refers to the branch of chemistry that deals with the application of chemical theories and principles in the solution of legal problems in relation to the administration of justice.
Forensic chemistry
The word “forensic” is derived from the Latin word ‘’’’, which means “of the forum,” or speaking the truth in public.
, an ancient philosopher widely considered as the father of modern science, was probably the first to study poisons.
Socrates was sentenced to death by drinking “””, a highly poisonous plant.
, a very poisonous metallic element
conducted studies on various methods employed to detect certain types of vegetable poisons in the body.
Belgian chemist Jean Servais Stas (1813–1891)
is best known for his work in determining the atomic weights of the elements
Jean Servais Stas
who discovered the first reliable method for identifying human blood in 1863
Christian Friedrich Schönbein
, who developed another test for the presence of blood at about the same time.
Dutch chemist Izaak van Deen
invented the Marsh test for arsenic
James Marsh
who also made several significant contributions to the new science of fingerprinting.
Edmond Locard (1877–1966)
He is best known for exchange principle, which has been adopted as one of the tenets of forensic science. The principle holds that “every contact leaves a trace,” or that every contact between two objects results in an exchange of traces between them
Edmond Locard
first person to conduct experiments on the effects of poisons.
Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure Orfila
The role of fingerprinting in the field of forensic science was established with the publication of the first scientific book on fingerprinting in 1892.
Sir Francis Galton: Finger Prints
deals with the application of science to legal matters and crime-solving.
Forensic science