Forearm and hand 2 Flashcards
What are the function of these sheaths?

Prevent tendons from bowstringing.

What is the fibrous sheath that makes the carpal tunnel?
What are the contents of the carpal tunnel?
What lies above the flexor retinaculum?
Flexor retinaculum.
The Ulnar nerve and ulnar artery run above the flexor retinaculum.

What is the extensor hood and where is it found?

What are the thenar and hypothenar muscles and what digits do they act on?
Thenar: flexor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis brevis and opponents pollicus.
Hypothenar muscles: flexor digiti minimi, abductor digiti minimi, opponens digiti minimi.

What is the function of the lumbricals, where do they insert?
Insert into the radial side of the extensor expansion.
flexon at MCP joint and extension of IP joint.

What is the function of the interossei muscles?
Palmar: adduct the the fingers.
Dorsal: abduct the fingers.
Both: Flexion at MCP joint and extension of IP joint.

What is the difference between the hook grip and powergrip?
Powergrip requires opposition.

Arch of aorta gives off 3 main branches.
The __________, the ____________ and the ____________.
Right_______then gives off the right _________ and right ___________.
Goes into the auxillary (has 2 branches called the anterior and posterior ______________) which wind around the neck of the humerus. ________ is next, supplies blood to the _______ compartment of the arm, gives a branch called ______ artery which travels behind the shaft of the humerus (has a nerve also following it called ______ nerve). Brachial artery goes into the forearm where it divides into the ________ and _______ artery on the anterior forearm.
Ulnar gives off a branch called the ________ artery again divides into _________ and ___________ artery. ______ provides all the muscles in the posterior compartment. The __________ and ________ artery are responsible for supplying the anterior compartement of the forearm a long with the ________ artery.
(just know how the compartments are supplied, not the individual muscles).
Arch of aorta gives off 3 main branches.
The right brachiocephalic trunk, the left subclavian and the left carotid.
Right brachio then gives off the right subclavian and right caroitd.
Goes into the auxillary (has 2 branches called the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries) which wind around the neck of the humerus. Surgical neck fracture important when considering the circumflex humoral arteries. Brachial artery next, supplies blood to the anterior compartment of the arm, gives a branch called profundi/deep brachial artery which travels behind the shaft of the humerus (has a nerve also following it called brachial nerve). Brachial artery goes into the forearm where it divides into the radial and ulnar artery on the anterior forearm.
Ulnar gives off a branch called the common interosseus artery again divides into anterior and posterior interosseus artery. Posterior interosseous provides all the muscles in the posterior compartment. The anterior interosseous and ulnar artery are responsible for supplying the anterior compartement of the forearm a long with the radial artery.

What is the blood supply of the hand?
The superficial and deep palmar arch which are extensions of the radial and ulnar artery.

Which of these veins is blood normally taken?

Median cubital vein.