
Mania definition, types
Def : condition of exaltation (extreme happiness ) of emotions & intellect
Types : acutemania
Classification of insanity
Development of insanity
Forensic medicine definition
Deals with application of medical & paramedical knowledge to aid in administration of disease
- deals with medical aspects of law
Types of delusion
1) grandeur or exaltation [rich-poor]
2) per-sec-ution Or praranoid~poison
3) reference ~strangers looking talking
4) influence ~controlled by others
5) in-fid-elity ~imagines his wife unfaith
6) self reproach ~ past faliures
7) nihilistic - he doesn’t exists
8) hypochondriac al ~exaggarate
Types of impulse 6
1) klepto-mania =steal articles
2) pyro-mania=to set 🔥fire to things
3) mutilomania= to mutilate animals
4) dipso-mania = desire to alcohols
5) sexual impulse = intercourse urge
6) suicidal homicidal impulse
A single idea thought emotion is constantly entetained by a person which he recognize as irrational
- it is a disorderof content of thought
-seen on neurotic people
Excessive or irrational fear of particular object or situation
- they may develop to any object or situation
1) acro-phobia
2) nycto-phobia
3) claustrophobia
4) mysophobia
5) xenophobia
1) acro fear of high place
2) nycto fear of darkness
3) claustro fear of staying in close space or confines space
4) myso fear of filthy or contamination
5) xeno fear of stranger s
6) agaro fear of large open space
Lucid interval
This is a period of insanity during which all the symptoms of insanity are disappeared completely
-they can able to judge soundly
- this period varies from person to person &from tym to tym in same person
Oneiroid state or one-iro-phrenia
It is a dream like state which lasts for days weeks
-patient suffers from mental mental confusion illusion hallucinations disorientation anxiety
-Occur in delirium early schizophrenia
Twilight state or psychomotor automatism
-state of ⬇️awareness of acts of short duration he has no recollection
- patients may do some automatic acts in aggressive way &suffers from visual hallucinations
-seen in epilepsy
It is an integrated organization of
1) attitude
2) perception
3) emotions
4) behavior
5) habits
And person relating to others &to himself
Characterised by
1) self dramatisation
2) excessive emotionality
3) attention seeking behavior
Typicals of this condition are
1) egocentric
2) demanding interpersonal relationship💏
Person who is neither insane not menatally defective but fails to conform to normal standard of behavior
-they have abnormal personality, behave anti social disruptive manner
- defect appear to be moral rather psychological or neurological
Types of psychopath
1) predominantly aggressive
2) predominately inadequate education or training
3) predominantly moral &mental deficiency