FOQM Flashcards
API Specific Gravity Test
American Petroleum Institute Specific Gravity Test
- Uses hydrometer.
- Estimates heat value with ratio of volume of fuel equal to the volume of water.
- non-DoD and Foreign sources.
F-76 Sampling Requirements
- Receipt of fuel.
- Refueling Start, midpoint, endpoint, and every 15mins during refueling.
- Before transfer to service tanks.
- Weekly while in storage tanks.
- Monthly for fuel in gravity head tanks.
- Service tanks BS&W test 1 hour before use.
- Weekly while in service tanks.
- Fuel purifier discharge, 5 minutes after start up, and every 30 minutes after.
- Filter separator discharge.
What is the sediment limit for the Filter Separator discharge?
2.64 mg/L
What are the CCFD limits?
2.64 mg/L
Where are the storage tank samples taken from?
Stripping tanks
Where do we take samples when transferring from storage to service tanks?
Transfer pump discharge.
What are the F/O sediment limits?
DoD 0.1%
Non-DoD 0.05%
What are the JP-5 sampling requirements?
- Sponson Sample: at start up and every 15 minutes- visual
- Storage tank sampling pump discharge: During stripping- visual.
- Purifier/transfer filter discharge: start up and every 15 minutes- visual.
- Filter sump: start up and every 4 hours during operation- no solids.
- Reclamation filter: start up and ever 15 minutes- visual.
- Service tank stripping discharge: daily underway, monthly in port- BS&W.
- Purifier/transfer filter discharge: before refueling and every 4 hours during operation- BS&W,
- Service tank stripping: daily underway, monthly in port- BS&W, FSII.
What is a FSII test?
Fuel Service Ice Inhibitor
What is the designed flow rate during refueling?
3000 GPM
6000 GPM- with two risers.
GTG burn rate?
250 GPH
Why do we conduct the API specific gravity test?
For stability and to ensure we are receiving the correct fuel.
How far do we fill F/O service and storage tanks?
95% underway
80% inport
What are the JP-5 sampling limits?
2.0 mg/L
F-76 sampling requirements?
- Receipt of fuel
- Refueling: start/mid/end points and every 15 minutes during.
- Before transfer from storage to service.
- Gravity feed tanks- monthly.
- Service tanks 4 hours prior to use.
- F/O purifier discharge 5 minutes after start up and every 4 hours.
What types of fuel does BENFOLD carry?
DFM (F-76) and JP-5 (F-44)
What is the minimum flashpoint for DFM and JP-5?
140* F
What is the max BS&W for F/O?
- 1% sediment for DoD
0. 05% for Non-DoD
What is the max tank percentage we are allowed to fuel underway and inport?
95% underway
80% inport
How many fuel storage tank groups do we have and how many storage tanks do we have?
6 tanks groups.
21 storage tanks.
What is the max F/O fill rate at sea and inport?
1000 GPM underway.
400 GPM inport
What is the designed flow rate of the deck connection?
3000 GPM
6000 GPM with two risers
What is the criteria for a service tank sample?
Clear and Bright
What is clear and bright?
Clear: Absence of sediment
Bright: free of water