Forensic - Area 5 Flashcards
What did the CSEW state about crime rates ?
2010 to 2016= found crime fell by 35% due to better preventative stratergies.
What did the CSEW state the 6 key drivers of crime were ?
Opportunity, character, drugs, profit and effectiveness of criminal justice system.
What was Newman’s theory of defensive space ?
Stated that when residential areas have little or npc defensible space, residents will be less satisfied with their neighbourhood leading to an increase in crime.
What were the factors that Newman looked ?
Territoriality, natural surveillance, image and milieu.
What were the IVs during Newman experiment ?
IV1 = Van Dyke (high rise flats)
IV2 = Brownsville (walk up buildings with courtyards in the middle )
What was the method of Newmans experiment ?
Quasi experiment using an IMD each with a similar social density of 288.
What were the results of Newman’s experiment ?
Van Dyke had higher levels of crime and graffiti compared to Brownsville. Newman used physical design of buildings as an explanation of why there was differences in crime rates.
What did Zimbardo look at ?
Abandoned 2 similar cars in the Bronx and Palo Alto.
What were the results in the Bronx of Zimbardo ?
Within 10 min people began to steal parts and then became a source of entertainment.
What were the results in Palo Alo of Zimbardo ?
Nothing happened until Zimbardo smashed a window. Then became damaged.
What was the Broken Windows theory ?
Stated a window broken remains unrepaired, that vandals will soon break the remaining windows. This sends a signal that no one is in charge and there is no responsibility. Metaphor of ways that behavioural responses break down in society.
What was Bratton’s zero tolerance policy ?
Policing strategy to prevent anti-social norms. Involves maintenance and aggressive law enforcement against minor crimes not just serious ones.
What did Bratton do because he noticed fare evaders ?
Sent 8-10 officers onto subways to make 10-20 arrests for fare evading to show that they wouldn’t get away with it.
What were the results for Bratton’s zero tolerance policy ?
Arrests for serious crimes went down by 25%. Bratton and Kelling gave credit to zero tolerance policy. Quickly adopted across the country. Crime fell in US for 5 consecutive years.
What was the Newark experiment?
Involed 5 police officers out of patrol cars to walk the streets. After 5 years an evaluation of foot patrols showed they had not reduced crime but there was others benefits such as building positive community relationships.
What were foot patrol officers ?
There to enforce law and protect the neighbourhood rules for public order.
Did foot patrol officers work ?
Yes as communities feel reassured when the police help maintain order to reduce fear of crime.
Did Broken windows theory work ?
Many residents keep of the streets and want to move away. Areas vulnerable to drugs can generate criminal activity.
What are community controls ?
Disorderliness weakens the connection between community control and people. Reinforces informal control mechanisms of the community.
Does community controls work ?
People who fear the drunk and gangs of youth are in effect the first broken window. Police need to reinforce mechanisms of the community.
What were the new developments in policing ?
Role had changed from maintaining order to detecting and apprehending criminals.
Do new developments in policing work ?
Society wanted police to have legal tools to remove undesirable people form neighbourhoods. Society has to decide want constitutes an undesirable person and what behaviours should be criminalised.
What was ensuring police treat people fairly ?
Selection and training and suspension of police is important but there are issues with stretched resources.
Does ensuring police treat people fairly work ?
Newark experiment suggested to use informal social control methods such as community rules and agreements to employ citizen patrols.
What is maintaining order ?
Identify neighbourhood that need most support and allocate patrols and private security where public order is deteriorating but not unclaimable.
Does maintaining order work ?
Police should used public transport to enforce roles on drinking and disorderly conduct. Eg private security guards.
What is neighbourhood watch ?
Response to Kitty Genovese. They work under NHWN nationally alongside local police and services.
How does neighbourhood watch work ?
Neighbours discuss and find who Is interested. Contact NHWN to register association and consider what they want to achieve regarding to crime. Coordinator is appointed who acts as key contact between police and scheme members.
What is the ‘pulling levers’ theory ?
Deterrence theory that was Framework by Kennedy. It perceives the cost of committing the crime to outweigh the benefits.
How does the ‘pulling levers’ theory work ?
Selecting particular crimes and pulling together a law enforcing group and including police and probation to deal with it. Key identifiers are identified and law enforcement operation is directed at those offenders. Police communicate with offender to let them know they are under scrutiny and are deterred from committing future crimes.