Forearm muscles review Flashcards
What layer of the anterior forearm is the pronator teres muscle located??
superficial (med. n)
What layer of the anterior forearm is the palmaris longus muscle located??
superficial (med n)
What layer of the anterior forearm is the flexor carpi radialis muscle located??
superficial (med n)
What layer of the anterior forearm is the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle located??
superficial (ulnar n)
What layer of the anterior forearm is the Flexor digitorium superficialis muscle located??
intermediate (med n)
What layer of the anterior forearm is the Flexor digitorum prfundus muscle located??
deep (median and ulnar)
What layer of the anterior forearm is the flexor pollicic longus muscle located??
deep (median/ anterior interosseous)
What layer of the anterior forearm is the pronator quadratus muscle located??
deep (median/ anterior interosseous)
What layer of the posterior forearm is the brachioradialis muscle located??
radialis (superfifial group)
What layer of the posterior forearm is the extensor carpi radialis longus muscle located??
radialis (superfifial group)
What layer of thePosterior forearm is the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle located??
radialis (superficial group)
What layer of thePosterior forearm is the extensor digitorum muscle located??
What layer of thePosterior forearm is the extensor digiti minimi muscle located??
What layer of thePosterior forearm is the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle located??
supinator extensor policis longus extensor incidis abductor policis longus extensor pollicis brevis
deep and posterior muscles of the forarm